
Saddam seen on gurney

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Bush got scared and ran off

Right. Scared. Just keep telling yourself that if it makes you sleep better.

The kind of comments you're making leads me to believe that you really don't have an informed opinion, atleast not an educated one. You can disagree with whatever you want to, that's fine, just prove to me that you came to your conclusions through an educated intellectual process. Not one of sensationalism.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Right, I do only have what the press says, but I also get my news from almost a dozen different sources from around the globe, piece it all together and you can get somewhere close to the truth. Furthermore, I am a history scholar, I base quite a few of my conclusions on historical fact. Historical fact doesn't necissarily mean 50 years ago, either, it can mean just last year. Looking at Saddam's history, do you honestly believe the drivel you're spouting?
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Furthermore, I am a history scholar

Dave, as an historical scholar you must be worried about the fact that all so called "super-powers" in history got to a point of thinking they were almighty, flexing their musles at will, before they died off?

I would think that as an historical scholar you would have some serious reservations with the plan of action the US has been following, since in history it has always led to disaster.

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all so called "super-powers" in history got to a point of thinking they were almighty, flexing their musles at will, before they died off?

Yes, I am; however, the US isn't to that point yet. This is not a colonization expedition, this is a conflict to bring an evil regime to an end. Historically speaking, what you're talking about comes about when civilizations starts wars of aggression, unprovoked. There is a stark difference.


For a quick, short list that will be easily remembered by a majority of people.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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when civilizations starts wars of aggression, unprovoked. There is a stark difference.

And that is where the whole argument lies for me. There is a definite argument to be made that this could be construed as an unprovoked act of aggression, even if the most vocal posters on this board do not agree with that.

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And that is where the whole argument lies for me.

Then we'll have to just disagree then. I'm not going to try to change your mind, there's been enough of that over the past few weeks and quite frankly, it is tiresome. That is whats really nice about living in the US and using the internet as our medium of communication. We can actively, yet peacably disagree (then post boobies:P).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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How can anyone possibly "talk" this out with a prick that breaks the limbs of babies in order to get a confession from parents?.How can anyone support saddam?
How can we put our faith in an organization that elects libya as head of its human rights commision?
Bush and Blair are clearly doing the right thing.I am getting sick and tired of reading these "pro" saddam posts......give him your kids....let him play with them.I am sure that if somebody did any of this to your kids you would want them arrested and prosecuted...correct?I am quite sure you would say..."talk it over....we need the UN's approval to charge them with child abuse" BULLSHIT.I have no respect for apeasers....go and live over there.
Frankly you support child abuse,rape and torture if you support this piece of garbage.

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One of the funnier things that have happened in the short time that has passed since the start of the war, is that Saddam has been firing some SCUD missles. You know, the ones he said he didn't have, since the UN said he couldn't have them. Another victory for the UN and its policies...
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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so in other words, we'll quite happily be a part of the UN, but as soon as it doesn't suit us, we're doing our own thing?

Well if "doesn't suit us" means they are not taking our national security seriously, then yes.



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Right. Scared. Just keep telling yourself that if it makes you sleep better.

The kind of comments you're making leads me to believe that you really don't have an informed opinion, atleast not an educated one. You can disagree with whatever you want to, that's fine, just prove to me that you came to your conclusions through an educated intellectual process. Not one of sensationalism.

And Aggiedave hits a homer!!!

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