
how not to be shy...

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I need some help. I am going back for a second interview for a job that I really really want tomorrow morning. It's not so much of an interview as an observation to see how i interact with the kids (it's in a pediatric rehab setting). The problem is, I am shy, which I hate. After a few minutes, I'll be fine, but getting this job hinges on tomorrow, and I want to make a really good impression from the minute I get there. If anyone has any tips on how not to be shy, I'd really appreciate it. I'm really just sick of it and am totally ready to not be shy anymore in any aspect of my life, I just can't figure out how to go about doing this. I've become less shy since I started skydiving, but it's time to not be shy anymore...



team swooo
swooo #2

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It's trite but Be Yourself! Obviously you like kids - kids are like animals, they always know if you like them or not. If you normally get along well with kids then you won't have a problem :)
If you're going straight in to the kids, then do what you normally do, introduce yourself and get into it - ask them questions get them talking. If you're speaking the the interviewer first, remember to ask them questions and get them talking - it takes the pressure off you! Stuff like how long they've been in the job, what the place is like to work in, what drew them to the job/the company etc. It shows that you're interested and also gives you a better idea of the place.

Little things on making a good first impression
- be ON TIME (how many people these days are late ggggrrrrr bugs me!)
- nice strong handshake - no limp fish! If you're a girl, too bad learn it, I did
- wear ironed/appropriate clothes
- NO strong perfume
- know the person's name who is interviewing you
- follow up interview with a thank you note & reitierate your interest in the position.
(sorry, gone off on a tangent :)
And above all BEST WISHES (((((VIBES)))))

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You're the adult, they're the kids. You have no reason to be intimidated by them. Now, repeat that to yourself over and over as you are driving to the interview! :)
Do you have to dress up for the interview or can you wear casual clothes since you'll be with the kids? If you can dress casually, wear something skydiving related (t-shirt, closing pin necklace) to open the door for them to start talking to you first about it. Kids love to talk about themselves though, so ask the normal things like, "how old are you? What grade are you in? Do you have any brothers, sisters, pets? What are you going to ask for Christmas?". Stuff like that will get them rolling and should make you more at ease. Oh, and don't forget to smile and have fun!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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On your way there, crank up the stereo in your car, roll up the windows(optional), and scream to the music. It will get you so pumped and going. I do it on the motorcycle ride to work sometimes, Screaming at 6am when its 50 degrees on the highway, Oh yeah. Seriously this will get you unshy of yourself, so you can by unshy to everyone else.

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I used to have that problem until I learned something that takes away the pressure immediately.

At some startegic point early on say these words:

"Sorry. Sometimes I'm a little shy."

That gives you the chance to talk about it. THis, in turn, will show that you are open. Therefore, you won't be shy, as you wil be relaxed.

You can't worry about them thinking you're shy, since they already know you are. And then you won't be.

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I understand how you feel. It takes me a while to warm up to people. In my experience, sometimes being shy at first can unwillingly offend people. If you were called back for a second interview, you probably don't have much to worry about. I agree with the advice to mention that you're shy at first... and also mentioning skydiving to kids would be a great warm up. You'll be their superhero! B|
"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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You're the adult, they're the kids. You have no reason to be intimidated by them. !

Hehehehe:D:D:DYou have never been a high school teacher, have you Andrea:D:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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I just asked the same question here a week ago and I was given some great advice (I got the job).
do a search on "interview advice please" or something like that. good luck!
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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I used to have long hair that I always wore in a ponytail, a goatee, and a worn black leather jacket in highschool. I always quietly sat in the row second from the front and stared at the teacher. They usually left me alone >:(

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Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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I am really shy at first too
one of the things that helps me in situations that you know that you have to be, likeable and scociable is to think in your mind that you have known these kids for all your life. think of something witty to say, approch them with that, and then introduce yourself. good luck and vibes

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