
Have you ever needed to dial 000, or should I say 911?

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I had to dial 000 tonight for the very first time, in my 22, almost 23 years of living!
I work on this busy corner...oh my god....that sounded soooo bad. I'll re-phrase that line!

I work at Red Rooster, and it's situated on a really busy roundabout. I was just having a cigarette out the back of the shop and heard this almighty crunch... brakes...BANG! I bolted to the road, and found this car slammed head first into a tree. And then all I can remember is hearing this little girl screaming and I dont know how I managed to get across the road so fast, but I did.
I was shaking so much when I was speaking to the ambulance...I was amazed that he totally understood my directions!
I was so proud of I...
So, it led me to wonder how many times have you lot have had to dial 000?

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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I suppose the most fun one was when i accidentally started the fast food place i worked at on fire. Oops.

Ha Ha Ha!!!!
That reminds me when I was working out the front counters at work, serving customers...and I must've lent on the button that activates the silent hold up alarm, which instantly sends a signal to the cops.
Guess who was there in mutiple numbers withing five minutes? [:/]

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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Once a bicycle accident right outside my door. (Man unconcious. Hadn't fastned his helmet strap...:S, Second one was this monday. My neighbours smoke detector had gone of. Nobody home. I heard the alarm and didn't want to ignore it (obviously) so I call the fire department (110). They came and busted in the door to find a smoke detector that had gone off for no good reason. I hope my neighbour had insurance that covered for the busted door:o

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Ive called 911 everytime i moved to a new place.
I wanna know what donut shop they suggest!:P

it helps me figure out where the best crime scene should be!:P

GOOD on ya,SUZ!(or should I say SUPER SUZ!;))
was everyone ok?

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dialed it a few times but mostly answered it on the other side, when i was a volunteer firefighter when i was young and energetic....:)

nothing like the rush of grabbing your gear and jumping on the fire truck...B|

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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Tons of times. Usually it was because there was too much radio traffic, so I'd go to the phone booth, dial 911: "Nine-one-one, what is the nature or your emergency?" "It's JP, I'll be ten-seven, lunch, at Hunan Garden for the next thirty" "John, you're only supposed to call this number in emergencies" "Hey, Mary, it is an emergency, I'm starving here!":P

On a serious note, in California when you call 911 from your cell phone, you get CHP, and they don't know what the hell you're talking about. It's faster to dial your carriers information number and have them then connect you to the police agency you want to talk to.;)

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:SCrikey! That's a HUGE Crocodile!!!!!!!:S


Always wanted to post that.


GOOD on ya,SUZ!(or should I say SUPER SUZ!)
was everyone ok?

Yeah. It got my heart racing though. I didnt want to pull out bodies, or bleeding heads.
all who were hurt seem to be fine. Little girl had a sore belly and a cut on her knee...

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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When we came came home from a camping trip a few years ago, I was putting away the gear, and my wife was putting away stuff, when we both smelled smoke. About 60 or 70 metres south of our home, a brush fire was raging ... my wife (closer to the phone)than I) called 911 mighty fast, and the firefighters arrived in time to put the fire out before our home was damaged ... they did have to spray a lot of water onto our cedar-shake roof to make sure the burning embers landing in it didn't ignite it!

And another time, very near Christmas about 10 years back, a co-worker had a heart attack as our noon news broadcast was on the air ... we called 911, and the first responders arived in moments, as their fire station is just across the street!

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you must live in a isolated area, or you have slow neighbours.

Well ... isolated is one way to refer to it ... lots of big trees and no houses near us on the south side ... much of the neighbourhood did arrive when all the firetrucks came screaming up the street! We live in a "rural" area!

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:$ Well here in Russia, fire is treated like a saint....as we constantly live in snow, you know?
But then, what would I know? I'm constantly looking at white ceilings, as it's my lifestyle and all...Thanks for the cream, that rash is healing really well!

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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how many times have you lot have had to dial 000?

Ok, this is gonna take a few minutes...but here goes...

I rode with a friend to deliver a load of lumber to a construction site. The building was going up 20 floors but had only reached the 10 when this happened. My friend and I were sitting on the edge of the 10 floor, watching traffic in downtown Atlanta when we noticed the portable toilet cleaning truck pull into the site. The crane operator on the top floor (they use a crane to raise and lower materials) was a hot shot young dude and he had a yellow piece of tape wrapped around his cable and when the tape reached the end of the boom, the hook for the crane was on the ground. The operator saw the truck pull into the site about the same time we saw it. Now, in order for the guy in the truck to empty and clean the portable toilet on the top of the building, the crane operator had to lower the portapotty to the ground. Anyway, he swung the crane around and on a dead run, snatched the port-a-potty off the building, flipped it over the side and let it freefall till he saw his yellow tape getting close to the end of the boom. He slammed on the brakes, the port-a-potty touched down, the door popped open and this construction guy came staggering out with his pants around his ankles and zig-zagged all over the site's yard. We called 911 just in case he was hurt (luckily he wasn't but was just shaken up). I almost fell off the building, laughing. I really wanted to ask the guy inside the port-a-potty what went through his mind as he was freefalling that 10 floors but didn't have the nerve...tee-hee.


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