
The Non-Americans.

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Hey George, I didn't say I had good weather, in fact the weather here is kinda grey today.....But do we let it get us down, HELL NO!!! B|


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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One thing that is great for hangovers is isotonic sports drinks like XL1 or simular. They are designed to quickly repair dehydration, which is what really causes much of the hangover symptoms.

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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I'll have another beer."

Tell me about it. The thing is beer always gives me a huge hangover. I usually get pissed on something with more sugar in it. Rum and Coke being a favorite. Last night it was beer....thank fuck it was not red wine:S

Now I am just waiting for the medication to kick in.
Paracetamol in this case.:)

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Yup thats about right, the weather may be gloomy, but I ain't, its the weekend for gawds sake, POET'S day here (piss off early, tomorrow's saturday).
My timesheet is signed, and its off to the accountant to get some beer tokens later on.B|B|B|


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Hey Kerry, have you guys got a plane yet?

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ...... NO! It's fixed, but in Swaziland this weekend, and I can't get up there (something to do with an empty bank account>:()
So, I am officially uncurrent. Which means another Fucking static line jump ....

You did ask:)

While I am ranting .... don't you just HATE auditors? We are busy auditing our circulation etc .... and they are driving me nuts! The same questions over and over and over ....

Rant over:D


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>Tell me about it. The thing is beer always gives me a huge
>hangover. I usually get pissed on something with more sugar
>in it. Rum and Coke being a favorite.

Like fudd said, pretty much of the hangover is caused by dehydration, so I try to remember to drink a lot of something non-alcoholic before going to bed after a night out. Half a liter of apple juice is a common choice for me, and another half a liter if I happen to wake up in the middle of the night. Really works wonders.:)

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I usually get pissed on something with more sugar in it. Rum and Coke being a favorite.

You put Coke in Rum. You really do that ??? Holy shit - how do you drink that ??? The ONLY thing you should put in Rum is MORE RUM gotit ??? mutter...mutter...mutter...probably thinks Bacardi is rum too...mutter...mutter...

Good Scratch...:)
Mark F...

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Auditors, I hate freakin' auditors, we are getting a technical audit next week. 250 projects, that means I have to make sure supporting paperwork is place on all of them.:(:(:(
They come and check that I am doing my job properly....Bastards...... They think they are 'techno cops' feck em, if they were any good at being engineers they would have a real job.....mutter mutter rant grrrr....>:(>:(>:(

Somebody give me some good news, tell me a boat load of auditors just sank..B|


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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You put Coke in Rum. You really do that

Yes I do. I stand to be corrected but don't the Aussies put Coke in whisky:S.

Bacardi is not rum. Bacardi is slightly distilled gnats piss.:ph34r:

Neat rum is a fine thing but it does lead to a very short night. There is a method to my madness.:D

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Goodness of the morning! As usual I'm the last to sign up :)
So, the talk has turned to food again, has it? I'm planning to see if I can get a good half-kilo or so of fresh tuna steak on Sunday morning for some serious sushi.

Somebody with a lot of time should really make a list of the NA's - I can think of about ten already.


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>My timesheet is signed, and its off to the accountant to get
>some beer tokens later on.

Wanna buy me a beer? I managed to practise some reckless spending after my last pay day(the 15th) and now I have 39€ left until the next one(the 15th next month...) I'm going to have to use some of my savings it seems.>:(

stupid asshole learn some financing goddamnit you wanna live on rice for the rest of your life huh?

Oh. Now it's raining here.

To hell with it, I think I'll just burn my savings on beer too!:D

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"I think I'll just burn my savings on beer too!"

At least you aren't wasting your money then.:)
Nacmac hands Erno a fine Scotish brew....here ya go, save it for a rainy day....


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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With you on that sentiment, except change engineering to publishing:( add to the mix an arrogant chauvanist condescending prick of a financial manager, and you will understand my current mood. ONe of these days I am going to rip that rug right off his head ...

I'm going outside for a smoke break. I think I need to calm down:P


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...but don't the Aussies put Coke in whisky:S


Some people do disgusting things. Like really GROSS things. Can't stand whiskey myself. Rum for preference but tequila will do in a pinch..:)

Bacardi is not rum. Bacardi is slightly distilled gnats piss.:ph34r:

Ever so slightly distilled.


Neat rum is a fine thing but it does lead to a very short night. There is a method to my madness.:D

Rum and beer chasers is the way to go. Rum is a fine food and is not to be swilled. You need to savor it. Take in the vapours and flavours.:)
Mark F...

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Somebody give me some good news, tell me a boat load of auditors just sank..B|

A REALLY big boat, right ? Something like QE II only twice as big packed to the rafters. I did some work for the Oz stock exchange last year just in time for a shitload of auditors to arrive on the scene.>:(>:( After the bastards finished the security audit we were presented with another mob of 'em doing an ISO9000 audit..AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH. I can see an auditor causing someone to become an axe wielding homicidal maniac.

Mark F...

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This from another thread:

>>as for the nickname? naaaa .... it's a boring story, really .... and a
>>long one .... and not really related to skydiving, it just kinda stuck ....
>We will know no peace until you tell us the story... It's not like you have
>something better to do now is it?

Go on Blue, spit it out...

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>Ft? What are those silly things? I only jump in metric...;)

Trying to be international but then I guess it's the Non-Americans so my appologies 800m

My brit friends are coming over and they are bringing all sorts of stuff like Pig's Pudding and Jellied eels, is there anything disgusting you can think of from the Finnish CREW that we could get them to try?

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