
Who's more mixed up

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This weekend while doing some mandatory Relative Work I couldn't help but notice how different I've become compared to my whuffo family and friends. To my family and friends what seems most important to them is their families and their homes. In other words you must get married, buy a house, redecorate the house and let's not forget to have plenty of children, spend weekends in the garden or at the soccer field and watch lots and lots of TV related to couples and redecorating. And for us (as the whuffos would believe) people with death wishes, all we want to do is tempt fate (which when you think about it, is what we're doing everytime we jump). Anyway, here I am spending time with my brother and sister-in-law and they're watch episode after episode of "Trading Spaces" and while I'm sure this show has some entertainment value, it's geared towards this whole be a couple, buy a house, redecorate and don't forget to have plenty of children attitudes so that you spend weekends at the mall and/or home improvement store, at the soccer field and/or in front of your TV watching golf.

So who's more mixed up? Us or them? Or are all humans just mixed up period?

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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So who's more mixed up?

No one is....

You know, you can actually be a couple, own a home, enjoy doing work on it and redecorate it, and also be a skydiver (and have kids I guess, but yuk.. lol;))... Or not, its all up to you and what you want to do....

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You know all that really matters is are you doing what makes you happy? I believe as long as I am doing what makes me happy I am teaching my children that no matter what you should be happy with all that you do. Would you want your children to grow up thinking that they have to work their butts off at a job they hate because they need money, that ends up not being spent on anything they like to do for fun because they spend every waking momment at work. Do what makes you happy and stick with it.

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I'm married, have a house, have done some redecorating, occasionally work in the yard (enough to keep the neighbors at bay), and enjoy watching TV. The wife and I also skydive. We both love it. This is our first year, but when I try to think about what I did for real fun before skydiving, I can't come up with much. I see what you're saying, but it is possible to find some happy medium between the two extremes.

PS I do NOT like trading spaces.

It’s like selling a million grills all at the same time…with extended warranties. -Hank Hill

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Hhhuuummm, let's see! "WE" as humans all have our opinion of what we feel is necessary or what we feel is living. You can have all of the above & still be a skydiver! Do what makes ya happy! Can you honestly say you don't want to get married in the furture or have children???? You'll be there one day & you'll still be a skydiver......I can guarantee it!
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Wow Steve, you must be very bored to post this:)
I too own a home, keep it clean, am raising two boys, do yard work, have dogs, cats, and enjoy doing other things besides skydiving. Does that make me "mixed up"? I hope not.

Ya need to stop thinking inside the box. There are other things that people do that they enjoy, and I want you to sit down for this: It's not skydiving.

Hope you are enjoying the time with your family. I spent some limited time with mine while out at Perris Valley.

Can't wait to see the video you made. See ya soon.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Sorta reminds me of my friends parents. They work a LOT, but they are always having money problems. They just filed bankruptcy, and now instead of using a credit card when funds are low, my friends dad floats money from my friends savings account >:(, he pays it back of course, but it's just ridiculous. They don't DO anything, they keep their yard nice and house nice. But I don't think I've ever heard of them just going out and doing something. They have no hobbies. They come home from work and watch TV or do yard work. I think they're totally crazy.

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So who's more mixed up?

No one is....

You know, you can actually be a couple, own a home, enjoy doing work on it and redecorate it, and also be a skydiver (and have kids I guess, but yuk.. lol;))... Or not, its all up to you and what you want to do....

I'm right in the middle of a remodel and it is a pain in the ass. However, the thing about owning your own home is, I can take as long as I want to finish it.:)

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My girlfriend and I don't have cable because we are rarely home. If we aren't skydiving, we're rock climbing or canoeing or going to the beach or traveling around the world. Maybe it's more a factor of what interests people than anything to do with some perceived imbalance in a person's nature.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
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if your goal in life is "eat, sleep, work, breed, die" then you have serious issues...unfortunately far to many sheeple think thats actually called "Life".
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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