
Spam, spam, wonderful spam

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90% of the spam that gets through my other filters comes from Yahoo, so anything sent from Yahoo goes into it's own special folder and I review it when I have time. I know it'll probably get a false positive one of these days, but it catches upwards of 50 spams a day.

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I'm right with you on that one. I have all Yahoo and Hotmail automatically quarantined. Then during my regular mail routine, I check for anything that is actually worthwhile. It usually isn't much.


Get a real e-mail service, folks. The freebie ones are so clogged with crap that you are a hair away from getting all your mail blocked along with the spammers that share the servers with you. When I finally get fed up and completely block all incoming mail from Yahoo and HotMail, don't come crying to me. I'll ignore it and consider my deed a good one for my users.

If you are an admin, close any open relays on your servers. You don't need them, and you are likely to get on an RBL. If you inadvertently get lumped in with one and your IP gets blocked, complain to your ISP and try to get them booted.


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Justin, I understand your rant, but consider this:

I keep using Hotmail as my main account simply because I can access it from any computer, anyplace. I needn't have my own computer with me, this makes it easier to stay in touch while traveling. It also means I have my address book avalable on any computer.

I have at least three other email accounts, so as long as I know my Hotmail email has been bounced due to an admin's fences and I need to get a message through, I have other options. I keep these pretty private so when I get any email on them, I know it's something worthwhile (at least 99.5% of the time).

And it's one hell of a lot simpler if people know I have a stable email addy instead of having to send out change of addy notices to all 250 people in my book.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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I have a Yahoo account, but I don't send mail from it. Yahoo and Hotmail are both good conduits for checking pop3-compliant e-mail accounts. I use my Yahoo account when I'm on the road. I can check mail that way if I'm being lazy. Otherwise, I will just access my own e-mail account from wherever I am.

I see how the convenience can lure people in, but the overwhelming use of the free services in the spam industry is going to render them completely useless as more admins get sick of the torrent of Yahoo & Hotmail spam and block them. Like Brian said, they are an entire spam category themselves. Neither service is doing a remotely reputable job of screening accounts for outgoing spam. There is really very little that they offer legitimate users that can't be gotten somewhere else, either free or at a miniscule cost.

As the ratio of spam:legitimate mail from those providers continues to worsen, more admins give in and block them. We get virtually no real business e-mail from anyone using them. Out of the non-business Yahoo and Hotmail messages, about 90% are junk. That is a lot of burden on our network and on me to keep the remaining 10% available to my users, considering it isn't even work-related anyway.

I haven't blocked those services, yet, but I really do think it is in people's best interest to steer clear of them, at least until they shape up their act. An e-mail account that has intentionally-created connectivity gaps to millions of recipients isn't really that effective.

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i got one today asking me to wed a russian woman so she could get into the US. Try to figure that one out. I forwarded it to a desperate male friend. :ph34r:

so you sent it to me?

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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>>Or just get hit with an axe handle everytime you screw up and send someone something stupid like an old forward joke or chain letter. People would learn quicker.
If getting hit with an axe handle will help me get that poor little girl in the hospital an Operation (paid for by Microsoft to test their new e-mail software), then I'll just have to hope you can't find me.



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