
Homo thread II

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I'm all for it, but I'd rather see Catwoman going at it with Wonderwoman, just to balance things up a little....;)


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I look forward to the day nobody bothers to write stories about the first gay this and the first gay that anymore. Get over it, people. This isn't earth shattering!

That's what I was thinking.......seemed awfully patronizing to me. A little rediculous.

I'm all for the Catwoman/wonderwoman comic though...:D

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IMHO, this is not right, not right at all.

You know, I've read a lot of comics with gay characters... Granted they weren't the MAIN characters but to me, having a GAY main character is not that big a deal.

What I do think is a big deal is taking an old character, already established, with his own fan base, and deciding: "Well, let's make him Gay now."... [:/]

Of course, the rights below to the original artist and he doesn't seem to mind.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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"Well, let's make him Gay now."

Yeah..I mean...everyone knew the deal with Batman and Robin....:D

Batman has gone through a few Robins.... One of them may have been queer and loving the Batman but I assure you the Dark Knight is Hetero.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I work with a gay man an some of the things he tells me have me rolling.. His favorite thing to call me is "Breeder" LMAO I die laughing everytime he calls me a "Breeder"

ie: "You breeders just wouldn't understand!"

Just thought I'd add my .02 :P

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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I have a shirt that says 'Non Breeder.' I stopped wearing it because too many people took it as derogatory. :|

I'd wear it just to piss people off! Fuckum if they aren't intelligent enough to understand it's just a "poke" at the other person.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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