
Someone must be watching over her..

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Talk about luck..

Last nite, our very own Skyespot went to her nite class at the local college. Well, it seems that she dropped the keys to her 2001 toyota corolla somewhere between the car and class. She called me after class to tell me that she had lost them so I drove over to help her look. When I got there, she was sitting on the curb crying right where she had parked the car, which wasn't there :(
She took care of the police reports while I cancelled all the credit cards that were in her pocketbook.

At 3:30 this morning, the local PD called us to let us know that they had found the car at an all nite burger shop. Apparently, one of our local men in blue just decided to run the plates because of the area and was surprised to find it as being stolen. They also arrested the driver but his buddy took off. They ripped out the stereo and took her pocketbook (with all her kids pics in it) but otherwise the car is the same condition except a smokey smell.

The funny thing is that the guy they arrested put $20 in the ashtray. The cops asked Skye how much money was in the car and she was honest and told them it was his money. They even gave it back to him
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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No, I didn't get my pics and/or wallet back, but they guys who took it still had my drivers license in the car, so at least I got that back. Sucks too, cuz some of the pics are of my kids that go way back and can't be replaced. :(

And JP, it was the DVC/PH police that took the original statement but the Concord police that found my car on Clayton Road and the 1/4 Burger place.

I am lucky that I got my car back, altho when they took the stereo, they took the whole center section of my dashboard (where the clock and air vents are) so I have a pretty big hole there.

All and all it could have been A LOT worse and I'm thankful my car is back. And thankful Lummy was there to help me with everything. :)
Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.

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Wow Skye that sucks. At least you've got your car back though and mostly in one piece. Sorry to hear about the stereo and everything. Car thieves suck. Thieves in general suck. Don't worry, Karma will get them all.

P.S. If you have a blockbuster card or any other rental cards in there make sure you report that stolen too-on top of credit cards and everything else. I forgot about mine and just got a huge bill for movies that were rented with it in Hawaii. Movies I obviously did not rent...


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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It's brutal, Skye. It is, however, better that they found it. What the insurance companies thing "replacement value" is, rarely is.

Condolences, but I'm glad the Lumster was there for you to cry on :(

Get it fixed and then get it detailed nice so you forget the whole thing ;)

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Movies I obviously did not rent...

Why? were they not rated "X"?

Glad you got your car back Skye and that you are ok.. Stuff is always fixable / replaceable.. don't let it get you down.. B|
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Movies I obviously did not rent...

Why? were they not rated "X"?

that's exactly it. Blockbuster does not sell porn. I was shocked when I became a member and went to rent a plethora of porn and found out there was none to be had. What's wrong with them anyway?


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Gosh that sucks. I'll be part of a posse if you want to go hunt down the buddy!! ;);)

Glad you got it back. I'm sure there was someone looking out for you. You're one special girl. :)

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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yes.. but i am sure they could use a new resource for ummm.. reference materials.. after all.. Skye is going to need some comforting..

and uh... you're going to tell us the site WHEN???

and don't EVEN think of using www.nastyclown.com

Mr MATT... when ya gonna be up this way again? AYE?

HI Mishe!!!!! Hugs gal....
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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