
Iraq? It's the Oil, Stupid!

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The assassination in Sarajevo merely enabled the Austro-Hungarian empire to start a war that had been on their minds long before.

Definitely...the assasination may have been the lit match that set it off, but the fuse was already in place with lots of fires all around it. Great book that touches on this subject is The Radetzky March by Joseph Roth. Very much in the style of Tolstoy, but in my opinion, even better at character development. WWI occured because of the death of empires already in motion.

That's also like saying the fuse was in place with the great depression when Hitler came to power. I was trying to simply cite the catalysts, which usually boil down to a single leader making a decision.

True. But if a bomb goes off somewhere, we usually simply say it was a bomb blast, not a detonator-induced bomb blast:)

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>But the question is; given the circumstances, who is more likely to
> start a war/cause thousands of deaths- Saddam or George?

No question there - Bush. We have a far more bloody history than even Iraq over the past 50 years. We just consider the blood we shed as more justified.

Bill, you cite a very good point, over the past 50 years -- even though that is a scewed statistic. If you expanded that time frame to 200 years, you wouldn't be able to make your point. If you were to say 2000 years, you point would be moot. Very crafty, nice try. :P

It is disappointing to see statistics spewed without an asterisk pointing out the details of how things came to be.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I see alot of the moral equivalence argument by anti-war types here.
There is no comparison between the U.S. and the Iraq human rights record!! Anyone who compares the two lives in a dream world!
We go out of our way, historically speaking, WAY out of our way to avoid unnecessary casualties
That my friends is a FACT.
I believe in the leadership shown by this administration, anyone who doesn't think we are fighting for our very survival is wrong.
This war, should it happen will not be easy, there are many variables and the outcome is anything but certain. But I believe it is necessary for the stability of the whole world.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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We go out of our way, historically speaking, WAY out of our way to avoid unnecessary casualties

Just out of curiosity, and apologies for the tangent... but do you consider Hiroshima a method of avoiding unnecesary casualties...? What about Nagasaki?


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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It's the unnecessary part dude!
Those bombs prevented many more casualties than they caused. There was another thread that addressed this issue.
It boils down to the equivalence thing again.
The fate of the entire world was at stake then, it took decisive, NECESSARY action.

Andy, we need to do a jump together! After that we can drink beer and argue!

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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I'd also say we are very good at inflicting necessary casualties!
Obviously violence is a last resort, but when you decide to use it, it has to be used in an overwelming manner to show the enemy the futility of continuing to resist.
That's reality

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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I see alot of the moral equivalence argument by anti-war types here.
There is no comparison between the U.S. and the Iraq human rights record!! Anyone who compares the two lives in a dream world!
We go out of our way, historically speaking, WAY out of our way to avoid unnecessary casualties
That my friends is a FACT.
I believe in the leadership shown by this administration, anyone who doesn't think we are fighting for our very survival is wrong.
This war, should it happen will not be easy, there are many variables and the outcome is anything but certain. But I believe it is necessary for the stability of the whole world.

The leadership shown by this administration has led to complete failure to capture Osama bin Laden. We remain on high alert for terrorism, sacrificing many civil rights, indicating failure to bring the terrorists to heel. All we have is a diversionary maneuver in Iraq: diverting the public's attention from the administration's failures.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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We go out of our way, historically speaking, WAY out of our way to avoid unnecessary casualties

Just out of curiosity, and apologies for the tangent... but do you consider Hiroshima a method of avoiding unnecesary casualties...? What about Nagasaki?


Yes, yes, YES!!

Without the bomb, the US plan was an amphibious invasion of Japan, comprising of over 3M troops. The Japanese army on the homeland was a significantly larger number, not including the civilians that would have fought as well. The dead and injured from that single part of the conflict alone would have totalled well over 6 MILLION. The bomb did save lives in the long run, American and Japanese.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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The leadership shown by this administration has led to complete failure to capture Osama bin Laden.


