
What's your favorite sport besides skydiving?

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but dumpster diving ;) is a lot of fun too if you know what I mean.

Wow, that brought back a flood of memories from my past...:)

My other favorite sport has to be racquetball. Especially no-holds-barred combat racquetball.

Trips to the ER with traumatic injury from skydiving: 0
Trips to the ER with traumatic injury from racquetball: 1

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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womens pro beach voley ball

then favorite race is the vende Globe : around the world alone

I forgot super bikes, and i watching "cause i cant afford to play" hang gliding racea along the ciffs at blacks beach.

I am a runner and proud of it.

I wear a sweat band when i'm, you know, doin it

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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Motocross for sure!!
I remember in High School the guidance counselor asked me what I wanna be and I replied “Professional Motocross Racer, you know just like Jeremy McGrath and Jeff Emig”
She looked at like I was kidding, then wrote something down in her little clipboard... Damn Beach doesn't wanna encurage a student to follow their dreams...

As for the dream coming true, I got to old for the 80 class and sold my bike, 'cept I never had enough to buy myself a 125 :(

I'm pretty lucky cause I live 2 minutes away from Canada's largest Motocross National and turned out to become it's webmaster :)

AAAAA - American Association Against Acronym Abuse.

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I climb when not skydiving. Nothing major, mainly sport. I've done only 1 of the 7 summits. It wasn't listed. I raced superbikes before skydiving, and have a 30 year martial arts habit.. mainly Wing Chun, Hungar and Shaolin long fist.

It's the year of the Pig.

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Im doing my first 4 miler marathon race this month

Just curious, Freebird, what's a "4 miler marathon"? Is it a team relay where you only have a 4 mile segment each?

My favorite sports other than skydiving are hiking, biking, & running...but I don't get out to do those much anymore since starting jumping!


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Before I started jumping I was heavy into wakeboarding.

I haven't wakeboarded in a while but I'm still very much into other sports besides skydiving:

I love repelling (don't really care much for climbing, but I'll do it)
Deep-Sea fishing

I do at least one of these every month...so pretty frequently. I LOVE adventures


Skydiving is GREAT and BY FAR is the best thing I do, but I can only get down to the DZ every weekend...in the afternoons or in bad weather, I can always do something else:P

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womens pro beach voley ball

Wooo Hoooo! I played Varsity V-ball all through HS, even had a scholarship (which I didn't take) to play in college. I was a hitter (spiker to those of you who don't play). Gabby Reece kicks bootie and she's beautiful when she does it, too!:P

I don't play much anymore, but I live on the beach and in the summer we set up a net and play once in a while. I love it, and yes, I grunt when I spike and serve. Ha ha ha!:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Karate! :)
Going to give moring classes at the dz when the summer comes.
Been thinking about combining the sports. Freefalling kata competition would be a challenge:P

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Used to play raquetball.

Nowadays, it's Cross-Country Skiing in the Winter and Skydiving in the Summer.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I don't really have another favorite sport, but I'd love to try Skeleton.


Well after 6 years of both Bobsled & skeleton, I have to admit Skeleton is pure fun and safer.
I just got a scaner for X-mas: here's a pic of me just leaving turn 6 a little late on exit=one runner 1/2 way to turn 7.
-Grant G.
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I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.


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