
She speaks Spanish I don't...

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There is this girl, Lili, who works at Burger King.I've known her (sorta) for about a year. She always smiles so nice at me; ya know ? When she works the window, she always gives me my chicken salad for free. She sometimes gives me a little something special, toys, cards... but then X-mas, and V-Day??? I was embarassed, she's asked me for my number, and I've joked it off...:S

On Monday I gave her my tx. but she didn't call til tonite. I asked her whats up w/that? she says, her English is not very good... (it really isn't) and my conversational spanish (practical Mexican) sucks!!!

Ugh! No doubt she's beautiful!! Aguillara look-alike!! She's been workin me for a while and I think she might be worth the time... but, If we can't communicate; hmmm, whats the sense?

I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!

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She says she loves to cook, so do I. I told her I'd love to cook her dinner and we could teach each other spanish/english. She also said she likes English-speaking movies, like Arnold Swarzzeneger. Too cool! I'm a sucker for action-packed adventure!!

I am a little concerned about the music thing though, that can be a deal-maker/breaker?? I think I'll wait until I hear her stuff? I don't know?

I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!

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Absolutely nothing can compare with being with a Latina.;)

But, there are some culture differances. You're not just dating her, you are typically expected to spend some time with her family as well.

The other party in the relationship always comes first, always take her side in public, even if you know she is flat-out wrong. You two can discuss it in private later.

Honor and respect is priority in a Latino household. Follow the golden rule and use common sense and you will do just fine.

If you ever cheat on a Latina...may God have mercy on your soul because they'll never find your body after she gets done with you.;) I suggest the Witness Protection Program...in Africa.

They are usually very sweet, intelligent and giving. Congrats, you lucky SOB.

Kris Martinez

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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If you ever cheat on a Latina...may God have mercy on your soul because they'll never find your body after she gets done with you.;) I suggest the Witness Protection Program...in Africa.

I don't think that would be a wise idea, Kris. She'd be able to follow, and if she didn't, her amigas would; and if she has any brothers...

I think a nice crater somewhere on Mars would be safer.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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.....If you ever cheat on a Latina...may God have mercy on your soul because they'll never find your body after she gets done with you. I suggest the Witness Protection Program...in Africa. ROFLMAO I will without a doubt, always pay close attention to that advise.........

Steve M
for me -- SkyDiving is a life sentence -- for it has saved my life.

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I think a nice crater somewhere on Mars would be safer.

You know, Jack...after doing some more thinking, I don't think even Mars would be far enough away.

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Hispanic girls LOVE romance, so you better read some poetry, don't bother translating, knowing that is a poem she will definetely dig you.

And yes, you better not cheat on a Hispanic or her amigos and relatives will pay you a visit, or you might end up visiting the emergency room at your nearest hospital with your willy in your shirt pocket.

But...if you are cool, you will have the most BEAUTIFUL relationship (and in the sack? you better work out, take vitamins and have your Wheaties every morning to keep up)
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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You guys are wild!!:S I totally dig it!

Alright, now I'm glad I asked. I can definately impress her with, "la-Boobies???" hahhaha...

I never thought of the the Spanish/English translator, ugh! Thanks. Enter a dimension of courting that passes any realm of romantisism that I have ever explored. It seems more than a challenge but almost threatening? Ya know,? My truest romantic expressions come from my heart, and it involves investment; exposure, vulnerability...

I may be sucked in to the American Woman thing? But my internal hopeless romatic dreams of a woman like this 'Latin' woman like Kris et al describes. Devotion, loyalty, committment, family unity, respect, honor... Wild-Hot intimacy...

Geez! she's gotten under my skin, but hmmph! what the hell is going on...???? she bugs me for so long, I give her my number and she calls once in a week???


I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!

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what the hell is going on...???? she bugs me for so long, I give her my number and she calls once in a week???

Uh, that's an easy one.

Go buy a burger, get her number and YOU do some of the work. Sheesh, sounds like she's done enough. She doesn't want a guy that is scared to put some effort into it.

Failure is success, try it.


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I give her my number and she calls once in a week???

You clearly don't understand latin women. You will have to be the initiator in these matters. Don't expect her to be like an American woman, we're talking apples and Oranges here. Chivalry is not an exception, it is the norm when courting latin women.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Dude, like I mentioned before, you better put your 'romance' cap on and go ahead, don't rush, just do things right, señoritas don't like rushing they enjoy some mystery, chivalry, you master that and 'Las boobies' will be yours forever.

They like to feel 'hard to get' but don't be fooled, that's their way to say 'I like you dude, come and get me'
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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