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A 4 mile marathon?? I thought everthing was bigger in Texas not smaller :)
Is this a team Marathon or just a 4 mile race?

On a separate point the NYC Marathon was last weekend and the winner did it in around 2 hours and 7 minutes. That works out to be about 4 minutes and 50 seconds a mile for 26.2 miles. Talk about amazing.

Ready, Set, Gooooooo

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I guess you and your doc would have to decide if its ok. Wouldn't want to do any harm to it.:)The marathon is Jan. 19.

Anyway thanks for the offer to try and go with me.:)
My hubby can not do it, he said even if he was not sick that he hates running anyway:)
I can go solo if I have too and meet some new people, I think there are a bunch of people from Greece to be there;)

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hey count me in... i've been slowly building back up since i injured my knee. 2 miles is no sweat again, but still being careful. i think by january i'll be up for a 4 miler (just for old airborne school memories ;))


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i never could, 12 miles is about the point i'm completly bored with running and need to do something else

Never say never!!! If you can do 12, with just some work and a good training partner you can do a marathon.

My biggest problem with a marathon is getting enough calories to sustain myself during the ~4 hours of running. I hit the wall so hard I had a running argument with myself over how long the race was. I couldn't remember if it was 26.2 or 22.6... the really scarey thing was that I was still arguing with myself at mile 25. It's amazing how something like that can really zap your mind as well as your body.
Ready, Set, Gooooooo

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I've done 3, but never really trained seriously...I just kind of showed up and ran. I've got good endurance. I love to run but I also get bored on long runs which is why I never get into a serious marathon distance training program. Triathlon is fun too, the run is a whole different game when you've already gone swimming and biking. GOOD PAIN!


Just keep swimming...just keep swimming....

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I've walked 3 marathons. Anyone think walking one is not as impressive as running? They took me anywhere from 7 to 7 1/2 hours to complete! Try walking non-stop for that long! :S I really envy the runners who are home taking showers before I've even hit the halfway mark! [:/]

I'm walking a marathon to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Click Here for more information!

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Yes, I know (forget some of the details), and I'll tell, I hope I'm not not supposed to:

Because a messenger (his name was Marathon? or he was running to a city called Marathon)....anyways, ran the whole way to warn a city that there was a surprise attack coming. He fell down dead after the 26.2 miles he had just run to warn them, but the city was able to defend itself. B|

We were never feeling bored because we were never being boring.
-Zelda Fitzgerald

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Ahh it would be fun but i'm thinking i need to put a hold on the traveling for a bit after Eloy!

Right now i'm getting ready for a 5.3 bizarre sort of cross country/obstacle run the weekend before thanksgiving. Just doing laps around a nearby lake on rainly days to get used to crappy terrain! check it out here to read about the obstacles...


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