
Restricted Articles on British Airways...

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Was looking on british airway's website about baggage restrictions, they list "dry ice" , "christmas crackers" and "cooking oil" as no,nos.

Can someone explain to me why:
A) dry ice & cooking oil are no nos
B) what the hell a christmas cracker is



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dry ice = combustible

Hmmm, quite the opposite.

Actually dry ice is CO2 in a solid state. When it sublimates to a gas, it displaces oxygen.

This could be potentially dangerous to life in an area that is not well ventilated such as an aircraft cabin.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Actually, Dry-Ice is considered a "dangerous good" or "hazardous material" for the purposes of shipping. This is due to the fact that it is CO2 and a buildup of CO2 can be a bad thing for passengers in confined spaces. If you are wondering why it would be an issue, dry-ice is used quite regularly to keep foods and other perishables fresh while in transit, particularly when travelling great distances. (Trivia: FedEx ships thousands of pounds of dry-ice on a daily basis.) So it is quite common to find passengers carrying it aboard their flights.


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Both airlines that I have worked for used dry ice to keep ice cream cold until we served it. I would then put some of it in a glass with a little water and let the "smoke" run over. Really messed with a 727 crew once when it slipped into the cockpit ...accidentally. :) I had no idea back seaters were so jumpy.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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