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What the Hell are these people thinking????

Honestly? Some of them aren't thinking at all.

We had a pretty big discussion around the water cooler today and some of the things I heard were, in a word, astounding.

We went around and asked why different people supported different candidates. Most people actually thought that McClintock had more on the ball, so I asked people why they still voted for Arnold anyway. The answers varied from, I kid you not, "I liked him in his movies. He always seemed so heroic." to "The polls said he was going to win and I wanted to vote for a winner."

Absofuckin'lutely amazing.

I can accept the fact that some people voted for him because they thought he was a "good leader" although he's never actually lead anything, but to base their votes on his movie roles or to base their votes on simply wanting to be on the bandwagon because it looks like he's going to win?!?


BTW, I didn't make any of this up, it actually happened.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Well, unfortunately, I don't have access to the transcripts of the water cooler chat so I can't post a link and back up my statements like I normally do. ;)

The way I have this figured only a small fraction of the people out in voterville had opinions like these, but just like on Leno with his "Jay Walking" segments, there are, in fact, some pretty freekin' stupid people out there.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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BTW, I didn't make any of this up, it actually happened.

Oh I believe you. One woman being interviewed by one of the local news stations said, "I'm voting for Arnold because he has great vision." Based on what? In the one debate he participated in, he said absolutely nothing, and in his comercials . . . all he did was quote lines from his movies??? WTF???

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Apparently, the thought of a lot of voters is that there is no way Arnold could have done a worse job than Gray did.

Also, there were a number of people, like me and Issa, who believed that Bustamonte was even more dangerous.

Many also believed that Arnold, through repealing the car tax, auditing the state, and making significant changes to the workers' compensation system, could actually make a great difference.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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BTW, I didn't make any of this up, it actually happened.

Oh I believe you. One woman being interviewed by one of the local news stations said, "I'm voting for Arnold because he has great vision." Based on what? In the one debate he participated in, he said absolutely nothing, and in his comercials . . . all he did was quote lines from his movies??? WTF???

Arnold's camarilla will make all the vision he needs. Just another muppet like Bush. (not to be confused with puppet, they have strings, muppets have someones hand up their arse).

I'm irritated I couldn't vote. Taxation without representation is tyranny. I'm getting on a ferry and throwing coffee in the bay!


P.S. Yes, I know the country I was born in lost the revolutionary war (before someone points that out, again).

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BTW, I didn't make any of this up, it actually happened.

Oh I believe you. One woman being interviewed by one of the local news stations said, "I'm voting for Arnold because he has great vision." Based on what? In the one debate he participated in, he said absolutely nothing, and in his comercials . . . all he did was quote lines from his movies??? WTF???

Well he's a good speaker! oh wait, no he's not...

I saw results from som exit polls on either CNN or Fox last night. The one I thought was most telling asked people whether they considered candidates' positions on the issues most important or what kind of person they perceive them to be. I can't remember the exact results, but it seems like it was close to 70 percent who placed more weight on whether they think the candidate is a "nice guy".

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I don't know..
After Ronald Reagan, Clint Eastwood, Jesse Ventura, Sonny Bono (?) and anyothers that got politic jobs??
I had to laugh..when I saw Arnold on tv to me it was sorta like seeing a cartoon character turn to life!
Man.I guess if he does ALL the things he says he's gonna see get done,,it would be good..
Gary Calhoun
At least he's not a Load Organizer! har har

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Apparently, the thought of a lot of voters is that there is no way Arnold could have done a worse job than Gray did.

Also, there were a number of people, like me and Issa, who believed that Bustamonte was even more dangerous


yep I bet that was the biggest reason.


Many also believed that Arnold, through repealing the car tax, auditing the state, and making significant changes to the workers' compensation system, could actually make a great difference.

In other words doing away with what Grey has done.

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I guess if he does ALL the things he says he's gonna see get done,,it would be good..

But I guess if he's only able to do a couple of the things he intends then you'd call him an utter failure?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Actually, the failures of the workers comp system was not all Gray's fault. He (and the legislature - whom I consider even worse than Davis and bustamonte put together) allowed it to get to insanely out of control levels.

More than anything, the workers' comp situation is driving away employers.

The car tax? Yeah, that was Davis' fault. And the budget issues? Well, the governor proposes it.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I guess if he does ALL the things he says he's gonna see get done,,it would be good..

But I guess if he's only able to do a couple of the things he intends then you'd call him an utter failure?

No..but obiviously..you seemed to have taken my post and thought about it, dis-sected it in your own mind, read between the lines have decided that that is what I will do...and that is "utter"ly wrong, uncalled for and happens "utter"ly too often here at dropzone.com..and another reason me to not post here about anything regarding politics, religion!

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Seems we have the same issue. Many in this crowd seems to be all or nothing. It also tanks me. I assumed you were in that crowd from the statement and was mocking only. be cool, my bad

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I don't know..
After Ronald Reagan, Clint Eastwood, Jesse Ventura, Sonny Bono (?) and anyothers that got politic jobs??
I had to laugh..when I saw Arnold on tv to me it was sorta like seeing a cartoon character turn to life!
Man.I guess if he does ALL the things he says he's gonna see get done,,it would be good..

If you check the record of these people's political accomplishments, they're very impressive and there are few that can reach parity, if at all.

Look at the "left" side of hollywood (the Martin Sheen crowd). What exactly do they do in public service? Nothing. They don't put their money where their mouth is. They do a lot of complaining and speak at a lot of demonstrations. They have plenty to say, but they have less to sell it to. That's not to say all the entertainers from the "left" don't show up run for an office. There are two that were mentioned on CNN last night, I can't remember their names, one was a State Assemblyman the other...(?)...Unfortunately, you couldn't get Sheen to take his message to the ballot if it meant a life-time-pretend-term in the West Wing.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I'm with you, man. I've had discussions about the political left with people for a while, especially the Hollywood crowd.

Martin Sheen would give you the shirt off of his back - so long as the press is there to cover it.

You are thinking of Sheila Kuhl, Democrat from Santa Monica and a child actress. She actually took the steps needed to make the changes she thought necessary. I respect that, though I don't think I agree with her on a single political philosophy.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Ya gotta know I've been saving this one . . . ;)

Took a LOT of restraint because, yes, this would have been confusing and irrelevant to introduce while the threads were flying fast, but damn, now that all the wackiness is over . . . I just gotta tell the story.

Ever wonder where all this Republican political circus stuff came from?

Once upon a time there was an entertainer, he didn't actually say "There's a sucker born every minute", but it's often credited to him. A bit later in life he too ran as a Republican and won political office.

His name was P.T. Barnum.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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California Recall: What were the voters thinking?

:D:DWhat indeed...what indeed?

I'll bet the voters were thinking something like this:

"Let's all get together and oust the corrupt incumbent, then elect the candidate who can actually implment the changes we want to see."

. . =(_8^(1)

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