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Actually, there was a lady going around some big corporate office w/ a petition that non-smokers should get an extra weeks vacation a year, than smokers b/c when she added up the time the spend waiting for the elevator, taking the elevator down, smoking, then coming back up, that it equally a WHOLE DAY a month extra that she was working over them b/c she didn't take those breaks.

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Yep, mostly ;-)
thanks boss
thanks, boss's boss
thanks, large corporation
Although recently I have started checking when I get home as well. Being in the UK the action only kicks off mid-afternoon when the "eastern seaboard" comes on line, so I like to see whats going on if I'm busy in the evening....
"If you can keep your head when all around you have lost theirs, then you probably haven't understood the seriousness of the situation."
David Brent

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Off topic:

Actually, there was a lady going around some big corporate office w/ a petition that non-smokers should get an extra weeks vacation a year, than smokers b/c when she added up the time the spend waiting for the elevator, taking the elevator down, smoking, then coming back up, that it equally a WHOLE DAY a month extra that she was working over them b/c she didn't take those breaks.


That is a great petition! Unfortunately, I think the outcome would be no more smoke breaks. And I have to admit, I like going out to the loading dock and bullshitting with the smokers. They're usually pretty cool people.


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yep, here at work...everytime I log onto dz.com from here I can feel the topic of this website coming up at my next Thurs morning meeting...my boss doesn't care too much as long as I am ahead of my work...which I usually am anyway. LOL...I am sharing an office at the moment as the building is going through renovations, and everytime I log on my office mate decides to take a smoke break...so I guess it all equals out...:P

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Heheh... I got moved to a hell hole of an office (so bad that it still is officially condemed) that even maintence refuses to come upstairs to it so I've ditched my old 21 inch monitor and hooked the laptop up to the projector... your little icon is 4 inches tall now and I have a 60 inch computer monitor. For it to work I'm not turning on the lights... but since the emergency exit light is out side my office thats more then enough light to work by :)
It takes nonworksafe attachments to a new level of being wrong...

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roflmao!!! 60 inches of dz.com,lit by a emergency exit!

did youe ever see the seinfeld when george's job is trying to make him quit by moving him into the dungeon at work, boarding up his door, etc? that reminds me of your post. I think he turns a bathroom into some sort of a man-shrine with tvs and such. well it made me laugh at least


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