
Webmasters;FrontPage vs. Dreamweaver?

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Does anybody have experience with both programs?
I've been using FP for a couple years and am tired of all that extra HTML code it plasters all over the pages. I hear DW MX is the way to go, but am wondering if it's overkill for a hobbyist, or too difficult to learn on one's own.

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I use DreamWeaver to update our website. Super easy to learn, and much much better than FrontPage! I've never had any issues with DreamWeaver. I wasn't trying to make a website from scratch with it though, so I don't know what that's like. I just update, add photos, add new pages, that kind of stuff.

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Heather (www.skydivewings.com)

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I personally use and recommend Source Edit , lmfao it's what I use! That way you only put exactly what you want in it!

Otherwise I would recommend dreamweaver. It has increased support for other applications such as flash and fireworks, as well as other macromedia products, and it produces better "cookie cutter" pages if thats what you prefer.

I think I know what you'll be using by the look of this thread! - lol have fun ;)


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Frontpage is, in short, an abomination.

To expand on this a little, it's a hegemonic trojan horse devised solely to leverage the low-end website creators' gullibility towards an eventual Microsoft monopoly on all Internet software and functionality.

It also makes seriously crappy results. Not just a little bit crappy. SERIOUSLY crappy.

Dreamweaver is just a little bit crappy.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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yeah i gotta side with everybody else here - dreamweaver is the way to go. i've been using a trial version of 4 for a long time...i really need to grab a copy of mx and get the trial "extended" before they put out too many new revisions. ARR!B|

as far as good examples do *not* look at my webpage:$...i just threw it together out of boredom. the ones that i develop at work are nice. i like using dreamweaver when doing ASP coding...it makes sure your tags are code are polished up. i've gotten used to its debugging over the past couple years.

good luck! B|

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Are they making Homesite any longer? I thought Macromedia stopped production of after they bought it from Allaire.
I support a dept of web developers and we just switched from Homesite to Dreamweaver MX (using the Homesite workspace)
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Does anybody have experience with both programs?

I do... Frontpage made me want to puke! Yuk!!! Dreamweaver is the only WYSIWYG editor that I've tried that I like... I've used Allaire's Homesite mostly, and I liked the integration between the two packages... lately, I've been using Namo Web Editor under Windoze (cheap and it doesn't suck), and have been playing with Bluefish under Linux (kinda like a Homesite clone, so I like it so far).

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go with vi! no extra crap in the code unless you put it there! notepad works good too. i've never used dreamweaver, but i have used frontpage. i find it is okay to put a framework together quickly, especially if you want ot use frames and such, but they require a lot of cleaning up afterwards. learning to do simple pages with notepad (or vi) gives you a better understanding of how pages go together. as far as scripts and such, there's lot's of sites around that give cut-and-paste away for nothing.
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Thanks to everybody. When it's unanimous, it's a go!
Truthfully, FP was frustrating me to the point I was ready to go back to Notepad. Time to shell out the $$$$ and get with the "program".

One more for all you HTML pros; how come the markup tags on this site are enclosed in brackets instead of < > ??

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