I don't believe this is true, OBL is very much captured, "IF" he is still even alive, He can't show his face in public anywhere on earth without fearing for his life. OBL use to run a army and some people say a country and now he maybe just runs. OBL made 1 (ONE) major attack on U.S soil under this administration rule and he was then crushed to the point that he could not make a second in over a year and 4 months(And counting). OBL is imprisoned/captured where ever he is being that he is no longer free to terrorize. I do not find failure in that at all.

"We remain on high alert for terrorism" "sacrificing many civil rights"

That is a shame and uncontrollable by this or any administration.


"indicating failure to bring the terrorists to heel."


Do you have any idea how many terrorists this administration brought to "heel"? This administration built prisons just for the heeled terrorists. Heel?? George W. Bush "Hilled" thousands under mountains of dirt to be buried alive with stock piles of their own weapons and amo, He destroyed there whole main infrastructure putting them into complete chaos. There administration failed.

All we have is a diversionary maneuver in Iraq: diverting the public's attention from the administration's failures.

That is all you have, do not include me and many other in your public. This administration has done more for the war on terror in 2 years then the last U.S administration did in 8 years. Besides let it grow strength.

------Have a good one!--------

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That is all you have, do not include me and many other in your public. This administration has done more for the war on terror in 2 years then the last U.S administration did in 8 years. Besides let it grow strength.

No, I also have the miserable state of the economy as further reason for distraction.

What exactly do YOU have? The administration keeps claiming to have evidence, but no-one has yet seen any of it. Several US intelligence sources openly stated that there is no evidence linking Iraq with 9/11 or recent terrorist activities.

And what does the previous administration have to do with the failures of this one? Maybe Nixon is to blame?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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No, I also have the miserable state of the economy as further reason for distraction.


Factually the economy has already started to improve and is predicted by many to rally this spring. And I would not describe the worlds strongest economy as miserable.

What exactly do YOU have? The administration keeps claiming to have evidence, but no-one has yet seen any of it. Several US intelligence sources openly stated that there is no evidence linking Iraq with 9/11 or recent terrorist activities.

I cut and copied this from another one of my posts, I did not feel like retyping the same thing.

My answer to why no evidence yet? The military is not ready yet. I think after Desert Storm they have a good idea what will happen, Mass surrendering and mass refugees, They need to house/feed/protect all these people, and our own, possibly under chemical warfare conditions.
I think they will keep building up the military and humanitarian back up, let the U.N inspectors snoop around on there own. When everything is ready give the inspectors directions on where to go/look. And be able to back them up to the end.I don't think those inspectors want to find a "Smoking Gun" right now, They could change from U.N inspector to hostage as fast as one can raise a gun.

And what does the previous administration have to do with the failures of this one? Maybe Nixon is to blame?

Your right I should not even compare the two administrations. I was just looking for a way to compare what has been done in George W. Bush's short time in administration to what the U.S has done in it's recent history and I found it to easy to compare it to the last. My bad.

And Again I don't see this as "Failures"

------Have a good one!--------

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No, I also have the miserable state of the economy as further reason for distraction.


Factually the economy has already started to improve and is predicted by many to rally this spring. And I would not describe the worlds strongest economy as miserable.

What exactly do YOU have? The administration keeps claiming to have evidence, but no-one has yet seen any of it. Several US intelligence sources openly stated that there is no evidence linking Iraq with 9/11 or recent terrorist activities.

I cut and copied this from another one of my posts, I did not feel like retyping the same thing.

My answer to why no evidence yet? The military is not ready yet. I think after Desert Storm they have a good idea what will happen, Mass surrendering and mass refugees, They need to house/feed/protect all these people, and our own, possibly under chemical warfare conditions.
I think they will keep building up the military and humanitarian back up, let the U.N inspectors snoop around on there own. When everything is ready give the inspectors directions on where to go/look. And be able to back them up to the end.I don't think those inspectors want to find a "Smoking Gun" right now, They could change from U.N inspector to hostage as fast as one can raise a gun.

