
Your potty opinions

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Wow, I didnt think that this would get such a response.:)You have got to realize that I was just bored and thought of a topic that I know all men have had to deal with at least once in their lives.
So, it almost divided along sex lines, as anticipated. Lets break it down.
Theory A: Both put the damn thing down after use. Good theory, but its exactly that, a theory. Men will never remeber to put it down every time and women will be incapable of not whining about it. Incessantly. NEXT.
Theory B: Oh yes, the compromise theory. Guys, do you know what the word compromise means? If you havent lived with a female, I'll let you in on a little secret, compromise means that you have to do whatever it is that she wants in order to get along. Compromise RARELY occurs in favor of men.
Theory C: As JJhonson said, "After that we learne to never sit down without looking first. Why do women seem to be unable to learn this basic survival skill."
Theory states that women will not evolve into self-awareness, self-learning beings unless they live alone and have no one to complain to.
Theory D: As monkey said, "I don't give a damn either way, it's just women can moan about it too much sometimes"
Theory states that if there is something to complain about, she will. See "nag" definition in dictionary.
Theory E: As fasterfaller said, "I will not play the toilet seat game . I don't bitch when I lift it up and she had better not bitch when she has to put it down . If you guys cave on that one it will be no time at all before you are wrapped around her finger . "
Theory states that if you allow said whiner a "compromise" you will be stepped on continuosly there after. See theory B for further explaination.
Theory F: As Fasterfaller said, "I guess men are smarter than women in the bathroom because we look before we sit." and Vectorboy said, "You are so right. glen".
I conclude that this theory is the winning theory. It is basic and evolutionarily true.
Theory states that men are smarter than women. How many of you guys have fallen into the toilet when going to do your business? I rest my case.;);)
P.S. Dont shoot the messenger.

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Men will never remeber to put it down every time and women will be incapable of not whining about it.

Okay.... all I know is it has always worked in my house. And I never had to whine about it. Guess I was just lucky in my choice of male companion :P

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That must be why men write their name in the snow with their won pee.

I'd do it if I could... ;)

you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear
it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become.

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Theory B: Oh yes, the compromise theory. Guys, do you know what the word compromise means? If you havent lived with a female, I'll let you in on a little secret, compromise means that you have to do whatever it is that she wants in order to get along. Compromise RARELY occurs in favor of men.

OK, I have to jump in here. I've resisted the temptation to jump in mightily (especially since I live mostly alone). But, as a formerly married person, I can assure you that plenty of females compromise a hell of a lot more than you accuse them of. You just don't see it as compromise because they make it sound willing. Would you rather we whined EVERY time we did what you wanted to when it wasn't exactly what we wanted to?
And just to be fair, that one goes both ways. No, we don't always realize without your bellowing that you really DON'T want to watch a chick flick.
But consider that many girls are brought up to always be polite, and that peace in the household is our responsibility. Really. It's a mom-secret, passed down for generations. It's skipped some generations, but ask around.
Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I can assure you that plenty of females compromise a hell of a lot more than you accuse them of.

My better half does - she's a great woman. Seems like there are a lot of nice ladies hanging around dz.com from some of the responses in this thread (skymama, u r 1 of them).


But consider that many girls are brought up to always be polite, and that peace in the household is our responsibility. Really. It's a mom-secret, passed down for generations.

A good woman is the heart of the home... uhm, and I always knew that there was a conspiracy going on - I think it goes further than this though.

NewGuy B|

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The only thing that semi bothers me is when Skeet (Great Dane) drools on the place where I sit.

But then again I am peeing in his water bowl. :S

HA- I just remembered the time when Olav ZipsTer (Shih Tzu) tried to copy Skeet and fell in the toilet.

ZipsTer also came in from the yard (when he was little) and all of a sudden he had yellow hair. ?? He had walked under Skeet and got peed on. Flea Flyer did it too when he was little. The little guys dont seem to look up.

Man, its just better than TV around here. :ph34r:


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There's a very simple solution to this problem. Put the seat and the cover down when you're done. That way both sexes have to put something up to use the toilet and have to put something down when they are finished.

ok, end of story. the fucking thing has HINGES doesn't it?? stop expecting your life to be all set up perfect for you...If you want it up, put it up, if you want it down, put it down, and stop making it into a FUCKING ISSUE!>:(:PB|

Also keeps the pets and small children from drinking out of the bowl. ;)

Speed Racer

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That must be why men write their name in the snow with their won pee.

I'd do it if I could... ;)

I saw a lady try....not a "pee"retty sight if you know what I mean!!

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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Seems like there are a lot of nice ladies hanging around dz.com from some of the responses in this thread (skymama, u r 1 of them).

Aw, thanks. :$

I thought it was a serious complaint from Jose and wanted to pass on a few words of wisdom that I learned from when I was married for 17 years. Hindsight is 20/20 you know.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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You're right...they do. The way I see it, I'm not the least bit interested in a relationship that is nothing but a competition over who will cry uncle first. If you feel you have to assert such control over a partner, there is a serious problem there. Love is not controlling nor is it submitting. Love is wanting nothing but the best for somebody, even if the best thing for that person is to move away or end the relationship. I have serious reservations about a relationship in which either member is unwilling to make any sacrifices.

And as I said before, why waste time arguing over something as stupid as a toilet seat when you could be having sex instead?
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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A couple observations on this beaten out topic:

1. I once lived in a house with a bunch of different people, male and female. There was one girl that complained every time we forgot to put the seat down. Then, when I did put the seat down she automatically assumed that I didn't put it up to pee, and she chewed me out for that. Just couldn't win with her. >:(

2. After living in an apartment with 6 guys in college, I can say that walking into a bathroom and seeing the seat up is a relieving site, as it means that at least they did put it up to pee, rather than leaving it down.

Now, I put it down whenever I remember, but my fiance never complains when I don't, anyway.

You come from nothing. You go back to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing!

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