
Insider's Guide to Skydive Chicago and Summerfest

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Now, now.

My point was that skydiving by it's very nature is not something in which you'd be corrupting anyone else's children by giving an occasional "Him! Him!" chant on the way to altitude.

Skydivers may be somewhat childish from time-to-time, but with very few exceptions are generally legal adults.

Just out of curiosity, what would the MPAA rating be on the language at SDC? PG-13? R?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Last Summer
fest I was camping and stepped into the woods and stumbled across a
regulars stash. It was growing in nice potted pots and it was something that
I hope to never see on a DZ again.

There's lots of stuff grown in the woods in Illinois, in corn fields, County Forest Preserves and State Parks even. The police have big fires to burn up what they find with some regularity. This is a society thing, not a DZ thing. Given Roger's history and the fact that he's under the microscope all the time, do you *really* see him condoning this?

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SDC is NOT like being in church, Paul. I'd say that the language is not much different than I hear in the corridors here in college between classes. It's just that someone being really offensive or potty mouthed is generally asked to cool it.

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Yeah, they haven't run me off the DZ with my usage of such wonderful cultural expressions as 'bloody hell', 'lord t'underin' jezez' and 'I can guaren-gawd-damn-tee ya..' intermixed with the ocassional run of the mill Yank 4-letter explictatives.

My personal take was that they just don't want regulars (especially anyone in a 'staff' t-shirt) yelling it across the hanger or landing area when they got families with kids milling about waiting for thier spouse/kid/relative to do thier first tandem. Good business sense if you ask me - jumpers might be thick skinned, but there is no guarentee the whuffo relatives of first timers will be the same, though.

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My personal take was that they just don't want regulars (especially anyone in a 'staff' t-shirt) yelling it across the hanger or landing area when they got families with kids milling about waiting for thier spouse/kid/relative to do thier first tandem. Good business sense if you ask me - jumpers might be thick skinned, but there is no guarentee the whuffo relatives of first timers will be the same, though.

And to me this seems reasonable.

Like I said, a policy for staff would not only be reasonable, but not a bad idea for business.

I would think that most reasonable people know there's a difference between when there are kids around and when there isn't.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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you know, I was actually looking forward to going to SDC for Nationals before I heard this. The only choice I would have in this matter is NOT to compete and that is NOT an option. THIS puts a different light on things. Something about the First Amendment rings in here... And before something is said about saying "shit" or "fuck" offending them, maybe someone wearing pink or drinking beer or wearing a mullet or having a screaming kid offends me. The staff policy is understandable....employers make the rules.

By the way, is there a bar on site? I mean, is beer allowed on the dz at all? I'm just curious as to what else to expect at SDC during Nationals.

this should be a hoot,

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arlo -
did you read the rest of the thread? they're just trying to keep people from being overly-vulgar (ie shouting across the hanger) I don't think they're going to kick you off the dropzone for swearing. It sounds like more of a "positive peer-pressure" more than anything (which hopefully translates well to other areas)

as far as beer - unless it's changed, yes, they do serve beer all day long at the 'deli' (none for you if you're jumping) and they have a pretty snazzy bar upstairs that I'm sure they'll open up.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Yes, I read the rest of the thread. I think my point is missed. If i'm offended by someone's actions (i.e. a slobbering drunk), I can choose to ignore it or go somewhere else. Who defines "overly vulgar"? I totally see what you're trying to say, and all I'm trying to say is that it shouldn't be stated as a "dz policy" if it's just a "suggested behavior." I accept people for who they are and I do not try to invoke peer pressure-positive, negative, or otherwise- to get people to conform to my way of thinking or my behavior patterns (thank god for that). That's what makes us individuals.


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I do not try to invoke peer pressure-positive, negative, or otherwise- to get people to conform to my way of thinking or my behavior patterns

Hmmm...well...I think a little peer pressure is good sometimes. Like last weekend when someone put on "Full Metal Jacket" in the middle of the day, with numerous tandem students, and children in the hangar. One of the DZ staff politely asked if they could put something else on due to the language. I didn't see a problem with that at all. We have to remember that even though the DZ is our place to have fun, it's also a place of business. Whether we like it or not we need to display some more reserved behavior when the "General Public" is around. Now...after the beer light comes on....most bets are off!!! B| Also, if it's a safety hazard...such as drinking or using drugs during the day once again....I don't see a problem with some peer pressure. It doesn't have to be rude and most of the time just a slight mention of the subject to the person gets the job done.

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I believe we have different definitions of "peer pressure." Having DZ staff ask to change the movie seems to me to be a suggestion. Peer pressure would be "go ahead...everyone else is having one more beer" or "35 sq ft less won't make that much of a difference...what are you afraid of?" Do you see what i'm getting at here?
I said I didn't try invoking peer pressure....I didn't say I wouldn't give my opinion. If someone is being an idiot (which is, in most cases, a subjective thing), I will tell them that I think they're doing something idiotic in no uncertain terms....and you're right, it doesn't have to be rude. But I will not PRESSURE them to quit being an idiot...I would just try to INFORM them of the consequences of their actions. If they continue to do things that are not in his/her best interest, then he/she is responsible for his/her own actions. Being able to play devil's advocate is a good thing.

I think that it's strictly a matter of semantics in this case...


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Well, I can't make it to Summer Fest. But everyone should enjoy Spacelands Super Otter. It is leaving today to head up there. It's the one with Blue bottom, white top and a red stripe down the middle.!
Enjoy! Oh, and it should be ok, because it doesn't use curse words!

You might be a skydiver if... Your having sex and she whispers in your ear "I've never done this before" and you yell out "Case of Beer"

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