
Crazy tandem idea

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So let's just say I had a ton of cash at my disposal (it could happen!) and I'm also a tandem instructor - not a newbie, but not the best in the world either - say around 500 tandem jumps. In fact I have so much money, I buy my very own tandem rig and I'm qualified to jump it, etc, etc.

Now I waltz into a random dropzone with a friend - not a random person I picked up on the street - really a friend that just wants to do a tandem, and wants to do it with me. I have an assumption of risk agreement that they signed for me, and they are willing to sign the DZ's AOR as well. At that point I offer two jump tickets to the DZ to take my friend on a tandem skydive.

Would the DZO let me do it?

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a Skydiving thread?!! How novel.........Are you sure you wouldn't rather talk about the war?


When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Since you have a ton of money at your disposal I will charge you whatever my expected profit would be for a tandem to take your friend on a skydive.

The DZO provides a lift service and presumably would deny anyone they desire from riding in their plane for whatever reason. I know instructors who have their own tandem gear and usually they work something out to compensate the DZ (tandems subsidize most skydiving operations) and the instructor for owning, maintanence, wear and tear on their gear.

it's business.

"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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happens a lot...

Most DZ's will let you do it as long as you are not taking the customers from them.

The DZ, still gets the lift ticket money.

I have done this before, an Zhills lets me do it.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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We're not that territorial and "franchisee" out here...

I saw that and thought you said "french-ese" and I thought, what the hell does surrending have to do with a tandem jump?:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Why does this remind me of last summer when the Golden Knights tandem section showed up at Pitt Meadows, Canada un-announced. Paul Rafferty asks to borrow a tandem rig.
I could have gotten my nose all out of joint since they never had the good graces to tell the senior tandem instructor on the DZ, but then I remembered that the US Army can do whatever it pleases, where ever it pleases, when ever it pleases. Heck, the US Army does not even have to be on American soil to do whatever they like.
So I leaned back and watched them do the most awesome slide-to-a-halt-and-unclip-the-student-before-she-realized-she-was-on-the-ground-landing!

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in that case, buy a plane, build an airport, and hire a pilot.
you'll be the DZO, so now you can ask yourself

I never said I had THAT much money. Even if I was Bill Gates, I wouldn't own a dropzone. Too much hassle. Much better to be a fun jumper.
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Do you just pay for two slots, then, or do you also give the DZ a commission?

You just pay for the two slots and possibly a 12 pack to the DZO for letting you do this, but not necessary. I've seen it at Mile Hi and Brush.

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