
Guitar question

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I'm having trouble getting the fingering right for a F chord. I have to use my index finger as a bridge across the entire first fret, right? I'm having the damnedest time getting that right without the strings buzzing and stuff. Am I going about it the wrong way or is there a different way to finger a F chord?

(btw, I played for another 3 hours today and now I can finally play all of Hey Jude. Not bad for my second day, huh? B|).
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Another question, the book I'm learning from doesn't explain how to read tabs when done like this:

Main Riff
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Could someone explain that too?
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I've been playing the trumpet for 12 years and harmonica for 6, so I've got the music theory and an ear for it, all i'm doing now is getting my technique down and making my fingers do what they need to do, which is the hard part. B|

I want to play more then I am, but my fingers can't handle it yet (I know, I'm a wuss).

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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F is a bitch - no doubt. Ask anyone that starts learning to play. Try it on a steel string with unfriendly action. All I can say is keep practicing. You will get it eventually. I've been playing for 10 years and I still have trouble with F.
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Its actually Du Hast by Rammstein, but that's just the example I happened to have handy on the web, since I've been looking for tabs I've seen a *lot* of stuff written out like that.

I've only been playing for 2 days, so I'm strumming chords, finger picking will come for me later.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Another question, the book I'm learning from doesn't explain how to read tabs when done like this:

Main Riff
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Could someone explain that too?

That is basically just an "E" chord. each row is one chord played...I.E.
Is one chord strum it then move to the next!(which happens to be the same) Tab is written to sow ou which frets are played during the song. any number that is DIREICTLY ontop or bleo w another number are frets played simutaneously!

F is harder at first because of the angle of your wrist and hand... keep your palm away form the neck and your thumb shouold be in the middle of the neck (On the back of the neck).
it wont be easy for quite some time but youll get used to it
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Ok, so its more of a lead guitar type thing, instead of just strumming through chords then?

well one thing you need to learn about right hand technique is you dont always strum all the strings, particularly with "power cords" like thoose used in heavy metal etc...
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You can also play an F a bit like a C, but up one fret. You use your index finger across both the B and high E strings, and your thumb wrapped round the neck to supply the low F on the base E string (maybe someone can explain that better.....:S)

Having said that, you will need to master the 'normal' way of doing bar chords, and I'm afraid - as others have already said - it just takes practice. Onto bar chords on day 2 is not at all bad though!

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I thought this would just be E minor


E major 7th would be

F would be

E--1 (or X)

X means don't play this string

But then my tab is pretty rusty.

Edit for typo

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I remember trying to learn bar cords way back 30 some years ago :-(. They are one of the hardest things to learn. Just keep at it, it will seem like it will never happen, but one day it will work like out of nowhere, trust me. Hey your embouchere took a long time to get right , didn't it?

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