
bridge day anyone?

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You mean the John Ashcroft Memorial Bridge Day where they fingerprint you and make sure you show proper obeisance? Probably have body cavity searches and test your urine too.

No thanks! I'll be at the Freedom Day in Idaho. Jump the Perrine in celebration of a last vestige of individualism and liberty.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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You mean the John Ashcroft Memorial Bridge Day where they fingerprint you and make sure you show proper obeisance? Probably have body cavity searches and test your urine too.

No thanks! I'll be at the Freedom Day in Idaho. Jump the Perrine in celebration of a last vestige of individualism and liberty.

This is exactly why I don't plan on going (well that & I missed registration, but next year I prolly won't go).

Yeah lots of places have your SS#. But I still don't care to have my name on the NPS' list of Evil BASE Jumpers. :P

I didn't realize there was a Bridge Day of sorts at Perrine. I know lots of training courses operate off of it and people pretty much use it as they please, but I didn't know there was an "official" gathering as well.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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This is exactly why I don't plan on going (well that & I missed registration, but next year I prolly won't go).

Well make sure you don't miss registration next year. It would be a shame not to go for the wrong reason...again.;)
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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"Yeah lots of places have your SS#. But I still don't care to have my name on the NPS' list of Evil BASE Jumpers"
How cynical. ;) The NPS is just using the list to check for terrorists. Everyone knows that bridges in rural West Virginia are now designated terrorist targets. By checking the SSN against number of anyone from Libya where they don't have SSNs, they are able to protect the homeland. The NPS would never use it to crosscheck the identities of tattooed skydivers entering a national park. That would just be wrong. ;)

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Ummm, I talked to Jason Bell a couple weeks back and the SSNs are ONLY going to the WVA state police for background checks.

Honestly, I don't want anybody to know my ssn, but every time I buy a gun, that ssn gets out there once again. The FBI prolly has quite the dossier on me by now.

My question is, even if the NPS had a list of evil base jumpers, how in god's name could they use it against you? I don't remember being asked for ID the last time I got a NPS year pass or the last time I went through the gate at a park. And, unlike most other gated government facilities, I didn't see any camera recording my license plate #.

Getting back to the original topic, I got to air out my smooth new BR gear somewhere, it might as well be off the bridge.


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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I'll be there next year. Mark my words!

(If I post this then next year when I'm saying, ohhhh I don't think I can go to Bridge Day, then maybe I'll remember writing this and keep a promise to myself. That's how I got my ass to Rantoul this year!)
Skydiving is for cool people only

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When one starts claiming "but I'm not doing anything illegal" or "I don't mind if 'they' want all sorts of personal information about me, its not like they care." one resigns their right to privacy. One's SSN, ID, face, name, hometown, place of birth, mother's maiden name, number of family members are private.
Why should one believe that your personal information won't be passed along to Mr. Ashcroft for background checks? Why shouldn't the NPS cross reference your name, face, and license plate against the information they gather at Bridge Day? Why shouldn't the IRS take a look a closer look at you? Esp considering they have a "war" to fund and BASE jumpers are not known for being on top of the government's "friendly" list.
Freedom Day is in Twin falls Idaho and runs on October 19-20th. Its off the Perrine Bridge, which is lower than the New River Gorge Bridge, but still jumpable. Skydiving gear is NOT recommended. No one will ask for your ID, SSN, kids names, your home address, you tax returns, proof of citizenship, or anything else you may think is personal and unincriminating to be made public. It should be a lot of fun :-)
See you there.
find / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer;

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"Ummm, I talked to Jason Bell a couple weeks back and the SSNs are ONLY going to the WVA state police for background checks."
Bwaaaaahaaa. If you have a criminal record, then you can't jump? You might somehow "endanger" the other base jumpers. Endangering base jumpers. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: What will the "background check" accomplish? Nothing. What do we do about the pesky foreign criminals? If I rob banks in France, they wouldn't know. We are talking about jumping off a bridge, not applying for a job with the Presidents security detail.
A few years ago, a base jumper was caught with The Book. It was the list of the Muff Brothers membership. The NPS and FBI thought the MB was a "subversive" organization of some kind. Probably the first time the MB were ever referred to as "organized". ;)
"My question is, even if the NPS had a list of evil base jumpers, how in god's name could they use it against you? " Hmmmm... would being a "registered" base jumper in Yosemite be similar to being a known "card counter" at a casino? Persona non grata. Present ID...lookup name...search car for rigs...
Those are the rules. If you want to jump the bridge, you have to do the paperwork. I would just prefer that someone didn't tell people that they were doing the paperwork for "security" reasons.

