
I buy Christmas presents because ...

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The poll that the consumer-driven industry doesn't want you to see. I am surprised by the number of people I ask that wouldn't do it except for the fact that they feel obligated. I'm wondering how much this would change if we honestly only bought presents for the people we wanted to, and no one had hurt feelings or expectations on Christmas day.

Just curious after buying some last minute gifts today with no small amount of associated stress. I am one of those that would buy for my nieces and nephews, and maybe a few others, but I always get presents for everyone due to the obligation.
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I finally admitted to myself, and my family, that I was only buying them because hallmark tells us we're supposed to, so this year I didn't buy 1 present (except the camera for my helmet ;)). and I really feel fine about itB|

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OK, so I'm all alone on the buying presents because I love it....

EDIT:For now.... I'm sure there are others....

Really, I love to see peoples faces light up.
Giving, that's me....

I couldn't care less if I recieved anything.

Tonight I got a surprise though. My parents got me something I NEED for my rigging, a sewing machine!

WOW! That's a big hurdle on the way to the Senior Rigger ticket that has now been cleared!

Woo Hoo!
It's your life, live it!
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I buy presents because society and tradition tells me to. Honestly, I think people forget what the true meaning of Christmas is. And no, it's not beer and titties. It's the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Remember him ? If I didn't have to buy presents that would be ok with me. I think it's just a big marketing gimmick like Valentines Day hyped up by the retail industry and when I think about it, it really pisses me off. >:( I mean why does it have to be one day a year that we go out and buy presents for our loved ones. Why can't we give them gifts throughout the year ?? I love it when I get an unexpected suprise fom someone I care about for no reason other than that they were thinking about me.... I could go on, but that's my rant and the only reason I dislike Christmas.

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Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
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Ah, Christmas. Tons of people everywhere going out and spending money they can't afford to buy things for people they don't even like.

This year I gave my parents JFTC cozies for my dead relatives and everyone else got a bunch of cash. Next year, I'm not buying one material thing. Everything will be something that has some meaning behind it (like the cozies).

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Well, some Shark I am.

I just love finding the "right" thing for someone. It might be something hand-made, cheap, or as expensive as I can afford at the time. It depends on the person. Parity is only in thoughtfulness and love, not money spent.

Reality is that you can't show up with vastly $ mismatched gifts. Anyway, it usually seems to balance out OK without worrying about it too much.

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Because people do so much for me during the year. It is just my way of saying thanks. People fix me dinners and take me places, I just try to return it.

Usually in the two weeks before Christmas, I give people concert tickets and such. This way, they don't feel obligated to give me something back (like if I gave them something on Christmas.) This year, it was Jeff Foxworthy's tour. Most of them are music appearances. A couple of people got their fav CDs. Some books with humor (The Onion has a book out).

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I buy presents for people all the time. Not just at christmas time, but whenever i run across something i know a freind would like. Like yesterday at the airport, i found the cutest little thing for my Pete so i bought it for him. And of course he'll love it.:)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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