
Frankenotter Groundlooped!

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This quote appeared in a weekly DZ newsletter: "So... there I was, beautiful Saturday, getting all geared up for my fourth jump, and someone runs into the hangar yelling "HOLY S**T!!!!!
Frankenotter just groud looped!!!" Picture below... The landing gear snapped on the left side on landing. All is fine, though.
It should be repaired and flying back to CSS today. More importantly, noone got hurt. Mario is an AWESOME pilot for saving it from more extensive

Anyway, thought I would pass this along since I hadn't seen it anywhere.

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That was my quote, and I posted it on here on monday or something... anyhow, here's the pic if you missed it... Damage was minimal, thanks to Mario the pilot.

Did I just kill another thread?


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Why did the landing gear come off in the first place? You know, DeHavilland built the Otter like a tank. The landing gear doesn't "just fall off" randomly. "Shit" does NOT happen all the time.

Anyone care to explain this?
Chris Schindler
FB #4125

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well, driver, i'm no expert, nor am I a pilot, but what the machanic told me in passing is that there was a crack under a weld that "couldn't have been seen". When I went to check it out, it didn't look like it just "decided" to snap off... there looked like the was rust run-off near the break...

That's about all I know. Like I said, I'm no expert...I attached a pic of the gear, this may illuminate someone with a little more knowledge...

Did I just kill another thread?

2-broken gear.jpg

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Like I said, I'm NO expert!!!!! And the last thing I want is something like this to ruin otter boogies in Canada!

We rarely get the chance to jump an otter here, and now people down south are getting wiser and sending them up during their "slow" season. I hope this won't stop because of what happened!

Did I just kill another thread?

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Dammitt....BLAME CANADA!!! They broke the Frankenotter!!! Those bastards!!!!

Don't blame Canada. Painting it is what cursed it. They should've just left it alone to be ugly. Maybe they used Canadian paint....hmm


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Painting it is what cursed it.

Right....it's all because of a big curse. Has nothing to do with inspections. Right.

[safety bitch hairs on back of kneck now standing straight up]


Chris is correct. The metal skin and welded steel on any airplane will expand and contract to a degree as an airplane ascends and descends. Weld points and attachment points are where most failures will occur, because that is were fatigue from stresses will push the metal to seperate.

An inspection should have caught this. It's not "random" circumstance.

Speaking of fatigue... I wonder if the C-130 crash a couple months ago when the wings folded up could have been prevented beforehand by an inspection.

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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The only thing you can blame Canada for is Celine Dion.

OH GOD!!! please rid us of the friggin bitch!!!! She's Satan's daughter, I'm sure of it! Quebec (non DZ)trailer trash with a voice and a big ego.

Fuck, one person makes it big from Canada, and people start lobbying for buidlings and streets named after them! it's pathetic! [/rant]

Did I just kill another thread?

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An inspection should have caught this. It's not "random" circumstance.

Good lord people. It was a joke. I'm not stupid enough to beleive it was cursed from the paint job. I was feeding off of Clay's joke blaming Canada.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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umm...since when can a tri gear airplane ground loop.....TAIL DRAGGERS GROUND LOOP....

and I sure hope fayard starts looking alittle closer. Iknow mario and I know how he lands...he lands like a navy pilot.....which is to say...hard. this should have been seen before hand by 100 hr inspections....

VERY scary....very very scary

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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well, driver, i'm no expert, nor am I a pilot, but what the machanic told me in passing is that there was a crack under a weld that "couldn't have been seen". When I went to check it out, it didn't look like it just "decided" to snap off... there looked like the was rust run-off near the break...

That's about all I know. Like I said, I'm no expert...I attached a pic of the gear, this may illuminate someone with a little more knowledge...

As it happens, I am an expert (Ph.D. in metallurgy/materials engineering, extensive experience in failure analysis). Unfortunately your picture is not clear enough to draw a conclusion. If you could get a close-up of the fracture surface and the "rust" stains, it might be possible to figure out why it happened.

BTW - fatigue cracks can be invisible to the naked eye up until the point that the component breaks, don't expect a 100 hour or annual necessarily to pick them up. That is why ultrasound/X-ray/eddy current/dye-penetrant tests were developed.

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