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You finally get over that Goldschlagger Zofo?

- Loco Azul

Yes. but not without some pain!:( The Goldschlager was a BAD idea after the night I'd already had!

How long did we party once we got to the campsite? My memory of that night is a little sketchy.:$


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In an effort to get this thread back on track, I present a 1.3mb Windows media file here
I believe that was JC on the quad, and Clint is the 'passenger'

Zofo - I don't know, you guys were already at the camp when I met up with you... you were doing a good job holding the truck up though ;)
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Hey, that was pretty cool!

Since sunshine mentioned the Rodriguez and Muff Bro's what kind of jumps did you guys do to get in with the chosen? what's your rodriguez name?

I don't know how they choose the names but I will be forever more known as Tot Rodriguez.. Ehh But just thinking about that night makes me smile:)

The muff dives were so much fun! About twelve of us jumped with an aligator and then we did a magic carpet ride. Whoa! I'm with Sky rose at the eternal beer line for this years convention. So many new things.

Peace and Blue skies

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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Well, this doesn't seem to fit the weekend numbers thread....so....here's some convention numbers:
"what happens in rantoul, stays in rantoul":62:tons

Some firsts:
Doing the whole front front float thing (wasn't as bad as I expected....I thought I'd fall off trying to get there.) Did a speed star competition (got second....absolutely NO thanks to me for that!) Hit 11 jumps in a day (no I didn't pack all of em.)

Other fun things:
I am now PUTA RUBIA RODRIGUEZ! Zofo helped me initiate one of my friends actually....didn't know that was you sitflyr. (Although, you made me look bad! He said I have a lot to learn from you!)
Sunshine and I had a blast in some grocery carts.
JELLO SHOTS!!! Mmmmmm......
Raider came to wake me up for the "Dirty Bird" load...in classic convention style, I wasn't there, but some strange guy was. At least someone got use out of my tent that night.
As many have said, Rhino was a pleasant surprise....I didn't expect him to be so cute!
I got great video of my jump from the helicopter in my I Dream of Jeannie costume!
Any other girls still thinking about that Hot Buns competition????

Overall.....a wonderful time had by all. Ran into old friends and met many new ones. Most of my jumps were made with an organizer from New England. I got some flack from some about not jumping with them, but what can you do. I came back to some upsetting news and have zero regrets about setting that week aside as "me time." I learned a bunch, partied much, and had a very memorable week. What's the countdown to the next one??????

Puta Rubia

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Welcome Back, Rob!

I just want to tell you that very few people surprise me in such a positive way. I really enjoyed my time with you. Even without the WEdnesday night fiasco, I admire who you are and what you believe in.

I am SOOOO glad I got a chance to meet you and jump with you. I am looking forward to our paths crossing again.


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It's gonna take me a couple weeks at least to recover. Didn't really do much new in the way of aircraft. I had already jumped C-130's, helicopters, Mullin's King Air before. I guess my only first there was the Skyvan. The toaster absolutely rocks!!! Even with the door drama ;) Sorry Jess...... The helicopter was pretty fun. Especially the video I have of my side of the helicopter being all unstable. Unfortunately I was too far away to have the boobie out in free fall on my video. ;) I almost got my first "Mind Warp" on a sit flyer. Unfortunately, I barely missed the first attempt and the person chickened out and backed away. Oh well....I'll get it one of these days. Met lots of very cool DZ dot commers and picked up a pretty special souvenir for Sangiro. It's much better than JUST a convention shirt. It'll take me a few weeks to get the shirt out and the accompanying video posted so be patient!!! It's really good!!!!! Final words on the convention "WHAT A FUCKIN PARTY!!!!" If you didn't make it this year, you best start saving now for next year!!! I'll see you in Rantoul in 2003!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Glad I was a positive suprise :) Thank you for your compliments B| You were pretty cool yourself!

God I want to go skydiving!!

Here is my breakdown for the week.

1 - c130
2 - helicopter jumps
1 - balloon jump
1 - bi-plane jump
1 - high altitude jump
35 - regular jump tickets, mostly out of Mike's King Air so I could head to the swoop pond and get my feet wet :D I liked it because I was first out of the plane!

So 41 jumps total in 7 days.. MUCHO FUN!! I got inniated into the Rodriguez brothers parented by Andy Anderson "a swoop god" as "Segador, THE REAPER" Rodriguez. That was kind of cool. A REALLY good looking famale I didn't know doing a body shot off of me? Cool! VAL, that was suppose to be your job lady!! But that's o.k. I forgive you [:/]

Also had my Z1 and my jumpsuit stolen? What the hell? The bytch helped me pick out a new Rw suit and some Freefly pants. So if anyone doesn't like them she is partly to blame B| Love you Bytch :P

God what a fun week.. I didn't want to go home.. I still don't want to be home. Let's all go back to Rantoul and set up shop! lol


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I am now PUTA RUBIA RODRIGUEZ! Zofo helped me initiate one of my friends actually....didn't know that was you sitflyr. (Although, you made me look bad! He said I have a lot to learn from you!)

It was great meeting you, Val! Do you remember what I told ya about the "technique"?;)
Now you must go forth and initiate more bastard love children into the brotherhood!


Any other girls still thinking about that Hot Buns competition????

Yes! The guy that won is from my home dz....I'll never look at him the same way again.:o
Actually, Cazadora (winner of the "no t-shirt" contest is also from my home dz, so it was quite a night for us.

Love that Jeanie costume, Puta Rubia...bet you'll be on the boogie video!B|


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The bytch helped me pick out a new Rw suit and some Freefly pants. So if anyone doesn't like them she is partly to blame Love you Bytch

Anybody gives you shit about your new suits, you send 'em to me. I'll set 'em straight ;)

Love you too Rob, and glad to see you back here. Guess this means I can toss the IP address huh? :ph34r:

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Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that one of 'em was yours

Yep....thanks Jumpilot01...he got me right up on the step up to that stage. One of the girls was even nice enough to take my camera and get some great views of the crowd as well as some "special" close ups.....B|

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Yeah,, Toss the IP :) Bet you didn't think you would ever utter the words "glad to see you back here" to me did you.. lol

You are one bad ass tracker!!!! I have nothing but ;) REALLY good things to say about you :o My God what a rack.. lol I would dock on you anyday baby!!

For those that didn't show up.. YOU MISSED OUT!!! B| hahaha

Oh.. And one more thing.. Anyone messes with the Bytch will have to deal with me! lol


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And you do know what puta means in English, right? (not that it's bad, just so ya know.)

It means both bitch and whore. As in...the closest translation to bitch that you'll find, but with an extra special meaning to it.

So, what's that do to my angel rating (though, I'm pretty sure that any angel status of mine has been flushed down the toilet after last week.):o
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Val...what goes at WFFC stays at WFFC. B| I think you did just fine.....;)

What a great sum up of Rantoul.

Another great quote I just remembered: I can't stay with just one guy all night!!! (I think the Bytch will remember that...)

Here's a picture of me and Mr. Hot Buns man himself. He's a nice guy who helped me set up my tent....and boy can he shake it!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning


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were you welcomed into the family on the first friday (or saturday) of the convention? It already seems so long ago.... hmm Can't wait till next year. Good thing Richmond is comming up. That will be fun too! Maybe a different kind of fun but still fun.

If I am right, I was initiated just a few after you. Not by you though.. Too bad ... too bad.

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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