
Psychoanalyze Yourself. (This is great.)

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This is a very interesting and genuine test. Try it. Have a pen and paper handy for the answers. Post those answers and I will post the analysis for each question at the same time tomorrow. Take the test before you read anyone else's responses. That way the answers will be genuinely yours.
Read the following questions, imagining the scenes in your mind, and write down the FIRST thing that you visualize. Do not think about the questions excessively.
1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods with someone. Who are you walking with?
2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal is it?
3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal?
4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing and before you is your dream house. Describe its size?
5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence?
6. You enter the house. You walk to the dining area and see the dining room table. Describe what you see on AND around the table.
7. You exit the house through the back door. Lying in the grass is a cup. What material is the cup made of?
8. What do you do with the cup?
9. You walk to the edge of the property, where you find yourself standing at the edge of a body of water. What type of body of water is it?
10. How will you cross the water?
That's it. See you here same time tomorrow with the analysis.:)

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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There's no way I'm going to do this and then wait till tomorrow for my answers. I want instant gratification!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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1. BB
2. Rabbit
3. Eye each other
4. Quite big (say 5 bedroomed)
5. No
6. 10 seater rectangular glass table. Flowers, set for dinner, high backed Macintosh chairs, paintings on the wall.
7. Ceramic
8. Pick it up, clean it.
9. Lake, about 400m across to the other side and it keeps going to the left and right.
10. Rowboat.

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Okay, here goes nothing...

1. Daane.
2. A groundhog.
3. It looks up and laughs at me.
4. A medium sized log cabin - not too big, not too small.
5. Never. Fences bad.
6. A handmade wooden table with four wooden chairs and a bowl of fresh fruit as a center piece. Two candles on either side of the fruit bowl.
7. It is a ceramic coffee mug.
8. Pick it up to bring back into the house.
9. A big lake.
10. A small rowboat.

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Sorry to ruin your fun Bile, but I would want to see what things meant before I posted all of them:

So here you go, everyone:

1. The person who you are walking with is the most important person in your life.

2. The size of the animal is representative of your perception of the size of your problems.

3. The severity of the interaction you have with the animal is representative of how you deal with your problems. (passive/aggressive)

4. The size of your dream house is representative of the size of your ambition to resolve your problems.

5. No fence is indicative of an open personality. People are welcome at all times. The presence of a fence indicates a closed personality. You'd prefer people not to drop by unannounced.

6. If your answer did not include food, people, or flowers, then you are generally unhappy.

7. The durability of the material with which the cup is made of is representative of the perceived durability of your relationship with the person named in number 1. For example, styrafoam, plastic, and paper are all disposable, styrofoam, paper and glass are not durable, and metal and plastic are durable.

8. Your disposition of the cup is representative of your attitude towards the person in number 1.

9. The size of the body of water is representative of the size of your sexual desire.

10. How wet you get in crossing the water is indicative of the relative importance of your sex life.

"Your mother's full of stupidjuice!"
My Art Project

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1.- My girlfriend
2.- A deer
3.- We eye-ball each other and continue our paths
4.- Medium sized. 3 bedrooms, maybe.
5.- No
6.- On the table: a bowl with fruit and some candles
Around the table: 4 chairs
7.- Ceramic
8.- I pick it up and take it inside
9.- A lake
10.- On my kayak.

So, am I crazy? Huh? huh? :S

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1. The person who you are walking with is the most important person in your life.

Hmm....I didn't see anyone and was only walking with myself....


6. If your answer did not include food, people, or flowers, then you are generally unhappy.

All I saw was a candle, so I guess I'm unhappy. I don't believe this one.


7. The durability of the material with which the cup is made of is representative of the perceived durability of your relationship with the person named in number 1. For example, styrafoam, plastic, and paper are all disposable, styrofoam, paper and glass are not durable, and metal and plastic are durable.

I saw glass! I can't argue with this one! The relationship with myself is rock solid!


8. Your disposition of the cup is representative of your attitude towards the person in number 1.

I picked it up and thought it looked cool. Again...can't argue with this one here, either.


9. The size of the body of water is representative of the size of your sexual desire.

I saw an ocean!


10. How wet you get in crossing the water is indicative of the relative importance of your sex life.

But, I didn't cross the ocean at all. A large, but very unimportant sex drive....makes sense???
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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1. A guy, but I can't see who it is. We are holding hands.

2. a rabbit

3. It lets me pet its fur and then hops off

4. 4 bedrooms split, open great room off the kitchen, a bar with a large deck with a hot tub and chairs.

5. no

6. The table is set with my china, my mother's candle sticks with candles lit, fine wine and food.

7. the cup is one of my favorite coffee cups (I leave them everywhere and have to pick up occasionally) It is pfaltzgraff so I guess it is stoneware.

8. I pick it up and hold it.

9. It is an ocean...the sun is either rising or setting

10. I won't

This is strange but I played along. Now hurry up and post the analysis.


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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1) Goldilocks
2) Watch out it's daddy bear
3) Its a freaking bear, how do you want me to interact with it?.
4) Its a cottage, but its made of gingerbread
5) No but he garden is full of Lollipops, or Lolie and Pop, whatever....
6) I see a table with 3 chairs and 3 plates, there is some porridge missing from each plate....
7) The cup is wooden, we are in a wood, what should it be made of?
8)I use the cup to try and redress the issue of missing porridge before that big bear comes back again.
9)The body of water is a magic wishing well
10)Swoop it.

My doctors tell me I'm living in a fairy tale, what do you think?


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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1. Satan
2. Deer
3. I shoot and kill it
4. Big
5. No - a moat of lava
6. Corpses on the table, gargoyles around it
7. Gold
8. Fill it with a mixture of blood and beer, and drink it.
9. Firey ocean
10. Walk across it


it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Sorry to ruin your fun Bile, but I would want to see what things meant before I posted all of them

I knew I was running the risk of someone knowing these analysis answers and posting them. Ah well, such is life, goddammit !

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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Wow I feel pretty good about myself all the sudden.
1. my wife
2. a small deer. (duh I'm in the woods???)
3. watch it in awe
4. 3 bedroom, 2000 sq ft, high pitched roof line with dormers
5. no
6. long oval table with candle/fruit arrangement centerpiece
7. thick tin (like one makes in metal shop)
8. pick up, clean, put away safe
9. large lake (envisioned Lake Tahoe)
10. small sail boat like a 12' Lazer

D.T. Holder

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1. Great grandfather
2. A deer
3. Kill it skin it clean it cook it eat it
4. big basement, ground floor is wide open, maybe one or two walls, upstairs are a few rooms, maybe four
5. No
6. Simple tablecloth, maybe a centerpiece, with a big turkey on it
7. gold
8. drink from it
9. a lake
10. I don't, I sit down.on the shore/beach
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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now wait just a darn minute. I'm a guy, 22, in college, and a skydivier, and sitting down on the shore, accoring to your analysis, JUST DON'T FIT!
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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1. Satan
2. Deer
3. I shoot and kill it
4. Big
5. No - a moat of lava
6. Corpses on the table, gargoyles around it
7. Gold
8. Fill it with a mixture of blood and beer, and drink it.
9. Firey ocean
10. Walk across it

F***in' sick bastard! :o

1. Jesus
2. Bunny rabbit
3. Pick it up and snuggle it
4. Small and cozy
5. No fence
6. Flowers, tea, peanut butter sandwiches
7. Plastic
8. Pick it up and snuggle it
9. Dry river bed
10. Walk around it

Skydiving is for cool people only

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