
Senate Intelligence Committee - Sickening

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And then Fox News said that they had found them

Are you sure it wasnt the news ticker on the Simpsons?B|:D


Just remember that not all men are like that

Hell no! Some of us want to be the one who stay home! I was trying to find a wonan I could live off, but damm it, I had to find another money spending skydiver.:)

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FOX viewers have more misconceptions about events surrounding the war with Iraq than viewers of any other network,

Ok, then, let's just ask some different questions. For instance: "Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction in the State of the Union Address" True or False?, "The US acted unilaterally in going to war with Iraq" True or False?, etc. Let's see whose viewers have misconceptions about those questions...

- Lefty
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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I am reading a biography by Robin Cook (ex UK foreign minister).

The question is not weather Iraq had WMD's - we know they did because the UK government built and paid for the factory in Faluja and the US supplied the anthrax and distribution systems.

The question is why there was "suddenly" a need for war.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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>For instance: "Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction in the
>State of the Union Address" True or False?

Certainly true. He used information known by his administration to be false to push the cause for war.

>"The US acted unilaterally in going to war with Iraq"

False. We had the "coalition of the willing" which included both countries that provided real help (UK, Australia) countries that did not contribute (like Eritrea) and countries that were sorta jokes (Afghanistan, which we currently occupy and control.)

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False. We had the "coalition of the willing" which included both countries that provided real help (UK, Australia) countries that did not contribute (like Eritrea) and countries that were sorta jokes (Afghanistan, which we currently occupy and control.)

I agree, though one could make a pretty successful argument that the US unilaterally broke the bond with the international body empowered to deal with the situation.

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Not one equation in that document.

Their sampling base was obtained using an RDD -random digit dial - method. Little info on their base was provided. Average education level, news intake, etc. Only party identificaton and news source.

Not very credible in my opinion. Random - absolutely. Interesting? Definitely. Firm base upon which to draw conclusions. No. Shaky at best.

Thanks for the link. Interesting skim.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Dammit! I initiate this thread with a bi-partisan post, get all sorts of hate mail, and now here you go screwing with me. :P

I don't think school vouchers will solve the violence in the inner cities. I DO think they would help raise the education level of some of our nation's poorest.

The NEA is a political spending machine. They also file for tax exempt status under 501C, which is disgusting. As long as they do this, I give their political tools no credibility whenever the 'pay their fair share' mantra is heard WRT taxes. The organization is so left that Stalin is worried they'll overtake him.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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OK. I ws going to stop posting because I need to do something, but because I like you I'll respond.

The link reflects what I said - poverty knows no racial boundaries. Poor folks of all races.

:)No I bid y'all adieu for a bit.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Well Vinny I guess its just time to ban the Democratic Party .. and get down to governing by decree from the leader.

That is what all the Conservatives long for.. no dissent.. dictatorship of the pulpit...Women back in the kitchen and bedrooms where they think they belong...You conservative assholes sound more and more like the Osama Bin Laden crowd actually. They are VERY conservative.. they want a return to the good old days of the 7th century when ISLAM was in its ascendancy.

Get a Friggen CLUE..... life is complicated... life changed from your idyllic wet dream of the fifties..that most of you have only read about...

AS if you are going to get politicians to not play politics..isnt it about time to start actually ACTING like Americans rather than ONLY THE HOLY conservatives and LEFTY EVIL COMMIES as you seem to put everything.

All you end up doing with these whiney little threads where you cant have everything your way is sound like a snot nosed little brat.

Sorry I'm late Vinnie -

Amazon - I think you have a bit of a skewed view of what a conservative is - what you were describing is fascism - repeat after me - Osama bin Laden is a maniacle fascist.

That being said - Conservatives, right wingers, Republicans, mostly synonomous with each other have subtle differences. Conservatism (in my opinion) can be summed up rather quickly.

1)Work for a living - There are jobs there for the taking.

2)Go to school - there are better jobs for those that do.

3)Dont be a sponge - Take responsibility for what you do in your life and quit living on handouts, the "poor me" attitude is expensive to those of us that do pay the most taxes.

4)Less is more - we don't need the government to micromanage our lives.(hmm kinda differs from the whole dictatorship thing, no?) And we assuredly do not need the gov't to tell us what we are capable of. If you take the free ride away, the neccessity to use your own legs becomes prevalent.

Sorry Anvil - didn't mean to hijack, just ran across this absurd analogy of what what it is that I want and had to rebuke.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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The link reflects what I said - poverty knows no racial boundaries. Poor folks of all races.

In the purest sense of the word you are right. However, that is a little too easy to say don't you think. when you look at the numbers, it is quite easy to see that minorities are in far greater numbers under the poverty line. Hence, what is wrong with helping them?

Plus, you easily discard the research poll done with regards to Fox News and misconceptions, but you blow a lid over a story about a letter, with no identified source. Doesn't make much sense to me.

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Look again. Greater percentages - NOT #'s; raw #'s are given by your link as well. Neither predicates support of any racially discriminatory program. Now affirmative action based upon parents' tax returns would be probably supported by conservatives.

The reason the memo is important is due to the committee from which it came. Also, that level of strategy is not 'staffer-level' stuff.

