
Freeze Fest 2003

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Hey all. Just wanted to remind you that Cross Keys is hosting Freeze Fest this weekend. The forecast looks promising, with temps in the mid-40's (the warmest we've had in nearly a month). So, who all is going to be there?

Not me! I'll be in orange during our heatwave of 50. :)

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If the snow (in MD) and the rain (at cross keys) holds off, and the plane will start in the cold, I'll be flying in. I dunno what I'm thinking... I was there last year. It was COLD. And if I fly in, I'll be leaving before dark which is when the real fun starts. I got my fill of cold weather jumping in florida a couple weeks ago. Oh well, here I come to freeze my ass off. :)

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I really want to head to Cross Keys this summer. Just let me know of any boogies that they have when it's shorts weather again! I'm sick of this cold stuff!

the monkey boys (that's Monkey Claw) put together two big events each year (typically). One on memorial day weekend, and one on Labor day weekend. Check out either www.freefalladventures.com or www.monkeyclaw.com

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the monkey boys (that's Monkey Claw) put together two big events each year (typically). One on memorial day weekend, and one on Labor day weekend. Check out either www.freefalladventures.com or www.monkeyclaw.com

Cool! I made a few (very few) jumps with Brandon (one where he and Tomas were on their bellies the WHOLE TIME), and he seems like an alright guy! I'm not really a freeflier, though, so do they have any rw stuff going on then?
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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the monkey boys (that's Monkey Claw) put together two big events each year (typically). One on memorial day weekend, and one on Labor day weekend. Check out either www.freefalladventures.com or www.monkeyclaw.com

Cool! I made a few (very few) jumps with Brandon (one where he and Tomas were on their bellies the WHOLE TIME), and he seems like an alright guy! I'm not really a freeflier, though, so do they have any rw stuff going on then?

yup, big ways, small ways, anyways.... you name it. Cross keys is a very inclusive DZ:)

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Oh my gosh! Beer Olympics! That sounds like a good time to hold a flippy cup tournament! :D

The people that I've met from Crosskeys have always been cool cats...can't wait to actually go there sometime!

There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I was going to go, but yesterday was crappy weather...Now today looks great! Sunny and about 45...but I woke up too late and have to pack bc I'm leaving for a job in Atlanta tomorrow morning. Oh, well, maybe next year!

BUT I am extending my stay in ATL and driving down to Florida to jump for a week! I've only jumped at Sebastian down there and this time am planning to hit Z-hills and Deland.

Does anyone know any fun people I can meet up with in Deland or Z-hills? I don't know if I know anyone there?!

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Does anyone know any fun people I can meet up with in Deland or Z-hills?

rdutch and I jump in Deland. Stacy, Galen, jraf, happythoughts and jumpinkramer all call Z-hills home. Let us know when you're coming for sure! :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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