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I love animals

YOU HAVE NO IDEA! I'm a huge animal lover...and living things all together. I won't kill a fly in my house. I'll capture it and put it outside. My ONLY exception is cockroaches....I'll put a bowl over them and make my boyfriend get them. I can't STAND them...but that is THE ONLY exception. I love animals soooooo much. I'm every dog in our neighborhood's "auntie carrie." I take them all to the beach and swim w/ them...ha ha ha. I have a key to more people's houses to come play w/ their animals than you'd ever believe. I have two kitties and I want a dog and a salt water fist tank, but right now, my house is not big enough for a dog. I'd like to adopt a greyhound but my boyfriend wants a boxer.

I wanted to be a marine vet my ENTIRE life since I could talk until I went to UF and took my first chemistry class. Sadly, I had to WORK for an A in that class and didn't want my whole college course life to be like that, so I switched my major in my first semester. I'd still love to be a vet, though. But instead, I'll sell pharmaceuticals and make enough money to have a lot of pets;).

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1. I love vegetables so much that I eat every last one out of any dish before eating anything else.
2. I love to drive like a speed demon...but get freaked out when anyone else does.
3. I love bad boys...and always end up getting hurt in the end by them. Why, oh why, can't I learn my lesson on this?
4. I absolutely love sex...and have a hard time finding men that are as sensual, wild and crazy as I am.
5. My mom is my absolute best friend...and I share everything with her...yes, even the stories of me waking up in very strange places at the drop zone after too much alcohol.
6. I am addicted to Pepperidge Farm Goldfish!!!
7. I have been single so long...I don't remember how to cook.
8. I kill any houseplant that enters my house.
9. I have the responsibilities of a 40 year old...but live like a 21 year old.
10. I love sports cars.
11. I love going to sporting events.
12. I shoot weapons.

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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and living things all together. I won't kill a fly in my house. I'll capture it and put it outside. My ONLY exception is cockroaches

Actually bugs don't get much love from me. Most of them are small, fast, and agilly enough that i consider thier life worth the challenge of trying to smash em. Plus they usually only have a natural life of a few days anyway. Execpt spiders, I usually won't kill them.

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Ha ha ha...any living thing gets my love, but I'M JUST A HUGE animal lover. I was always pissed at Bin Laden, but since I've seen the video on Time.com of Alqueda gassing a golden retriever, NOW I'M REALLY PISSED! I wanted to join the peace corps after high school to help stop poaching in Africa and join the group that kidnaps the bears in asia, before they can cook them alive...they told me I needed a college degree before I could join. Of course, since then I've met my boyfriend...I still consider, though. That shit pisses me off. I understand different cultures have different practices...but poaching and cooking bears alive is not a cultural thing and it pisses me off.

Okay, this thread just took a whole new turn....so getting back on subject:

I'm unique b/c I don't cry during the news when someone was murdered (I just feel bad) but if an animal was injured, I'm outright bawling about it.

Also, unique b/c I sing AND dance to most television commercials w/out even realizing it. It's just a natural habit, I guess.

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1. I'm actually mentioned in a book that was written about the 1969 Mets winning the world series.

2. I have had quite a few near death experiences, but never broke a bone (do fractures count?).

3. I have met and partied with both Billy Joel and Elton John at the same time.

4. Tom Seaver, former pitcher and now Hall of Famer once pitched baseballs to me.

5. Told off some anti-american protestors on the streets of London last November. Being a New Yorker, they just pissed me off!

6. I can get into almost any kind of music.

7. Totally allergic to seafood but grew up on the water.

8. I actually think Clay is funny!:D


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I didn't know you needed a college education to join the peace corps.
Do they eat the bears they cook? Are you a vegetarian? I really don't understand sport hunting( i can admire an animal much more in its natural habitat then stuffed an stuck on someones wall)but i eat meat and love it. So im ok with killing for food and clothing as long a the majority of the carcus is used and not wasted. Bit of a double standard, blurred lines.

but never broke a bone

Fell off a slide at 18months, hair line fracture left elbow. Nothing since then but my elbow makes a funny popping noise when moved through the range of motion under load.

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Yup, you need a college degree, or can prove you are almost done w/ college and will have a degree to join the peace corps.

Yup, they have this huge oven and stick the bears in ALIVE and cook them to death and then eat them. It's considered a delicacy but it's not cultural. For instance, in this one culture, it's tradition to clamp a monkey down and cut open his brain and eat the contents while the monkey is alive. I HATE the idea of it, but it's a long custom of the culture of these people and the rest of the monkey is later used for something so while I CAN'T STAND THE THOUGHT, I wouldn't try to actively stop them from doing it. The bear, on the other hand, is not a cultural thing, it's just a delicacy and not only that, they cook them ALIVE. The least they could do is kill it quickly, first before putting it in the oven, ya know? I'm VERY AGAINST it.

My turned vegetarian when I was 10, however, I have low blood sugar and the proten supplements just weren't cutting it for my health. I now eat fish and chicken and wear leather shoes. I believe in the food chain and believe it's natural for man to eat animals. I have a problem w/ how much meat each year goes to waste and how many animals, then, die for no reason. Also, the human only requires a small serving of meat a day and a lot of people eat sausage for breakfast, a burger for lunch and a steak dinner. I don't agree w/ that. My not eating it, isn't b/c I don't believe in eating meat, it's to make up, in a small way, for the people who abuse it. I avoid fur and animal skin products but there are some things, you can't just get quality w/out buying animal so a lot of my nice shoes are leather and I have some leather belts. If I can, however, I avoid it.

That is all just how I feel, though...I don't judge others and my boyfriend orders steak every time we go out to dinner. I'll admit, I ate a bite of his roast beef sandwich the other day. Ha ha ha. I NEVER craved it after I quit eating it 12 years ago. However, sometimes, now being around my boyfriend, when he orders things, it brings back memories b/c i really used to LOVE baby back ribs and roast beef sandwiches and pepperoni on my pizza. So far, the bit of roast beef is the only temptation I gave into.

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If you don't eat your meat you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!

God help the people that don't get that reference. ;)

Floyd r00lz!!!!

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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I'm with you, and not eating red meat. Stopped quite a few years ago, but I do eat fish, chicken, shellfish and pork (rarely). I really miss the roast beef sandwiches too! I also miss cheeseburgers, but I haven't given in to either of them!


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I really respect that...you waited until you thought you were ready...right on

Thank you....Actually I was ready a loooooooong time before. I just waited until I found someone I really cared about and who really cared about me. My body is a prize for some lucky guy, not a toy in a cracker jack box that anybody can have for $1:P.

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Did it make you ill? I can't eat meat without it making me ill.

Nah, I don't think the one bite could hurt me. Maybe if I ate the whole sandwich.....it was a beef and chedder....WHO CAN RESIST A BEEF AND CHEDDER??? I was satisfied w/ my bite and then I went on to devore my mozerella sticks:P.....MMMMMMM....I LOVE THOSE DAMN THINGS!

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