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And what's to stop NPS from using The Company's hackers to enter the computer systems of Basic Research, Gravity Sports, Morpheous, Vertigo, Leading Edge et al. for purchase orders of new gear? Would your name be on one of those lists?

While they are at it, they could hack Blinc for ip addresses of users. They could even hire nylon-sniffing dogs to canvas the entire country for large caches of f1-11 in residential homes.

Again, unless I am going to some other form of national parks, I have never been asked for ID. And, rigs in national parks are not illegal. (it's the act of "air delivery" that is illegal--which I wish someone would explain how if there's no plane involved, how is it air delivery, exactly?) Searches for those rigs would be illegal, and would positively verify the existence of a list.

Have you been to a football game lately? Notice how they dig through every bag brought in there, albeit not that well? Still, once the pins are in my Vertex, the next time they are coming out (hopefully;)) is about four seconds off the roof of the bus.

Anyway, maybe everybody should get scared and go to Perrine so I can have the bridge to myself.


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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I'm kinda of the same mindset as Mike (I think).

Rather than being naive and thinking that nothing could ever be done with information gathered at Bridge Day, I'm even more cynical than those who are boycotting Bridge Day because of the NPS rules. I figure that if the government really wants to find out information on someone, they will whether you consent to it by filling out the forms or not.

If someone really wants privacy, they can get it, but I don't know of anyone willing to do what it takes. You can't have credit cards, a bank account, a "normal" job, insurance, a legal marriage, a baby (unless you deliver it yourself), a college education, etc., etc.

Is it really worth all that? Unless you are doing something really wrong, I don't think the government is competent enough to use the information against you. It simply isn't worth the time. And if you have ever had so much as a driver's license, it is already too late to protect your privacy.

They can have my information. Actually, since I was in the military, they already do. Whatever. I don't base jump, but if I did, this would hardly deter me from jumping at Bridge Day. Just my $.02.

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Is there a difference between giving someone permission to hurt you and being hurt despite you protest? Is there a difference between starving and fasting? There is, and it relates to choice, approval, and desire.
I do agree that personal information stored electronically is practically as good as compromised, however granting permission to use that information for purposes other than the one it was submitted for is morally and legally wrong. Each little step the government takes to increasing its right to use information obtained without permission is a step closer to 1984.
You're right the ultimate retaliation of boycotting all electronic means of storage due to their ability to be compromised is impractical. However, realizing it's impractical means regulating the rights of others to misuse that information becomes not less, but more crucial.
The government having more power is not the goal of electronic communication, in fact it's a severe and scary threat. Abandoning electronic communication would ensure the government couldn't use it towards its own ends, however citizen protest is another way.
Check us out at eff.org. We stopped charge for "postage on email", we fought de_css, we keep the government from regulating the internet. Help us out before dropzone.com becomes government regulated.
find / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer;

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HEY! I'll be there. SSN and all. Ready for my first jump. I think I'm gonna pee! My wife thinks the CR packing video is some wierd porno that I'm hooked on. I guess I'll have to stop messing with my "gear" when I watch it.:o


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I understand your frustration over some of the government's more hare-brained technology initiatives. I'm not saying that I approve of them all, or won't contribute to their defeat. I'm familiar with the EFF. It is a good thing. I can both approve and maintain a healthy cynicism about its effectiveness at the same time.

I just don't subscribe to the philosophy of protest at all costs. I doubt you do either. But some people don't understand that if you can relinquish the very thing you are fighting for yet have no impact on the decision making process. Living an "off-net" non-electronic life doesn't make any statement unless you send elected officials letters on paper. Silence isn't the answer. By using all the tools available, you can make a bigger impact than those that withdraw into their shells out of protest.

Generally, I think we agree more than disagree.

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OK I changed my mind, decided to be irresponsible and take advantage of the cancellations.

So lock the doors & hide your children, yours truly & the Britster are heading to Bridge Day & we're taking no prisoners!

We're putting the screws to Levin to join us, but his resistance is strong.

We must break him... :S

In the meantime I gotta find me a rig. :P

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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My rig just got here! Time for 2 days worth of quickies outta the cessna before the real thing. This damn thing is bigger than the Mantas I started skydiving on! Damn I'm fat! See ya'll at the bridge!:D


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