
500th jump. WooHoo!

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Marked the big 500 with a (beer) gutter-gear jump, I took a 24 foot Para-Commander out for a spin.

It was packed in a Crossbow, with a lo-po belly-wart. Turned 8 points on a two way, we wanted bigger but came up short on the number of in-date resrves.

Landed in 8 feet of corn.

I wanna go again!


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 500th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope it was as memorable as possible!

lol we have a paracomander over at the club some of the old-timers get out and take for a spin occasionally. Looks like fun, except for them always landing in 6 foot tall corn!

Blue Skies,
=========Shaun ==========

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Damn, Andy...do you carry those nuts around in a wheel-barrow?;)

Better you than I.;) Congrats on your 500th, even if I do think you're crazy for jumping that thing. Bring some of that corn to Rantoul and we'll roast it.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Whoo hooo!! that's awsome Andy!! B| How very cool - way to celebrate an advancement in your skydiving, by going back in time.
Hope the landing didn't hurt & the corn didn't stab you :P

I knew I missed something this weekend :( Guess you'll pay up by buying us all a round of beer @ rantoul - right?

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Yup - I sure do know & can't wait to see how much of the light flavor almost water I can consume!! All you can drink - pahh, All you can serve :P

But it's because I knew that I thought you'd be offering the first round. Someone has to go get it from the tent.B|

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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