And what does the previous administration have to do with the failures of this one? Maybe Nixon is to blame?

Your right I should not even compare the two administrations. I was just looking for a way to compare what has been done in George W. Bush's short time in administration to what the U.S has done in it's recent history and I found it to easy to compare it to the last. My bad.

And Again I don't see this as "Failures"

You have much more trust than I do. It used to be, just 3 years ago, that an administration's records were made available to the public after an interval of 12 years. One of the first acts (pre 9/11) of Bush II was to issue an executive order cancelling this release of information. How convenient that it covered his dad's presidency! What are they hiding?

Even after the Enron fiasco and Kenneth Lay's known friendship with Bush and Cheney, this administration refuses to reveal any details of the process it used and who it consulted to develop its energy policy. What are they hiding?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You have much more trust than I do.


I Must, Either that or you have way more dis-trust.

It used to be, just 3 years ago, that an administration's records were made available to the public after an interval of 12 years. One of the first acts (pre 9/11) of Bush II was to issue an executive order cancelling this release of information. How convenient that it covered his dad's presidency! What are they hiding?

Dude I don't know, What do you think they are hiding?? Whatever it is there successful at it. Another thing they are not Failing at.

***Even after the Enron fiasco and Kenneth Lay's known friendship with Bush and Cheney, this administration refuses to reveal any details of the process it used and who it consulted to develop its energy policy. What are they hiding?

Not you or I or anyone knows for sure, I heard that one of the reasons alot of the energy policies/plans/reports and reviews where filed top secrete was due to releasing them would release much to valuable information of all major power plants and grids in the U.S. Being that there was reports specifically on the weakness of our major power plants/power grids/oil and gas refinery's/storage tanks and I also believe waterways and dams are to terrorist strikes and attacks, It don't surprise me. Not something I'd want my enemy to know let alone public knowledge.
I also heard there are other countries that don't want information released that the U.S has no problem with releasing, Why's that? What do you think? Do you think George W. Bush and family is out to get you? Think not every dollar that he has made in his life and is spent for the rest of his life won't be counted/watched by many people under close supervision? What do you think the big cospearcey is? Seems to me you think some things up.

------Have a good one!--------

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You've become another victim of the US propaganda machine I fear.

You really don't have any idea where I get my information from. You are acting like we should have went into Afghanistan and immediately forced them to buy into our ideas of civil rights. It doesn't work that way. They have the opportunity now. That is about as far as we can force the issue. Now we just have to help with their stability and future change. If we tried to force it any further you would be the first to scream "American Bully". Get off of your high horse please!

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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The leadership shown by this administration has led to complete failure to capture Osama bin Laden.


That is all you have, do not include me and many other in your public. This administration has done more for the war on terror in 2 years then the last U.S administration did in 8 years. Besides let it grow strength.

The failure to capture OBL (assuming he isn't dead) may have had something to do with the leaking of information to the press pertaining to how we were traking him via Sat-phone and their lack of restraint. Some wonder why we don't tell the press everything? What are we hiding? Intelligence or any information is only valuable if every moron in the world doesn't know about it.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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Then present it and get the rest of the world on our side.

Are you really that naive about intelligence operations? Telling specific types of information usually gives away the source of that information thus making it useless for future intelligence gathering. If the "source" happens to be in human form (where most good intelligence comes from) then you can also place that person's life in great danger. We get a lot (if not most) of our foreign intel from people working in the foreign government who are on the payroll of the US government. It is not good practice to be getting them killed on a regular basis. The CIA and FBI consider the protection of human assets a very high priority.

I'm sure you don't believe this. Maybe one day you'll realize that you don't know everything.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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That is all you have, do not include me and many other in your public. This administration has done more for the war on terror in 2 years then the last U.S administration did in 8 years. Besides let it grow strength.

No, I also have the miserable state of the economy as further reason for distraction.

What exactly do YOU have? The administration keeps claiming to have evidence, but no-one has yet seen any of it. Several US intelligence sources openly stated that there is no evidence linking Iraq with 9/11 or recent terrorist activities.

