
@$$hole Professors

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So today my professor returned my midterm exam. This is what he wrote regarding the first essay:

"Am I supposed to be insulted by your remarks and tone in your 'answer' to the first question? You flatter yourself."

You know, I can take criticism, but there is a big difference between criticizing and being a complete dickmunch. Especially when the professor doesn't bother to comment on the content of the essay. Yes, that quotation is his entire response to my exam question.

I only wonder what the hell he is compensating for? >:(
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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wtf? I can't see any reason for this kind of comment - it serves only to insult you, not to help you learn from any mistakes you might have made. Have you asked him what he felt was wrong?
It's like something out of that twilighty show about that zone

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I agree with AggieDave. Keep in mind that while you are paying good money for an education and he makes a living as an educator, respect goes both ways. And respect is not like that comment.

Be nice and get the insult out of the way first. Then ask what he had expected out of the exam question. Then try to level with him with your point of view. Hopefully it need not get beyond his office.

>>>>>>>>>>>Good luck vibes<<<<<<<<<<
My other ride is the relative wind.

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My worst professor once returned an outstanding essay exam with no grade, and only one written comment..."Why Bother?"

I was so pissed I never went to his government class again, and took a freakin F for the course. I saw him in a hallway the next semester and he ripped me for not going back to class. He said he had enjoyed having me participate in discussions and that i was one of the brightest students, but that my exam didn't live up to his expectations. He had really thought about it, apparently.

I had no idea what to say...how can a professor expect a student to "bother" when exams are graded with such disrespectful marks.

talk to your professor. Find out what is on his mind, and perhaps make things better. that's better than giving up and pulling a crappy grade at the end.
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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yeah, respect goes both ways and you should find out what went wrong. but -- just to give you a view from the other side (i teach at a university) -- did you deserve much feedback?
i recently wrote on someone's essay that it was 'uniformed at stupid'. it was: there was *no* evidence of any research, just lots of racist assumptions, cliches and stereotypes... if you write something that looks like zero preparation went into it, the person grading is likely to think that reasoned comments are pointless..

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All right man, let us have the whole thing as an attachment. I will then be able to see what he might have meant. The remark itself is very innapropriate. Let us see the paper first.

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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[i recently wrote on someone's essay that it was 'uniformed at stupid'. it was: there was *no* evidence of any research, just lots of racist assumptions, cliches and stereotypes... if you write something that looks like zero preparation went into it, the person grading is likely to think that reasoned comments are pointless.. ]

I certainly hope you mentioned why it was "uniformed at stupid" on the paper. Granted the student probably did little prep without letting him know that writing anything was probably just a waste of ink.

I was an engineering student so my exams and assignments weren't too subjective. I did have a humanities teacher that gave me a lousy grade because I took a point on an argumentative essay that was a little conservative for her. It was backed up with research though. She also gave me a great grade when I wrote something she did agree on.

Respect the Dolphin

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I took a point on an argumentative essay that was a little conservative for her. It was backed up with research though. She also gave me a great grade when I wrote something she did agree on.

I had a prof like that too. Basically if you were a white middle class male, you were wrong. She was super-super liberal (how she ended up at Texas A&M, who knows) and took it out on her very conservative class. She would belittle the girls in the class that actually wanted to get married, have families and not be all hard core career motivated.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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So today my professor returned my midterm exam.

So...um....barring all the other details...what was your grade?!:P
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I was an engineering student so my exams and assignments weren't too subjective. I did have a humanities teacher that gave me a lousy grade because I took a point on an argumentative essay that was a little conservative for her. It was backed up with research though. She also gave me a great grade when I wrote something she did agree on.

can't say that professors like that don't exist... but it is crap to say that the social sciences are all subjective. there are plenty of measurable indicators that separate good from bad work; and i have *frequently* given good grades for work that espoused political positions i disagree with.
i rather think many students like to think that if they did badly it had to be because of the grader's political prejudices, not their problems with (lack of) reason and evidence..

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I'm going to do my best to respond to each of you one at a time:



I agree with AggieDave. Keep in mind that while you are paying good money for an education and he makes a living as an educator, respect goes both ways. And respect is not like that comment.

You're absolutely right. For the record, let me just state that this is not an isolated incident. This professor is notorious for writing abusive things on student work. Recently he told someone else that their paper looked like "somebody pooped on a piece of paper and called it an essay." He's been known to make grown men cry, and I'm not exaggerating. He's an asshole, plain and simple.


I had no idea what to say...how can a professor expect a student to "bother" when exams are graded with such disrespectful marks.

talk to your professor. Find out what is on his mind, and perhaps make things better. that's better than giving up and pulling a crappy grade at the end.

Exactly! Ultimately, these sorts of comments do not teach you anything. I have 6 years of university studies behind me, so I have faith in my abilities, which is good. Because if this were my first year, I'd probably take this a lot harder. I don't think I'm going to talk to the professor though. If he is unable to make any constructive criticism in writing, I doubt he would be able to do it in person. I'm just going to grin and bear the rest of the term...


did you deserve much feedback? i recently wrote on someone's essay that it was 'uniformed at stupid'. it was: there was *no* evidence of any research, just lots of racist assumptions, cliches and stereotypes... if you write something that looks like zero preparation went into it, the person grading is likely to think that reasoned comments are pointless..

i rather think many students like to think that if they did badly it had to be because of the grader's political prejudices, not their problems with (lack of) reason and evidence..

