
Should I meet him?

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I've been talking to a guy online (met online, too) for about a month now. He's asked me to meet him this weekend. We have talked on the phone and he seems legit, but I called him last night and he sounded strange. He assured me nothing was wrong, but I had a bad vibe from the conversation. That is the ONLY time I felt like that, all other times it's all good. Should I meet? Anyone have advice for this first time online dater? Thanks!

The flowing wave returns not, nor does the passing hour.

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>but I had a bad vibe from the conversation.

Trust your instincts.

>Should I meet?

You can if you want, but take all the usual precautions (i.e. drive yourself, meet in a public place, tell people where you're going.)

>Anyone have advice for this first time online dater?

I've met two people that way and both times it worked out pretty well, but like I said trust your instincts.

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NO! If you got a weird vibe, trust it and back off. If you like him that much, wait a while, and see if you can't find out more about him, or at least isolate why you got the vibe.
Has he given you personal details? Try to verify as much as possible (do a google search)

If/when you do meet him, definitely in public, and don't drink...

Careful sweetie! :)

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Should I meet? Anyone have advice for this first time online dater? Thanks!

Tell people where you're going. Meet him someplace and drive yourself. Don't let him pick you up. Keep the "date" traditional (i.e. Dinner, movie) because that keeps it "public".

If you still feel uneasy about it, then don't meet him alone. Set up something fun with other friends to come along (movies and dinner work here too).

I've had a mixed bag of results meeting folks online. Nothing dreadful though. Hope you have a good time.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Pack a gun an load it with soft nose ammunition

If he tries anything shoot the bastard, grouping of three in the chest

Collect the shells (best to put gun in a sock so that the shells fall safely in it

....rest of the "Retirement" manual can be found in a thread from last year;)


Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Pack a gun an load it with soft nose ammunition

If he tries anything shoot the bastard, grouping of three in the chest

Collect the shells (best to put gun in a sock so that the shells fall safely in it

....rest of the "Retirement" manual can be found in a thread from last year;)

LMAO criminy!! :D:D
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I just meant check up in general, much like a pre-employment screening. You just never know, and I want to give him a chance but I don't want to be foolish, either. From what I know so far, he is on the up and up, it was just last night he sounded different. Not as excited to hear from me and distracted. Just made me stop and think.

The flowing wave returns not, nor does the passing hour.

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I just meant check up in general, much like a pre-employment screening. You just never know, and I want to give him a chance but I don't want to be foolish, either. From what I know so far, he is on the up and up, it was just last night he sounded different. Not as excited to hear from me and distracted. Just made me stop and think.

well would you do that(background check) to a guy you met in person?
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>Is there a way I can check up on him without his knowledge?

Well, at this point you should have his phone #. You can do a reverse lookup on his name via a white pages website; that way you can make sure he isn't using a fake name. Once you know his username and real name you can do a google/dejanews search to see if he's posted anything to, say, a neo-nazi website. Anything he posts publically is fair game.

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thats something to think about. I dont know how well you know this guy but the internet is wierd.
now if its a skydiver I would say go ahead I mean this IS a community and Ive met a bunch of those the post here. but if its just some random lunatic, you may not find out til its too late![:/]

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well would you do that(background check) to a guy you met in person?

She wouldn't have to, because she would have already seen him and gauged whether he was an obvious psycho, and she might have met a friend or two of his, and they might even have friends in common.

A woman should take every precaution she can. I see no problem with checking on him if you're worried.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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>She wouldn't have to, because she would have already seen him and
> gauged whether he was an obvious psycho, and she might have met
>a friend or two of his, and they might even have friends in common.

When Amy first considered coming down to meet me, all her friends were telling her that I would end up being a 300 lb 50 year old guy in a wheelchair. She had the advantage over me at that point, though - my picture had been in parachutist a few times and some of her friends knew me.

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Good point! No, I guess I would not.

So let me get this straight... you met a guy on the internet and now you are asking relationship advice from other people on the internet ? :D

Please post a naked pic of yourself so that we can suitably evaluate your date prospects... in the interests of being helpful and all that, I mean... :ph34r: Just trying to help. ;)

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I'll go with you if you want. I'll be your bodyguard. Please, please??

(Guys, I've had the pleasure of meeting Natalie and she's hot..let's all meet and escort her on her date.)

Yeah, and if I do like him my bodyguard could be a turnoff. No thanks, Chazzie.

The flowing wave returns not, nor does the passing hour.

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Trust your instincts...they may save your ass.

If you are still considering meeting him...

1. go in a group or take atleast one friend with you (not only for safety reasons but if you trust their opinion/judgement then they could give their feedback on the guy aswell.) Dont let yourself end up alone with someone you dont really know well.If you absolutely insist on going alone..take a cell phone. Let a friend know whats going on and have them call to be sure things are ok or be sure you can get in touch with someone if needed. Let everyone know where you are and whats going on so that they can do something should (God forbid) something happen.

2.Meet on your turf..somewhere people know/recognize you or a place you are familiar with. Be sure the place is very public with plenty of people around who would notice if something wrong happened.

3. Drive yourself.If you're driving then you know you wont end up "mysteriously out of gas" or in an unpopulated/deserted area.

Sorry if all this sounds prudish or overreactive, but better safe than sorry right? Just my $.02:$

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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