And the poll about Fox doesn't impress me in the least with its scientific merit, for the reasons I posted earlier. I think it's shaky at best. Given the right sampling pool, randomly selected, I could produce some pretty skewed stats myself. I just don't trust an RDD sample on such without further statistical breakdown of other data with regards to the sampling pool presented alongside it for perspetive.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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And the poll about Fox doesn't impress me in the least with its scientific merit, for the reasons I posted earlier. I think it's shaky at best. Given the right sampling pool, randomly selected, I could produce some pretty skewed stats myself. I just don't trust an RDD sample on such without further statistical breakdown of other data with regards to the sampling pool presented alongside it for perspetive.

But you blow a stack over a letter with no identified source reported on Fox News? :S


Look again. Greater percentages - NOT #'s; raw #'s are given by your link as well.

I would think you have to look at percentages, since that would allow you to compares apples to apples since the different groups are different sizes.

Or is this once again going to be an issue were people decide to look at either total numbers or percentages based on what fits their agenda? Similar to the defence spending and aid spending issues?

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Has anyone noticed that AMAZON is just like the democratic party... Bitching and moaning, but not coming up with any new and inventive way to fix what she sees as the problem?

That to me is the main reason why the Democrats are failing.

I too was once a liberal. I too once like Clinton. But then I woke up. Politicians ALL OF THEM are just that. Politicians. I don't hold them to any higher stardard than anyone else. We should, but we can't.

What surprizes me most about people like Amazon is that they make their arrogance so obvious. Most liberals think conservatives are Stipid middle americans. They think they know what is best for the rest of the world and are in capable of seeing it any other way. They get very offended by conservatives and use tactics such as defermation and name calling to scare us.
A conservative making a FACTUAL statement about the black Communities Family crisis: The Liberal label them racist. Or Good old boys...

It is funny how Amazon thinks all the south are good old boy republicans... It is funny how more and more southern Blacks are joining the republican party isn't it... They just must Uncle Tom's... Who Knew.

Don't be so ignorant Amazon, and don't be soo damn frustrated when you don't get your way.


PS- FoxNews gets 51% of the cable news market. That is more than cnn, msnbc, Headline news Combined. But I guess 51% of americans are just stupid...

Comon' liberals keep taking shots at Foxnews - I think you are just scared of the truth.


Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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#'s/percentages. It matters not which metric you use. Poverty knows no racial boundaries either way.

Sorry, I guess I had you pegged for someone who would think more and not make such simple statements.


Not just Fox. Remember - I watch/read CNN as well


Well, then it must be true. Once again, no source identified in eitehr piece, yet you believe it. Yet, the scientific poll is not given any weight whatsoever. Makes no sense to me. Sounds to me like you beleive what you want to believe.:S

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By definition, 50% of americans have IQ's below 100.

:ph34r: Not if the liberal schools get to redefine education the way they want. Then all the kids are above average :ph34r:

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Well Vinny I guess its just time to ban the Democratic Party .. and get down to governing by decree from the leader.

That is what all the Conservatives long for.. no dissent.. dictatorship of the pulpit...Women back in the kitchen and bedrooms where they think they belong...You conservative assholes sound more and more like the Osama Bin Laden crowd actually. They are VERY conservative.. they want a return to the good old days of the 7th century when ISLAM was in its ascendancy.

Get a Friggen CLUE..... life is complicated... life changed from your idyllic wet dream of the fifties..that most of you have only read about...

AS if you are going to get politicians to not play politics..isnt it about time to start actually ACTING like Americans rather than ONLY THE HOLY conservatives and LEFTY EVIL COMMIES as you seem to put everything.

All you end up doing with these whiney little threads where you cant have everything your way is sound like a snot nosed little brat.

Sorry I'm late Vinnie -

Amazon - I think you have a bit of a skewed view of what a conservative is - what you were describing is fascism - repeat after me - Osama bin Laden is a maniacle fascist.

That being said - Conservatives, right wingers, Republicans, mostly synonomous with each other have subtle differences. Conservatism (in my opinion) can be summed up rather quickly.

1)Work for a living - There are jobs there for the taking.

2)Go to school - there are better jobs for those that do.

3)Dont be a sponge - Take responsibility for what you do in your life and quit living on handouts, the "poor me" attitude is expensive to those of us that do pay the most taxes.

4)Less is more - we don't need the government to micromanage our lives.(hmm kinda differs from the whole dictatorship thing, no?) And we assuredly do not need the gov't to tell us what we are capable of. If you take the free ride away, the neccessity to use your own legs becomes prevalent.

Sorry Anvil - didn't mean to hijack, just ran across this absurd analogy of what what it is that I want and had to rebuke.

I agree with (and do or have done) all of that. Why do you folks keep calling me a liberal? Is it just because I think Ashcroft is a fascist?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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There is no thought process involved here dude. Judging people by their race is wrong. I refuse to do so. Those who choose to do so often cite poverty as a reason. Poverty, as the figures you posted show, knows no racial boundaries, so I consider that entire line of defense stupid. Exactly what thought process is involved?

The folks who produced the study you're exhorting about have produced some statistics based upon a random sampling and presented little data other than responses to the questions they asked.

Let's perform a hypothetical study. Suppose you sample 1000 people and ask them if they have had an STD. Publish NOTHING about the demographics of your sample pool other than the results. Is your research, based upon a random sample of people, worth anything? can its results be extrapolated and used accurately to describe the general populace?

No - it's not worth anything and cannot be used to describe the general populace in any manner. Comeliness, age, religious beliefs, physical infirmities, culture, and a myriad of other variables that exist would skew the data. It is impossible to draw credible conclusions which can be extrapolated to the general populace without the added data for perspective.

Such statistics are meaningless. The paper is nice and is of interest, but due to the manner in which its research is presented I have little respect for it.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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