
Have you been or are you in the Military?? Branch? Rank? Time?

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How about married to the military......does that count....more than 10 yrs now.....

Yes, of course it does (from an Army Brat).
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I could be an asshole and get away with it

I still have to laugh when the lingo comes home...

teaching the girls to ride their bikes.." now you must have SA going on...be aware of your surroundings at all times."

or.."come on babe.....let's hit the rack."

hehehe - don't forget decks and overheads...:ph34r:
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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USAF 66-70
Sgt (E-4)
Spent two Christmases in a row at beautiful Tuy Hoa AB, South Vietnam. Got to spend four months in Brasilia, Brazil, later - kinda made up for the SE Asia vacation.

I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

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What was so bad about Vietnam? Cheap beer, cheap hookers, and lots of stuff to shoot at.....

It was those unexpected KA_WHUMPS you could hear walking towards the base in the middle of the night that I found particularly irritating - especially during Tet in 1968.

I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

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It was those unexpected KA_WHUMPS

That shit does make a DISTINCTIVE sound doesn't it. :S I used to never flinch at loud noises. Until someone tried to kill me with some 81 MM mortars and 105 Arty......[:/]


I intend to live forever

Ahhhh....I see the problem......;)

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I intend to live forever


Ahhhh....I see the problem......


I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

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4yrs active USAF, 16yrs USAFR. Just got off 1 year activation for Enduring Freedom/Noble Eagle. Spent the ENTIRE summer in the sunny desert (PSAB). So much for being just a reservist! Was also activated in 99' for Operation Allied Force (Kosovo, stayed stateside).
MSgt, 20 years total and still going............
USAF AMMO, If You Ain't AMMO You Ain't Shit!!!!

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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SPC Petersen soon to be SGT Petersen. Active ARMY 3 years in the 82nd AIRBORNE, 1 year inactive and now 1+ years USAR. WAS a 63B1P (light wheeled vehicle mechanic/ AIRBORNE)now I'm an 88M (Truck driver) I get to drive an 18 wheeler and haul jet fuel.

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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18 years in the U.S.M.C. (and never enlisted) my old man was in the military. i was up every morning at 05:00 hours trying my best to be a "squared away individual" and being addressed as "mister" by my dad as he was checking out my "quarters" he stayed in 22 years, and retired. but he was a marine until the day he died. (lung cancer...ciggarettes) i was born in san diego california, orange county general hospital while the "old man" was stationed at camp pendleton. he was perhaps the meanest sob i've ever met, or maybe i deserved it, i'll never know for sure. one thing i do know, he could drink a LOT.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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USAF AMMO, If You Ain't AMMO You Ain't Shit!!!!

i just love the double negative here..... cuz we all know that ammo sucks........crew dogs in the house................

"i have no reader's digest version"

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dumb motha fuka's I was so tempted to get into THAT lifestyle
(SIDENOTE)..my 1st friend was shot and kiiled when I was 9 (he was 7 days away from his 14th birthday) I still remember the guys name and If I ever see him I will end up in court!(SIDENOTE OVER)

but I decided to get the fuck out of the place! now I jump out of airplanes and dress up in this G.I.JT uniform...never felt safer!:S

(Side note2) it used to be that Military were the only targets..now the rules have changed! So WTF is the difference?(sidenote 2 over)

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