
Virus warning

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Oh and BE CAREFUL!!! There is more than one Svchost.exe on your computer. One is necessary!

Delete the one in the %System%\Wins folder

on our XP boxes that was c:\windows\system32\wins. There should be NO wins folder here. Delete the whole folder. You will have to kill the DLLHost.exe or SCVHOST.EXE in the task manager process list before it will allow you to do this. In my experience the legitimate svchost.exe processes and files are in lowercase, whereas the virus ones are in uppercase.


PS sometimes change management is a pain in the ass. I tried to prevent this and run windows update last week. The site is blocked.

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After last weeks virus hijinx, we ran a script that automatically ran the RPC patch on every NT, 2K, & XP machine connected to any of our domains during the middle of the night and then rebooted them. For the ones not on the domains, we mapped in and just turned off DCOM in the registry.

Oh, and we finally got all un-used ports blocked.:|
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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I'm on a Mac... what's a virus?B|

Ha ha ha Let me educate you. They never get reported because...

A.) Macs are not capable of handling large scale corporate networks... So why write a virus for a mac if you can't hurt some big company?

B.) Mac? Who uses those? Other than the people that fall for fancy marketing and a pretty box. Oh and those people that don't mind using software that is 1 to 2 versions behind... and like paying twice what a PC user would for their stuff.

C.) And mac viruses do exist... here is a list of them. Mac addicts deny they exist. Reporters don't report them because no one cares about macs.

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This is the best virus ever. It's like a "white blood cell" virus. It finds computers vulnerable to the DCOM RPC flaw in Windows, installs the patch to remove the vulnerability, and if you happen to have the blaster virus it removes that for you too.

This thing should be distributed to everyone.

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B.) Mac? Who uses those? Other than the people that fall for fancy marketing and a pretty box. Oh and those people that don't mind using software that is 1 to 2 versions behind... and like paying twice what a PC user would for their stuff.

C.) And mac viruses do exist... here is a list of them. Mac addicts deny they exist. Reporters don't report them because no one cares about macs.

When I switched 3 1/2 years ago, the Mac was the best alternative for what I wanted to accomplish...edit video on a machine with everything set up and ready to go. The price I paid was equivalent to what I would have paid for a Windows machine. I think Macs are much more cost-effective now than they were 12 years ago when I bought my first computer.

The iMac I bought worked flawlessly from when I plugged it and my DV-Cam in and is still working fine today for a new owner since I bought a new machine a year ago. I never spent one minute loading drivers, resolving conflicts, etc. that I have spent lots of time on with my Windows machine. My time is valuable to me and the Mac didn't waste it.

I appreciate not having my machine load up with spyware, virii, etc, etc and not having to constantly be on the lookout for the latest some malevolent idiot has dreamed up. The viruses on the list you pointed to are all pre-1998...none of them would run on OS X. To my knowledge, no OS X viruses exist...but I could be wrong. The small market share of Macs is a blessing as far as I am concerned....as you point out, nobody is going to write virii that do little damage....and that is just fine with me.

Good customer service...Apple topped PC World's latest Service and Reliability survey.

There are lots of reasons to use a Mac, they are good machines, come with a good OS and good, easy to use software. I'm very happy with my Macs...if I thought a Windows machine would serve me better I'd buy one.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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This is the best virus ever. It's like a "white blood cell" virus. It finds computers vulnerable to the DCOM RPC flaw in Windows, installs the patch to remove the vulnerability, and if you happen to have the blaster virus it removes that for you too.

This thing should be distributed to everyone.

Yea, no shit!

It may be a worm, but it's a damn good one. Someone wrote a worm to actually help, instead of being destructive.

Oh, and then this for that worm:

13. Checks the computer's system date. If the year is 2004, the worm will disable and remove itself.

Gotta love a worm that does it's job (help) and then removes itself.

