
Man, I hope this isn't true...

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Here are Bush's exact words, quoted by Haaretz: "God told me to strike at al-Qaida and I struck them, and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me, I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."


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>the moscow times? Reliable source . . .

A quick search also lists the following sources:

Washington Post, as quoted from Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Abu Mazen

Veterans for Common Sense newsletter

The Guardian (UK)

Yahoo! news

Of course, all that proves is that Abu Mazen was quoted correctly, not neccessarily that Bush said that.

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What the heck else did you expect to come out of the White House Bible study sessions?

Atleast you know that W. is a man of moral character (not his past, but him now) and he's not the kind of President that's going to have some sort of stupid sex scandle in the White House.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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>Atleast you know that W. is a man of moral character (not his past,
> but him now) and he's not the kind of President that's going to have
> some sort of stupid sex scandle in the White House.

Personally, I'd rather have a guy who cheats on his wife high up in government than a guy who believes in jihad. One is a liar, the other kills people for his beliefs.

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the other kills people for his beliefs.

When you look at it, people generally kill others b/c of their beliefs. Every war in history is based on some sort of beliefs.

Germans invade France b/c they believe they are the better race and want the land.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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What the heck else did you expect to come out of the White House Bible study sessions?

Atleast you know that W. is a man of moral character (not his past, but him now) and he's not the kind of President that's going to have some sort of stupid sex scandle in the White House.

No, he'd at least go to a hotel!:D
J/K, Bush is a good guy; perhaps not the most intelligent man on the planet, but definitely ranks above the more recent White House brains!

Blondes do have more fun!

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Germans invade France b/c they believe they are the better race and want the land.

So you're comparing Bush's invasion of Iraq to the Nazi invasion of France? Man, even I'm not that hard on the guy.

You're right though, wars are generally based on belief. Belief that you have the moral obligation to defeat your enemy. Personally, I prefer the belief that peace is worth the extra effort and sacrifice it takes to sustain rather than resorting to bloodshed.

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So you're comparing Bush's invasion of Iraq to the Nazi invasion of France? Man, even I'm not that hard on the guy.


I was using a fairly recent example that wouldn't be even remotely obscure so everyone would follow, to show my logic.

Peace is worth the effort, however, when your enemy's logic is based in a scewed interpretation of their religion and they are not willing to resent until they are dead or we are dead, then we have a problem trying to find peace. (Obviously I'm not talking about Iraq).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Good point about the jihad. His comments, if true, certainly be read that way. And I wouldn't doubt Bush could say that...and MEAN it.

Nevertheless, it seems Clinton killed for his beliefs, too. Let's not forget about aspirin factories and such. Sure, not on the same scale as a war, but hsi orders killed a few innocent people, apparently to cover his ass.

And another point. I'd rather have an honest killer than a liar high up in government. His whole cabinet stood behind his lies. Imagine what else he lied about and covered up. If the people don't like what Bush is doing (and everybody knows EXACTLY what he's doing) they will fire him next year.

I don't think I'll be voting for him, but I give him credit. He's brutally honest. Everybody knows it.

And I think integrity is the most important leadership characteristic.

But a helluva good point about the jihad angle...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Sex scandals are more fun than lost jobs

You're saying that the economic boom of the '90s was due to Clinton and the downturn was due to W.? If you are, then you obviously don't have any real concept of how an economy on the scale of the US's works.

The boom of the '90s had to do with the explosive growth of the Technology and defense sectors. That was spurred by Reagon's trickledown economics. The downfall came about due to the "bandwagon" effect. The downfall also began in around '95. Now the economy hadn't slipped yet, but the foundation for the downfall had really taken hold. The Tech sector was far over valued, thus once investors really started to notice, the investments were dropped (i.e. stock sold). Another bandwagon effect started the opposit direction, thus here we are now. The fact that Americans don't feel safe effects the economy, also. Its stupid that we're just now not feeling safe, most of the folks in the anti-terror industry, that have been in it for a good number of years saw stuff like 911 coming from back in the mid-1980s.

That was the oversimplified/quick version. I don't feel like writing everything out in detail, especially since it would probably be around 30 pages long (and that would still be a short version).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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A big MYOB out to those
who think a person should be punished at work for what legal things he/she does at home.

um... a little confused... surely your not talking about the BJ in the white house? It is NOT his house... he resides there yes, but it is not "his" house. He can't do whatever the fuck he wants to in it. Do we really have to go back to this???

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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The boom of the '90s had to do with the explosive growth of the Technology and defense sectors. That was spurred by Reagon's trickledown economics.

Actually it was spurred by over eager investors and corporate accounting fraud. The 90's tech bubble was an imaginary, temporary condition. When all is said and done the stock market will end up at the same level it would have been if the bubble didn't exist and gdp continued at the same growth it throughout the 70's and 80's.

I'm no financial expert, but my boss is. He's had articles written about him by every financial publication in existence. He tells me that the US market is still overvalued and hasn't been fully corrected yet. I believe him.

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>Nevertheless, it seems Clinton killed for his beliefs, too. . . . not on the same scale as a war, . . .

I agree there.

>And another point. I'd rather have an honest killer than a liar high up in government.

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."

GW Bush, 3/17/03

"But for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong. We found them."

GW Bush, 5/31/2003

>If the people don't like what Bush is doing (and everybody knows EXACTLY what he's doing) . . .

Did he have hard proof of WMD's in Iraq before he invaded as he claimed, then?

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>When you look at it, people generally kill others b/c of their beliefs.
>Every war in history is based on some sort of beliefs.

I agree. I think that's bad. We should cut that out.


Station Wagon politics. Whoever has the biggest stick is driving and looks back at the kids in the backseat waging the local version of jihad. "Dammit kids, don't make me pull this thing over!"

Humans will stop fighting wars about the same time human children stop fighting in the backseats of station wagons.

Bah. Got sucked in.

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>Atleast you know that W. is a man of moral character (not his past,
> but him now) and he's not the kind of President that's going to have
> some sort of stupid sex scandle in the White House.

Personally, I'd rather have a guy who cheats on his wife high up in government than a guy who believes in jihad. One is a liar, the other kills people for his beliefs.

This is not the first time Bush has been quoted along these lines. I believe in the past he mentioned he didn't understand why he was going to the middle east since they were all going to hell anyway since they didn't believe in his god.

I did not vote for Bush. Bush's god is not mine. I prefer to have Bush make decisions that effect my life, not his god.

Religion and faith is a very dangerous thing when put in the hands of a person with power. Bush right now has more power than anyone else on this planet. And he has rather conservative, close minded beliefs. There is another man out there right now that believes his god has told him to strike against the infidels. There is a fine line between leader and lunatic when the person is admiting conversations with an entity that has no voice.

Reminder: Beliefs have been the reason behind more deaths than anything else.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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