
These are great...

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Billboards are getting attention in Arizona. Someone reported seeing one or two messages, but the newspaper listed all of them. Here's a list of all variations of the "God Speaks" billboards. The billboards are a simple black background with white text. No fine print or sponsoring organization is included. These are awesome... enjoy.

Tell the kids I love them.

Let's meet at my house Sunday before the game.

C'mon over and bring the kids.

What part of "Thou Shalt Not..." didn't you understand?

We need to talk.

Keep using my name in vain,
I'll make rush hour longer.

Loved the wedding,
invite me to the marriage.

That "Love Thy Neighbor" thing... I meant it.

I love you and you
and you and you and...

Will the road you're on
get you to my place?

Follow me.

Big bang theory,
you've got to be kidding.

My way is the highway.

Need directions?

You think it's hot here?

Have you read my #1 best seller? There will be a test.

Do you have any idea
where you're going?

Don't make me come down there.
Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.

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Yeah, it's really GREAT when some yahoo decides he wants to speak on behalf of God.

The only ones who I think are sincere are the guys who walk around downtown talking to god. Obviously, they have committed their whole lifestyle to the idea.

Sometimes, it is just too much, even for them. You'll hear them talking to an invisible deity saying "No...no...no... I can't... it is just a cat, I know that..."

Disclaimer - If there is anyone who walks around mumbling and taking orders from their neighbors dog, I did not mean to offend you. :)

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Yeah, it's really GREAT when some yahoo decides he wants to speak on behalf of God.

and priests/reverends/clerics/etc... differ from this HOW?
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Yeah, it's really GREAT when some yahoo decides he wants to speak on behalf of God.

You mean like Al Sharpton, or Jerry Falwell?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Well, here's the difference, as I see it.

There are people out there that are pretty good at running a Bible study type of religion. You go to their church and they talk you through one of the stories and discuss what different lessons can be learned.

I really like these people.

Then there's the folks that say they spoke with the 900 foot Jesus and the 900 foot Jesus told him that you should give your money to the guy that saw the 900 foot Jesus so that he can make a big building and do whatever other stupid ass thing he says you ought to do, like bomb people for thinking a certain way and such.

I don't really like those folks too much and when they say that God is speaking through them, I'm sorry, but I have a really big problem with that.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Well, here's the difference, as I see it.

I suppose that is my problem. There is people who are talking to The Big Invisible Guy and have a church. There is people who walk around talking to Invisible Guys and we refer to them as crazy. There is people who own a church, talk to the Invisible Guy and are crazy/thieves/scoundrels/all.

My problem is how to separate one from the other.

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Look at it this way, the signs that are stating something are based from things that was said in the Bible. If you believe Christian theology then, you believe that the Bible is the word of God, thus it is God talking (albite it might be through someone).

The others, such as "don't make me come down there" are just humorous.

So basically the folks that came up with these are just repeating what is in the Bible, in a modern/conversational form. What's wrong with that? They have every right to.

Any religious group could do this, it wouldn't matter, its their right.

I wonder if people would be this upset if it was a different religious group, besides Christians, doing this? What if it was a Hindu group? If anyone said anything against them, then the media and public would label them as discriminating? Although I'm not a religous person, it bugs me that it is seemingly OK to discriminate against Christian groups.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Well, here's the difference, as I see it.

There are people out there that are pretty good at running a Bible study type of religion. You go to their church and they talk you through one of the stories and discuss what different lessons can be learned.

I really like these people.

hmmm.. ok.. I can dig that.. :P


Then there's the folks that say they spoke with the 900 foot Jesus and the 900 foot Jesus told him that you should give your money to the guy that saw the 900 foot Jesus so that he can make a big building and do whatever other stupid ass thing he says you ought to do, like bomb people for thinking a certain way and such.

I don't really like those folks too much and when they say that God is speaking through them, I'm sorry, but I have a really big problem with that.


