
Flu Shot, should I get one?

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Because of Astma, I 'must have' a flue shot according to my doc.
Up untill 2001, I got one every year...and was ill with flue, the whole next week...EVERY SINGLE YEAR...

Last year I skipped the shot....didn't catch any flue...no problemo...I say no...
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I've never had the flu during "flu season". In fact, I can't remember the last ime for sure I had it. I do remember having it back in 2nd grade though....about 25 years ago. Hmmm, I don't get sick, why increase my chances?

I guess you need to look at your own health history. Does it seem like you get sick every year? Is it bad? If so, get the shot. If not, why bother?
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Everytime I get one it just makes me sick. B|

That must be a coincidence... flew shots don't contain live virus'.

I say get one! I get one every year. What do you have to lose? They don't hurt... they're cheap (sometimes free)... and they could keep you from feeling like death later on in the year.

I'm a big fan of flew shots B|
Pink Mafia Sis #26

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I get the flu about every other year. Usually after everyone else is done with it. I tend to get sick when the majority are not. In fact, I had the chicken pox in 9th grade.

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Up untill 2001, I got one every year...and was ill with flue, the whole next week...EVERY SINGLE YEAR...

They don't start protecting you for around 2 weeks or so after you get the shot. They also don't protect you from every strain of flu out there... just the most common ones going around that particular year.
Pink Mafia Sis #26

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I get one every year because when I don't I always get the flu and am out sick for over a week. My girls have both had the flu for the past two years so the Dr has recommended that they get one this year. Teaching exposes me to so many germs, and I don't want anything to increase my chances of getting to spend my sick days actually sick when I could be out with "ground sickness".;)

Hot Mama
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I played with kids with chicken pox all the time when I was a kid. The worse I ever got was a slight rash.

Then 1999 (I think that was the year) happened.
Almost 30 (if the year is right) and covered from head to toe in scars. My wife even took blackmale pics (damn her).
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I played with kids with chicken pox all the time when I was a kid. The worse I ever got was a slight rash.

Then 1999 (I think that was the year) happened.
Almost 30 (if the year is right) and covered from head to toe in scars. My wife even took blackmale pics (damn her).

Your parents did that to you too? I played with every sick kid in our town. Not even a cough. Then when I got them in 9th grade I thought they were pimples, so needless to say, I have a few minor scars.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Yep, It was that old "Let him get it now while he's young" shit, and I didn't get it.
I've got a strange immune system though. I might get a cold once every other year or so. Flu? Can't remember. Other stuff......poison ivy? walk through the shit all the time, never an itch. Ditto with poison oak and sumac (sp?).

You know, now that I actually said that, it's gonna come back and bite me in the next year, ain't it?
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Other stuff......poison ivy? walk through the shit all the time, never an itch. Ditto with poison oak and sumac (sp?).

I was like that too. Me and my sissy would go out playing in fields/woods all the time. She'd get the poison ivy and i wouldn't.


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Every time I get it, I wind up either getting sick from the shot itself or getting a strain of the flu from which the shot did not protect me. I think I am better off without it, so I never get it anymore.

If there was a really serious flu going around I would take it, but I don't think it is worth it to have a mild flu from the shot in order to try to avoid getting it later, when there is a pretty good chance that your mild case of the flu won't protect you anyway.



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Other stuff......poison ivy? walk through the shit all the time, never an itch. Ditto with poison oak and sumac (sp?).

I was like that too. Me and my sissy would go out playing in fields/woods all the time. She'd get the poison ivy and i wouldn't.

We are eerily alike....

It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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If there was a really serious flu going around I would take it, but I don't think it is worth it to have a mild flu from the shot...

You cannot get the flu from the flu shot. The shot is not a live virus... it is synthetic. Getting sick after a flu shot is a coincidence... don't let that be a reason not to get it. I think some people use that as an excuse because they're sceeeeeered ;)
Pink Mafia Sis #26

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There is no uniform "right" answer.

In the last 15 years, I've gotten flu shots 3 times, when the Army made me. I ended up sick as a dog soon afterwards. In the last decade, no shots and no flu.

If your immune system is really healthy, I don't think you need them and see little benefit. If you get sick with some regularity, then I'd say go for it.

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Yeah, why not? I know there are some people who have reactions to it, but it beats the hell out actually getting the flu. I've gotten it for the last 5 years (mandatory), but I've never gotten the flu either.
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That must be a coincidence... flew shots don't contain live virus'.

Wellllll... they're not SUPPOSED to. My brother in law makes the stuff and I've had some rather hair-raising conversations with him about industry-wide "quality control".

Mike doesn't take the flu shot but their company, Aviron, has just introduced a nasal inhaled "flumist" that is a totally new technology (no egg albumen involved). No needle either.

And about 'getting sick' after a flu shot, I understand the feeling. your body is busy creating the antibodies to the new invaders you've just shot up.

then there's the fact that most people with 'the flu' don;t actually have influenza - the only thing the drug actually prevents. We'l only mention quietly that the vacciene also only prevents what is EXPECTED to be the next outbreak. If the companies get their research wrong, then EVERYBODY is vulnerable. Ee-yuck [:/]


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I used to get the flu about 3-4 times a year, then the flu would move into my chest and I would get Bronchitis or Pneumonia (I've had it a total of 13 times).

Since getting the Pneumonia shot I haven't had it....and I get the flu about once a year now since I started getting the shot.
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Yes because they do not use a live virus anymore.

You should also look into getting a pneumonia shot. Unlike the flu this is a once in a lifetime shot.

As a matter of fact all the people on here should look into it. Especially if you have any sort of respiratory issues.

Blue Skies,


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I've had a couple of flu shots...

every single time, my reaction to the shot was just as bad if not worse than actually getting the flu. Last time, they stuck me in my right arm... I'm mostly right handed (I can do anything I like left handed, tho, just takes a bit more concentration) and I couldn't move my right arm for almost a month because the muscle was so sore... at the time, I was a teacher and a volleyball coach. It was a royal PITA.

After that experience, I'd rather get the flu. Not that I ever actually catch it, but maybe this year, since I now run on 4 hours of sleep per night now. sigh. zzzzz.

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and I couldn't move my right arm for almost a month

Sounds like the person who gave you the shot tore your muscle or brused it really bad.

I am in the military and have had almost every disease known to man plugged into me. The only once that render the arm usless are Typhoid and Plague. If you exercise the muscle where the shot was given it reduces the soreness almost completely.

Hey you only sleep 4HRS a night. I have been getting more lately but on a normal schedule that is what I get. Sometimes I wonder why I got off active duty. That is all I got when I was in full time.



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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