
high school cliques?

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If I were you I'd sue, contact the ACLU and tell them you're not being included.

See, the problem is that I'm white, middleclass, male and straight, so the ACLU doesn't give a flying shit about me...

But your bald(now) and thats why your discriminated against;):D:P
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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AHA! Your from Oregon...ME TOO! I'll jump with ya, your my HERO!!! (I've got 23 jumps...you've got more) Your a skygod to me :P

Seriously though, we gotta make a jump sometime. I've never been down to the DZ in Eugene, my Home DZ is Kapowsin in WA. hehe a 3 hour drive for me :S

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I tend to choose my friends by other attributes such as someone who is nice, funny, laid-back, intelligent and has good character.

*sniffle* *sniffle* You always say the sweetest things about me, mama;):P

I decide for myself who is cool and who is not. I've said it a million times before but I'll say it again for you. I like genuine people. If you're an asshole and you say, "Hey, I'm an asshole, this is me," then we're cool and I'll be your friend b/c at least you're yourself and OK with that. But if you say, "Hey, I'm a nice great person, " and really you're an asshole, then we're not cool and you're on your own.

Some of the people deemed "cool" I think are assholes and some of the "cool" people that others think are assholes, I really like.

Just don't worry about others. I've been jumping in Deland for almost two years and some people, cool or not, are JUST NOW starting to say hello and be friendly. Others, cool or not, said hello right away.

Whether it takes you a year to warm up, or whether you warmed up right away, doesn't really matter to me. All that matters is that you're genuine. :P;)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Something I learned after high school - people who exclude others from their little groups usually do so because they are incredibly insecure and need to have some way to pump themselves up.

So true Lisa!! I've been to dz's where there is a "cool crowd" that is too good to jump with the lowtimers. People like that suck and prolly drive a few newbies away.

I love jumping with recent grads, i think it's fun. Plus they don't realize how much i suck at flying on my belly.:)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Like the others have said, ignore them; it really does make them crazy.

He he he....SO TRUE! You know one guy (I won't say who or where) actually had the balls to approach me and ask me WHY I hadn't paid him any attention like most new jumpers (this was a while ago). HA HA HA! I didn't know him well enough to judge, but had heard him say some not-so-nice things to some other jumpers and didn't care much for him. He went out of his way, after that, to say hello all the time. I still don't pay him any attention. His "hellos" are a bit superficial. :P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Talk to those that aren't *cool*, talk to the students coming through the system, talk to the parents and spectators of tandems, talk to anyone and everyone and you'll soon be the cool kid yourself and others will want to talk to you.
Rich M

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sup'?, thanks for all the suggestions, its just kind of scary out there sometimes. I just wish i wasn't as scared of the air, or all the skygods and if i dont get my act together i'll never end up on a skyboard[:/]. '

Don't be distracted,,, by such thoughts.>:( Get your priorities right ,enjoy your jumps and do them safely,:)and when you're not jumping,,, be paying attention.. The ones you THINK are cool..:P may just be... much less subtle,,,,(and may be more flashy and outspoken,), than the ones who ARE cool....;)
Still waters,,, run deep...
As for,,,"if I don't get my act together,, I may never end up on a skyboard"...Whoa,,, chill out monarch135, you are considering,,, big time "serious" skydiving there...... and a pursuit which should not be approached with an,,,"I've gotta get there" attitude...Jumping with a board, is a very tricky, delicate, and yes difficult thing to do....do not be misled by footage you may have seen, which makes it look easy... That footage was probably created by an Expert in the art,,, who may have had
many many hundred,,, even thousands of jumps, with a board. I sure make it a point never to discourage anyone!!!, in their dreams, and in their accomplishment of those dreams,,,,,,but first things first OK??
Your profile shows less than 250 jumps, and if you have "air scare" as you say,,, you should consider stepping back,,,taking a deep breath,,, relaxing,,, about D.Z. silliness,,,,,, and "learning" how to find
joy and exhiliaration,, in a simple freefall, and parachute ride.......Get REALLY comfortable,, experience a bit more,,,,(like say, a successful response to an opening emergency,,, i.e. cutaway),
spend some time between jumps, talking with, and LISTENING to,, your fellow skydivers,,,, and guess what?????? you will have so many friends,,,, that you won't have to worry about the cliques !!!:)
skydive softly, skydive often, skydive with friends

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Yeah, a few props to JP and the gang at Skydance for their clinic days.

I think Northern California just rocks for being a student skydiver. Byron has some pretty good pickup groups in both RW and FF, but Davis (Skydance) had semi-formal clinic days in both disciplines. It's a chance for, uh, "raw-talent":$ to learn from skygods who are usually training with their posse for a competition.

Ask your DZO to designate a day as a Freefly or RW clinic and have him comp some tickets to the good coach skygods to dedicate a day to jumping with newbies. I got to do an unforgettable head-to-sit skyball jump with Doc and Paulie.


Anyhow, that setup has helped me a ton. If you can't get it where you're at, check airfares. It would be worth the trip.

The other JP.

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hey any advice for someone who isnt in the cool group with all the skykids at the local dz?:S

Real simple answer. Go find the Muff Brothers. We make it a point to jump with newbies. Lots of 30-100 jump people on our loads. Someone did it for all of us. We will definitely jump with you. If you can't skydive that well, neither will we. ;) We organize groups at the convention based on experience.

Don't be offended if you are not invited to jump with an experienced crowd. It is not personal or being snooty. Other people may have stuff to do too. They may have a regular 4-way group or a regular big-way group that does more complicated stuff than you can handle. They are trying to improve themselves also, ok? Also they want to do something to challenge themselves.

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