
Need Excuse to Get Outa Work

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Hey Guys, Help me out here please!!

I need a really good excuse to get out of work tomorrow ...and my boss is a real dick-tracy if you know what I mean.

Lay them on me fast. Thanks!!!! B|

Just use the age old...I just got my period....

Oh, wait, just read your profile..heh heh...ummm that 's all I got....
unless you can convince him that you're GF/SO is going to move out....
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I work 4-midnight, too... So, what's up with the detective boss? Will he do drive-by check-ups or something? What do you plan to do with the Friday? Sorry, but you're making me curious. haha.

You could always say a family member was arrested outta town, and that you posted bail and have to go retrieve them. Or, say that your pet is sick and the vet says it cannot be left alone. Or that there is a flood in your house and you have to be home to wait for the plumber.


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I work 4-midnight, too... So, what's up with the detective boss? Will he do drive-by check-ups or something? What do you plan to do with the Friday? Sorry, but you're making me curious. haha.

Not a detective really. He is just a PARANOID person. Very cautious of everything. It has been very difficult to deal with him over the years. Which is precisely why I am not on the day shift with him.

We co-exist, in the same departement, during different hours.

I want to go to NYC tonight (after work) to visit a friend for at least a day.

I am thinking of just saying that my friend, in the city is in need of help moving out of her apartment and that the truck that was lined up was not available - so she called me and asked if I could help out.

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Whatever you do, just don't shoot yourself like this lad


Ring him up and say that you died last night and must attend your funeral

not very practical advice. i should have known. for some reason I thought that my fellow jumpers would have the answer to this one - if any at all. [:/]

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Hey, man... I thought my advice was pretty practical (shit, i've used it, lol!!) ... Anyhow, tho, you're probably safe with the whole moving story, maybe make it, my aunt, rather than my friend, but whatever. I'm sure you'll be alright, if you're a pretty reliable employee, I don't see a problem.


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So either way that prick did not let you go? Well, I would advice you to start prettending you are phsyced at work and that you can go postal....
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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