
What should I read?

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Actually, a book I really enjoyed (although it was quite awhile ago) was Theodore White's autobiography "In Search of History."

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Read the Book of Proverbs in the Bible. Once you do, you'll do away with Harry Potter 's trash

You obvously don't know me very well. I've read the entire book of proverbs and have studied it in depth more then a handful of times. Throughout my study of the Bible, I've ended up reading it cover to cover atleast 4 times.

So my point is, I probably know theology and the bible better then you do, I don't need you to preach at me!

(that's a pet peeve, I can't stand it when people preach AT me. That's one of the reasons I don't go to church anymore. Not the preacher, but the "do good know it alls" that try to judge you.)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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(that's a pet peeve, I can't stand it when people preach AT me. That's one of the reasons I don't go to church anymore. Not the preacher, but the "do good know it alls" that try to judge you.)

Yeah, me too. If you want a short quick read between now and Harry Potter, check out Ann Rice's "Vittorio the Vampire", it's about a teenage kid in 15th century Florence. Would make a fabulous movie.

Something really scary is "The Hot Zone", forget the author's name, but it's the true story of an Ebola outbreak in a monkey house less than eleven miles from the White House in 1989. The Army had to send in a germ warfare team from Ft. Detrick to neutralize the threat.

If you like history, I'd recommend anything by the late Barbara Tuchman, especially "The Zimmerman Telegram", which is how Germany tried to get Mexico into the First World War on their side.

For a major commitment to a novel, maybe after you're done with Harry, you should try Tolstoy's "War and Peace".. Seriously, the biblical size of the book scares a lot of people away, but it's very readable. All the chapters are 2 - 20 pages long, so you read it in bite size pieces. It's fantastic, I promise you by the time you reach the end you'll feel sad there isn't any more.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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The Hot Zone I believe is by Richard Preston who also wrote a really frightening fiction book on BioWarfare called the Cobra Event. This is one of those books that is so real you wish it wasn't published because you don't want terrorists getting ideas. It was also so good, I couldn't put it down.


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A real page turner is THE LONG WALK by Slavomir Rawicz. He's a Polish Army Officer from WWII who escaped from a prison in Siberia with six other POWS (one an American) and walked all the way to India. Unbelievable. Great book.


Vinny the Anvil
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Read the Book of Proverbs in the Bible. Once you do, you'll do away with Harry Potter 's trash.

lol..been there done that..not to much enlightenment in being led by the nose..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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hey dave check out Susan Cooper's "the Dark is Rising" Series.. a bit lighter than Tolkien..but heavier than H.Potter.. Celtic/Arthurian good v evil.

a really good series that got me interested in reading at an early age..so much so that i ended up reading King Lear at age 12...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Just so you all know, I hate you all.

You heartless bastards are making me go through this reading list with my Amazon.com one-click. I'll be well-read, but bankrupt.

Thanks a lot!


Join the club! Actually, I've added most of them to my "wishlist" because I'm already bankrupt!!!

Blondes do have more fun!

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Ahh, you can never be book poor. If you don't feel like buying them, take a trip down to the local library. It is quite often closer than the borders/bdalton/waldenbooks that you have to drive to.

The worst part about buying all the books is finding a place to store them all.

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A real page turner is THE LONG WALK by Slavomir Rawicz. He's a Polish Army Officer from WWII who escaped from a prison in Siberia with six other POWS (one an American) and walked all the way to India. Unbelievable. Great book.


Vinny the Anvil

Must be a popular read. All the copies of that book are checked out from my local library system.:o
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Ahh, you can never be book poor. If you don't feel like buying them, take a trip down to the local library. It is quite often closer than the borders/bdalton/waldenbooks that you have to drive to.

Be the Internet is on my desk right now, taunting me to buy books!


The worst part about buying all the books is finding a place to store them all.

No kidding.


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The worst part about buying all the books is finding a place to store them all.

Amen! My room has been taken over by my books. Of course, there are a lot cheaper ways to buy them too. You can find a lot of classics and interesting reads at garage/yard sales or even at little mom and pop antique shops for very cheap. I have a complete set of original hardback Nancy Drews that I bought at a garage sale for $15.00. A lot of people just don't know what they have, and you can buy some really awesome books for like 50 cents.

Blondes do have more fun!

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skunk works by Ben Rich is an awsome book. talks about his years in the Lookeed skunk works working on the U2, SR71, and F117 among other things.

i have read it at least 3 times and always enjoy picking it up again.


I don't hate them, I just like us better.

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I read the last one (We Die Alone) in high school. Unbelievable tale. And I don't mean that in the sense that I don't actually believe him.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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It looked good, so I bought it. Amazon is evil. EVIL, I TELL YOU! They know my book buying habits from over 5 years, so they have gotten fiendishly good at recommending books I will like. The bad side is that they are so good at predicting that I don't mind, because I like the books. But it is evil! :S

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O I am pissed. The book I am reading now was bound wrong at the dang publishers. It is missing a group of 10 pages right in the middle. Wouldn't you know it, One page says something like Target in sight..... then they are on to something completely different. I got to thinking the author had really lost his train of thougt when I looked up and crap 161 doesn't come after 140. Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t....

I hate it when this happens.

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It looked good, so I bought it. Amazon is evil. EVIL, I TELL YOU! They know my book buying habits from over 5 years, so they have gotten fiendishly good at recommending books I will like. The bad side is that they are so good at predicting that I don't mind, because I like the books. But it is evil! :S

Yes, they are pretty good with books, but wait till they get you with music! The good thing about that is, you can copy the songlist for each CD and then just download the music, save a couple of bucks!

Blondes do have more fun!

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1) Dead Aim: a novel, by Thomas Perr. It's about a murder mystery at a gun school. I'm about to start reading it.

2) any of the Jack Reacher novels, by Lee Childs. About an ex Army military policeman who's just roaming the country, getting in to various situations.

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