Wanna remove it? Change your system clock to 2004 and re-boot. LMAO
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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295 of these fockers and counting. Will someone please clean their computer, or at least pull the plug on the 'net till it gets contained? Coming from central Texas, by the way....


avast! Antivirus: Inbound message INFECTED:
\thank_you.pif (Win32:Sobig-F [Wrm]) was deleted from the message.

Virus Database (VPS): 8/19/2003
Tested on: 8/19/2003 8:56:30 PM
avast! is copyright (c) 2000-2003 ALWIL Software.

p.s. They ALL came from the same ip address.

p.p.s. That's now 312 since about 10 a.m. today.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Yea, no shit!

It may be a worm, but it's a damn good one. Someone wrote a worm to actually help, instead of being destructive.

And the network traffic it generates constantly searching for new computers is not destructive?

Its a wolf in sheep's clothing.

No worse than you clicking on dz.com.

In fact, probably alot less of a network load than you clicking on dz.com. :P
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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The Win32:Sobig-F is unrelated to the DCOM/RPC worm running around known as "Blaster" and it's variants. The fourth variant is the self-cleansing one which starts with an N in it's name. I forget WTF they call it now.

The Win32:Sobig-F isn't a worm, it's just a virus. You can't infect yourself unless you actually run the thing manually. The Blaster variety that come through the RPC services are able to worm their way in without any action on the user's part... aside from not patching in an appropriate amount of time.

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How so Kris? ....I agree when Apple punted Jobs and was run by Amelio that they made huge mistakes when they still had huge market share. Unfortunately for Apple, the ground they lost is very difficult to make up given the fact that Windows has become the standard. I think that the mere fact that Apple is still alive..and profitable...is a huge credit to Steve Jobs insistence on innovation and vision.

What would be recent examples of what you're thinking? (I find the whole history of the PC business very interesting....Gates, Jobs, Wozniak, etc.)

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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There are lots of reasons to use a Mac, they are good machines, come with a good OS and good, easy to use software. I'm very happy with my Macs...if I thought a Windows machine would serve me better I'd buy one.

When you get down to it, NEW macs are good machines. BUT they cost more (Its a monopoly--of course they cost more) Have less current software available, and that software is much much more expensive. And, they are much less upgradable/customizable. There are just not nearly as many manufacturers making parts/drivers for Macs as there are with PCs.

You are right, currently there are no OSX viruses. But its a completely new platform. Just wait, they will be there. As for stability, ease of use and soforth, XP is as stable as mac OS.

I am both MAC and PC fluent. I have supported macs. I know they are far from the perfect that many mac users claim they are.

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Has anyone seen "jdbgmngr.exe" Don't know what it does....just know it got on my computer, past Norton 2000, through a web based email account. Apparently it isn't recognized by any of the big anti virus software. It sits for 14 days before damaging your computer. It will come up with a little teddy bear icon when you search for it.

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Has anyone seen "jdbgmngr.exe" Don't know what it does....just know it got on my computer, past Norton 2000, through a web based email account. Apparently it isn't recognized by any of the big anti virus software. It sits for 14 days before damaging your computer. It will come up with a little teddy bear icon when you search for it.

That's a hoax. Don't delete that file. It's the Windows Java debugger.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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How so Kris? ....I agree when Apple punted Jobs and was run by Amelio that they made huge mistakes when they still had huge market share.

Pre-Amelio had its moments as well... Job's deal with the devil (Gates), their lack of licensing their IP to 3rd party vendors, how Woz was pretty much run under the tires of the corporate machine at the end...

Don't get me wrong, I think Apple currently makes some fantastic (of not insanely pricey) products. I couldn't live without my iPod.:)
As for the greatest historical errors, I agree with a lot that is in this article.

Apple's 10 Best (& Worst) Business Decisions
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Thanks.......I'll make sure and say thank you to my DUMBASS IT guy at work. Who's job it is to know this sort of shit....[:/] Thanks SAIC.......no wonder Iraq is such a mess.

Heh. Here's the link to the hoax info: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/jdbgmgr.exe.file.hoax.html
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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