Um, the dot.com bubble burst was prepared under the guidance of your ol' buddy slick willy and her husband. Consult your economic data carefully.


And what does the previous administration have to do with the failures of this one? Maybe Nixon is to blame?

It is a well known fact that Sudan, through multiple (four, IIRC) back channel contacts in the CIA attempted to hand over UBL to Clinton. This as after we'd identified the links to the two US Embassy bombings in Africa. The Clinton administration became too consumed with the legality factors in an area where there was no real law established.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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"I hope so too Dave, but I don't think Bush is going to resign..."

Good to see my humour isn't totally unappreciated Will.;)


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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If You're Happy And You Know It Bomb Iraq
by John Robbins

If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq
If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq
If the terrorists are Saudi, And your alibi is shoddy, And your tastes
remain quite gaudy,Bomb Iraq.
If you never were elected, bomb Iraq
If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq
If you think that SUVs, Are the best thing since sliced cheese, And your
father you must please,Bomb Iraq
If the globe is quickly warming, bomb Iraq
If the poor will soon be storming, bomb Iraq
We assert that might makes right, Burning oil is a delight, For the
empire we will fight, Bomb Iraq
If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq
If we think that someone's dissed us, bomb Iraq
So to hell with the inspections, Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions, Bomb Iraq
If corporate fraud is growin', bomb Iraq
If your ties to it are showin', bomb Iraq
If your politics are sleazy, And hiding that ain't easy, And your
manhood's getting queasy, Bomb Iraq
Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq
For our might now knows no borders, bomb Iraq
Disagree? Well call it treason, It's the make war not love season, Even
if we have no reason,Bomb Iraq.


When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Bwahahahahahahahaha... LOL

Very Good.. lol

How about..

If you don't want your sons and daughters to die innocently in their sleep bomb SADDHAM..

If you want to be able to drink clean water bomb SADDHAM..

If you are horny and you know it, and you want to live to show it, if you are horny and you know it bomb SADDHAM..



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Um, the dot.com bubble burst was prepared under the guidance of your ol' buddy slick willy and her husband. Consult your economic data carefully.

What makes you think I like Clinton just because I think Bush is incompetent? Non sequitur.


And what does the previous administration have to do with the failures of this one? Maybe Nixon is to blame?

It is a well known fact that Sudan, through multiple (four, IIRC) back channel contacts in the CIA attempted to hand over UBL to Clinton. This as after we'd identified the links to the two US Embassy bombings in Africa. The Clinton administration became too consumed with the legality factors in an area where there was no real law established.

So what does that have to do with Bush's attempts to distract from his own failures? Maybe you'd like to address Reagan's and Bush I's materiel support for Saddam, and April Glaspie's role in precipitating the invasion of Kuwait, and who gave the Stingers to the Taliban, if you want to discuss history?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>You are acting like we should have went into Afghanistan and
> immediately forced them to buy into our ideas of civil rights.

Uh, no, I'm acting like the claim "we liberated the poor, downtrodden people of Afghanistan!" is a bunch of feel-good bull. In reality, we killed a bunch of them, installed a Unocal oil consultant as leader, and changed very little about how they lived. We _should_ have gotten Bin Laden and gotten out of the country as quickly as possible, since that was our stated objective.

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>Maybe one day you'll realize that you don't know everything.

I know very little; so do you. I could as easily claim that there is a secret US plot to take over every country in the Middle East, and just claim that you are not enough 'in the know' to realize that. And it would be as pointless as your accusations.

We, of course, have military secrets. I would very much hope we live in a society where we would not undertake the deaths of thousands based purely on secret information, especially if that secret information could be used by inspectors to _prevent_ a war that could kill thousands. If anything, this is exactly the reasoning used to justify spying, espionage, and other questionable activities - because such activity can save lives and avoid wars. If instead we use such information to go to war and lessen the chances for peace we have perverted the very intent of our intelligence assets.

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