I appreciate your perspective, cam, but I assure you there were no racist assumptions, cliches, or stereotypes. Regardless, if you look again at the comment he wrote, he said absolutely nothing about the content of the essay - not even that it was uniformly stupid. I don't even know whether he liked or disliked the content of the essay. He only commented on its tone (something that seems to me to be of less importance on an essay you have to tear out in 45 minutes). My beef isn't so much that I did badly (which I really didn't), it is the inappropriateness of that comment. Do I think that he's out to get me specifically? No. He does this to everyone.


All right man, let us have the whole thing as an attachment. I will then be able to see what he might have meant. The remark itself is very innapropriate. Let us see the paper first.

I'll try to get to the scanner later and post the essay.


You are clearly in the wrong major. Try engineering or physics.

Ha ha ... I actually do like writing a lot. Like I said earlier, this is pretty much an isolated scenario. I've had nothing but support from my other professors. What this teaches me is not to get out of the field, but just not to take another class with this guy.

Gawein (and I like your green knight):

So...um....barring all the other details...what was your grade?!

Cough...cough... I got a B for the exam.:$ But that is a graduate school B, which is very different than an undergrad B.
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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I used to LOVE my classes at UF b/c there were about 1000 people in each class and they were held in auditoriums. Students are just numbers and I LOVE IT THAT WAY. They don't care if you come to class, participate, etc. You either have 3 exams or one exam that will count for your entire grade. I wouldn't have to attend all semester, I'd buy the Einstein's notes before the exam and show up on exam day and get an A.

Now, I'm graduating in December but I've spent my last year of college at UNF. The classes are about 20 students, the professors all expect you to show up and participate and NONE of them like me very much. But, I've found that no matter how much they don't like me, they still grade pretty fairly based on my academic performance so I can't complain. I look at it as: I don't have a problem w/ authority, authority has a problem with me:P

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"This professor is notorious for writing abusive things on student work. "

Payback is a MFer. I was asking a Calc prof a question one time and he decided to get personal. He was from New Jersey and no one could follow the "dese" and "dose" and "youse guys" speaking. How he got to be a teacher, I don't know.

Anyway, I asked a question and his response was "Youse southern boys can't speak real well. No education." "Uh...the question wasn't that important." The rest of the semester when we reviewed the homework, I checked his answers. If he made a mistake, I would wait and then say "Excuse me, I don't understand how you got from step 6 to step 7." He got to where he hated to see my hand come up. "I made a mistake there." "Pardon me, I didn't understand you. What did you say?" "I made a mistake on that step."

Making sarcastic and hurtful remarks is not part of the teaching technique at any university.

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I had a professor that failed me for the class after i was in california for the week because my grandfather had died. Jerk had no compassion. He didnt even take my paper that was due the day my plane came in. Mind you i never missed an assignment and had B's on all my papers. How that equals failure, i'll never know. You just have to go to an authority on it. I didnt do that and i regret it to this day.

The words I have to say, May well be simple but they're true, Until you give your love, There's nothing more that we can do-David Bowie

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You've been asked at least twice to post the exam that earned you the remark you're complaining about, what are you waiting for? Post it and maybe you'll get some genuine support, or maybe people will tell you that your paper deserved that comment and more.

Until then, quit whining.

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You've been asked at least twice to post the exam that earned you the remark you're complaining about, what are you waiting for? Post it and maybe you'll get some genuine support, or maybe people will tell you that your paper deserved that comment and more.

Until then, quit whining.

Dude, don't shit yourself. Look through the above responses and you'll see this:


All right man, let us have the whole thing as an attachment. I will then be able to see what he might have meant. The remark itself is very innapropriate. Let us see the paper first.

I'll try to get to the scanner later and post the essay.

I haven't scanned it yet, and am not likely to do so today, as I have chosen a career that does not allow me the luxury of doing nothing but surfing dz.com all day.

A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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As promised, here is the essay. The question was:


Define and illustrate the terms 1) 'charcter piece' (or 'characteristic piece') and 2) 'program music' as they relate to western music between 1800 and 1850. Then, placing these two conceptionsof music at the extremes on a spectrum, locate ONE of the following pieces on that spectrum:

Liszt, 'Vallee d'Obermann'
Mendelssohn, Overture, 'The Hebrides'
Clara Schumann, Variations on a theme by Robert Schumann, Op. 20

Aside from the comments within the draft, the only thing he said was:


Am I supposed to be insulted by your remarks and tone in your 'answer' to the first question? You flatter yourself.

A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All




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Hmmm.... So three different people asked me to post my essay here so they could read it before making a decision as to whether the comment was inappropriate and after having scanned and posted my essay, none of them (or anyone else) had anything to say... :P

A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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