
The Non-Americans.

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"What about the AN72? Is this boogie coming up soon? You going?"

The Vichy Boogie is in France, in August each year, sometimes they have the jet sometimes just 'Twotters ' etc..

I was there in 2000, and so was the jet, we had a large time my friend.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Morning to ya all...

[#003366]What about that AN72 eh? quite a jumpship, this is the plane they use at the Vichy Espace Boogie, all week jumping from a jet with a tail gate can I say Woohoo this early in the morning?

I tried to find som more info on the Vichy Espace Boogie. However the website seems to be taken over by a porn site. I'm not making this clickable, but isn't this the right url. (WARNING: If you go there now, you end up in pop-up hell....) http://www.espace-boogie.com /
I want to go there...

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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This has nothing to do with Scratch's erotic dreams(sorry), but here's something I've thought about:

On many(american) posts you can see words like: F&%#, Sh!t , A$&hole and so on. WTF? Is this one of those Politically Correct things?

If you fell it's necessary to punctuate your message with words like fuck, shit, or asshole, just do so! If you feel like you can't use such words, then don't. At all.

Just my rant for the day, Thank you for listening!:P

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Would you care to explain this to the rest of us:ph34r:

Copied from iafrica.com

Shivering Finns bare all for photo session
Paal Aarsaether
Posted Mon, 19 Aug 2002

Nearly 1500 people wore nothing but their birthday suits on Sunday at two Helsinki landmarks, as the Finnish capital played host to a US photographer and his project to bare all in the name of art.

Spencer Tunick has gained fame through his photos of masses of nude people in the hearts of cities, ostensibly in an effort to reclaim the public space as an area for humans.

Surrounded by hundreds of shivering Finns, Tunick could not stop praising the latest subjects of his photos, to whom communal nudity is nothing unusual and according to legend, many of them were even born in saunas.

"This is both the biggest, easiest and manageable crowd I ever worked with," Tunick, who has staged shoots like this around the world for his Nude Adrift project, told AFP.

"It was like they and me were one, it was just wonderful, absolutely wonderful."

Estimates on how many people actually participated in the photos varied, ranging from 1000 to 1500. Tunick himself guessed that about half of the 2900 Finns who registered to participate actually did.

One of them was Sanna Eronen, who had come from her home near the city of Turku, some 165 kilometres west of the capital, to strip down in central Helsinki's Market Place and Esplanade Park.

"I did it for art's sake, and to be part of" the project, Eronen said.

"And the photo will look very nice in my living room, too," she admitted.

The majority of the participants were women — male Finns are known for their shyness, while the women are famous for not being inhibited at all — with some even running and dancing around like children, clearly enjoying the feeling of being nude in such a public space.

"This is once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," said Helina Mellanen.

"It's so good to be allowed to be naked in the middle of the capital, so refreshing, and it gives a great sense of freedom," she said.

A local trend magazine and the Helsinki City Art Museum invited Tunick to Helsinki. The museum, which partly sponsored the event, has not made up its mind yet whether to buy the finished photos or not.

"We'll see how the photos turn out before we decide," said Erja Pusa, the museum's chief curator.

The city's support of the event meant police were out in large numbers to facilitate the shooting, an irony probably not lost on Tunick, who has several times, notably in his native country, been arrested while taking his photos.

The city of New York even once tried to put a stop to his enterprise claiming it would be harmed by his shoots, but the US Supreme Court upheld Tunick's rights under the First Amendment's free speech provision.

During the photographing in Helsinki a park fountain that turned on automatically provided some comic relief as nude people climbed atop it to pose, though skinny dipping was not on the agenda.


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I ran 'Spencer Tunick ' thru google with the images tab clicked....
The results can only be described as wierd, kinda reminded me of Scratches 'Nocturnal imagings'.
I guess we are about to see a lot of his work on the forum any time now... That's Spencer's work, not Andre's.....:S:$


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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"Gee, I should've become a teacher! "

That should be

"Sheesh, I should've been a teacher!"

;) Just didn't want to agree with ya! ;)


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Which bit do you want explained?:)
>The majority of the participants were women — male Finns are
>known for their shyness, while the women are famous for not
>being inhibited at all

What The Fuck? (note bold use of an expletive) This was the first time I heard of this... And having attended a few parties with skydivers, at some point during the evening it tends to be the males who lose their clothing somewhere...

>subjects of his photos, to whom communal nudity is nothing unusual
>and according to legend, many of them were even born in saunas.

If there were a lot of people born in the 50's or earlier, then maybe...

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We Colonials are so inundated with politcal correctness (ie African American, Oreintal American, Euro-, muslim- etc, etc American) and the fear that the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union will come knocking on your door the minute you say something that offends their sensiblities that yes there seems to be a rather large number of Americans that suffer from politcal correct ease, almost to the point that we seem to have forgotten what the first ammendment says. All I have to say to that is F@#$ that!!!:P

By the way when was the last time you heard someone say "Oh he's an Oriental/African/Muslim Finnish? (or is it Finlander:)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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And while we are on the subject...
There is a U in colour.

There are 2 Is in aluminium.

A tube is not pronounced TOOOOB.

The World series should involve more than a couple of countries.

There is no such language as American (or Canadian, Irish, Australian etc) English.

Rant, gnash, rave, gibber....;);):)


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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The World series should involve more than a couple of countries.

NacMac, Sure we could invite others to play, but we would still win, so in reality we are just saving the rest of the world the travel expense.:P:)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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92 billable hours over 7 days

Of which 50 hours were spent lurking and whoring on DZ.com I bet;)

I wish... I've been a good lad and got all the stuff done. The boss is happy, I'm happy but buggered and work is over 'til Tuesday (Thurs eve here now)...

How can they call that substance they serve up on airlines food ??? I HATE commercial air travel. It scares the shit out of me, the "Food(tm)" is crap, the coffee is worse and the grog is far too expensive and there's nowhere enough per serve. Half size cans of Fosters (Swill of the South) if you want a beer.:( Oh well, at least I'm home now. Time for a brew or 90 methinks..:)
Mark F...

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