
a solution to the snow problem

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For all the people who have been complaining about the weather. A possible solution has emerged...

"Women plan nude rain dance in bid to end drought"

"Hundreds of Australian women plan to hold a nude rain dance in a bid to end a drought."

"The women, who live in the Mallee area of Victoria, say they were inspired by a group of Nepalese women who carried out a similar rain dance earlier this year. Shortly afterwards the Nepalese drought ended."

weather dance

From now on, anyone complaining about the weather will be required to dance nude to change it. ;) Ya gotta go with the international solutions. :)

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I was thinking a few thousand strategically placed space heaters should do the trick. Or maybe just a small scale nuclear device.

Let's evaluate the alternatives...a few thousand space heaters or a few hundred naked women. Maybe I'm just old fashioned and want to go for the non-technical answer, but I'm siding with the naked women answer here. I'm just more social I guess. :ph34r: My experiences have shown me the heating value of nekkidness also. :$ Just an all-around solution.

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