
Aircraft decompression?

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A cargo plane, with goats, chickens and people crammed in the back. No seat belts, either. Sheesh.
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IL76 on military charter, what do you expect? Trolley dollies and a nice in flight movie...?B|


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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reports of bunch of passengers being sucked out an aircraft at 7000.

I saw no mention of altitude, but if it was 7,000 feet - how would there be sufficient decompression to suck anything out of an aircraft ?

I'm picturing a decompression similar to opening a beer can, and a bunch of people trying to "pop" their ears.

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I'm wondering if the plane was still climbing and everything slid to the back door. Door falls off, people fall out, some try to grab others on the way down to stop themselves and drag them out as well.


Third-world cargo plane (not even an old airliner), held together with spit and bailing wire. One can only wonder about the extent of the corruption that allows such things to happen. "C'est le Congo!" as the mercs who worked there used to say. There was also a saying among the Congolese that if you stood on the bank of the Zambezi and waited, the Congo's current leaders would come floating by...[:/]
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I saw no mention of altitude, but if it was 7,000 feet - how would there be sufficient decompression to suck anything out of an aircraft ?

Good point. Also, 7grand is about the same pressure most airliners keep their cabins at during flight.


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CNN's last report said only 7 were missing and 20 injured. The whole thing sound a little sketchy.

I realize this a Russian plane but don't they bolt the seats down?

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We were exiting a 9 way last weekend, and it looked like the door fell off and we were just sucked out.:S:ph34r:

I think we should be allowed even encouraged to wear our rigs when flying commerical. Maybe in a similar accident a skydiver will be the only one that can tell what really happened.:)

Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...

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I took my alti on a commercial flight in the US and they didn't depressurize the plane till we were at what seemed like 15000 or so feet (ie they kept pressure at ground level until 15000). On the descent they started early too...when we landed the inside of the plane had been AGL for quite some time.

Got some strange looks from the passenger next to me, but security didn't say a word when I sent it through the xray machine.

My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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The initial report (now updated) had stated 7,000 feet (approx 2,200 m).

They could have gotten it wrong I was just typing what I had read at the time.



Are you suggesting that journalists got the facts wrong?
As if that has never happened before in an aviation-related story!

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