Yep.. I get that too... and agree... But what does that have to do with some pretty good messages being spread in an unusual and somewhat humorous manner? And how do you know they are not being sponsored by some people that are also good at running a pretty good Bible study? Anyway.. I don't have a big problem with it so I'll leave you alone with your big problem.. B|
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Look at it this way, the signs that are stating something are based from things that was said in the Bible. If you believe Christian theology then, you believe that the Bible is the word of God, thus it is God talking (albite it might be through someone).

Depends on which parts of the Bible you're talking about. I think Mathew, Mark, Luke and John might disagree, but I can't really ask them. From what I understand though, those where supposed to be their words.

Then ya also get into the big bruhaha of who wrote the Old Testament, but we don't need to revisit that -- do we?


The others, such as "don't make me come down there" are just humorous.

'Cause like, we all know what a barrel of laughs God is. Giraffes and all that aside, I think that according to the Old Testament, when he said some thing like "smite" he usually wasn't kidding around.


So basically the folks that came up with these are just repeating what is in the Bible, in a modern/conversational form. What's wrong with that? They have every right to.

Never said they didn't have the right to do anything. Just that it wasn't my cup o' tea.


Any religious group could do this, it wouldn't matter, its their right.

I wonder if people would be this upset if it was a different religious group, besides Christians, doing this? What if it was a Hindu group? If anyone said anything against them, then the media and public would label them as discriminating? Although I'm not a religous person, it bugs me that it is seemingly OK to discriminate against Christian groups.

No. You're missing my point entirely.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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You don't think that if a Jewish group put up signs saying:

Do not be fools: the real Messiah hasn't come yet.

people wouldn't be offended? Or if there was a sign saying:

All infidels must die.

people wouldn't be pissed?

You're right that people have the right to put those billboards up, but it's not an issue of anti-Christian prejudice. Rather, the presumption that one knows what any god is thinking and that dissenters are wrong is very offensive.
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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I think Mathew, Mark, Luke and John might disagree, but I can't really ask them. From what I understand though, those where supposed to be their words.

You obviously don't understand Christian theology. Yes, their words, but as directed by God. I'm at the DZ, so I can't go dig out my Bible and actually give you the verses that state what I stated in the previous thread.

The Old Testiment was also written at the behest of God, if you believe and understand the theology.

I believe that God has a sense of humor, but he is a very jealous God. Thus you end up with scenerios like the stories in the Old Testiment and the laws set forth in the different books of laws and the prophecies spoken by the Old Testiment prophets.

My point about discrimination wasn't directed at you, it just so happened that it was at the end of a post responding to you.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Rather, the presumption that one knows what any god is thinking and that dissenters are wrong is very offensive.

That is a basic tennent of the Bible and Christian faith. Here is what God said (the Bible), believe it or your wrong and will go to hell for the rest of eternity.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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That is a basic tennent of the Bible and Christian faith. Here is what God said (the Bible), believe it or your wrong and will go to hell for the rest of eternity.

Well, not all Christian denominations believe this, but I think it's fair to say that I am disgusted by the ones that do.
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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What I'm writing is what I've come up with from my indepth study of the Bible and my study of a lot of denominations. I don't adhear to one denomination, infact, I don't even go to church.

Like I've said before and I'll say again, I'm a very spiritual person, but very very far from being a religious person.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I don't have any issue with this other than it is annoying and perfectly good advertising could go up on those billboards to stimulate sales in something commercial and constructive to the economy.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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AggieDave, I'm not attributing those sentiments to you. I've been involved in plenty of these religious threads on dz.com and I do remember your saying that in the past. I stand by what I said: I am disgusted by those denominations that adhere to such a doctrine.
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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Hey did any of you see the movie "Stigmata"?
It's a great movie that unfortunately was marketed as the modern Exorcist so most people haven't seen it.
Anyway, it has a really good message.

And for the record I like
"Don't make me come down there"


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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