
The War Has Begun

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Well... the powers are always shifting.

We should just hope that those in charge are smart enough to look into the past. You must learn from history. What is the saying ? "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it." ?? Something like that ?

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I can't understand why we are happy to essentially ignore North Korea, which is a much greater threat to us than Iraq.

Maybe it's because North Korea is ruled by a "loser dictator.";)
Click here.

Oh man, that was funny! :D:D:D
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I guess wishing the best for a what can come from a situation like this would be too much to ask of our statesmen neighbors to the north.

As one of your neighbours from the north, I am saddened by the remarks made by our Prime Minister ( I am further saddened by the fact that the Iraqi Information Minister speaks better English than him, but that is beside the point).

Whatever Chretien might be saying, we are replacing most US troops in Afghanistan to free them for the war in Iraq, we have Canadian soldiers fighting under US command and we have Navy Ships running general security patrol in the area.

On one side he is saying we do not agree, on the other side we are certainly aiding the effort. Personally I think Chretien is an idiot.

I hope this war is swift and all involved come home safe.......

edited for spelling, grammar etc.....

Maybe you haven't had children? As a father of 4 grown sons, I have found cause to say on more than one occasion "I think you are making a mistake, but I'm going to support you anyway in your decision".

I think Bush has made a mistake that will come back to haunt the US sooner or later. However, the decision is made, and I support the troops and hope for a quick victory.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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By The Way, Billvon, you have to be the most ignorant person I have ever seen post, anywhere. What? Are you from California? Wait. NO excuse. You must be roughly 35 years old, and a fucking liberal shitball to boot. Good luck in life, asshole.

Hot fork is coming..

Wow that is a personnal attack for sure. Bill does sound liberal to me also maybe not so ignorant as you claim ( judging only on his posts ). But I am pretty sure if he ever has children of his own they are going to run him ragged. And if they are girls he will be in very deep yogurt. Glen

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[Turkey still has some US missles sitting in its boaders that can be stolen in a revolt.

Doubt that they can be stolen in a revolt, what remains of debris may be stolen. And if ever stolen never used by anyone but us. I am asuming you are refering to nukes, lets just say you don't just "Hot wire those systems". Glen

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When you are dead you are ultimately free.

How do you know? Maybe you'll have to stand on your head in a pool of shit forever when you die.

Unless, of course, you've spent your life worshiping the Great Cosmic Muffin Mistress, in which case you will spend eternity on a tropical island with 47 virgins. B|

. . =(_8^(1)

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Now, compare Iraq to North Korea and you have a better analogy. I can't understand why we are happy to essentially ignore North Korea, which is a much greater threat to us than Iraq.

Careful Bill you may very well get your wish very soon. We demonstrated operations in two separate regions of the gulf last night, we might be in the process of regaining our ability to conduct trans global multiple theater operations. When we proove to the world we have just reason to be there via our "Imbedded media" and not some cia report, you can bet there will be added funding for the US to take on a greater role in issues like this. And don't fool yourself that N Korea is not considered a threat by our policy makers.
If you want to bet about this ahead of time, I'd be glad to take you up on it. Lets say five jump tickets?
I'd even be happy to come down to san diego to collect. Fun jump anyone? Glen

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Maybe you haven't had children? As a father of 4 grown sons, I have found cause to say on more than one occasion "I think you are making a mistake, but I'm going to support you anyway in your decision".

True, however in Chretien's case he is certainly not vocalizing the support part, au contraire mon ami. Personally I think he should. The decisions has been made, now is the time to support our closest ally and biggest trade partner.

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