
Teacher for a day

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I signed up for parent day at the Middle School, and the Vice Principal just called and told me they'd love to have me talk about skydiving to some classes all day. Cool, they're letting me shape young minds! >:( Any ideas on what I should do with my presentation to make me the coolest mom in the school?
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Go through the mal portion of a FJC...OH< wait, that's a bad idea.

Take some short video clips of some FF and some swooping. That'll light their fire. Oh, and take your gear, they'll love that (just have your reserve handle secured with your chest strap or something).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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So cool!

When I spoke to middle schoolers I showed a video, and took my gear. I actually pulled my main so they could see it. Before I pulled it, I let one of the students try on my jumpsuit, rig and helmet. I let several of them feel how heavy it was. I also left a lot of time for questions, cuz they will have a ton!!!

HAve fun!


I'm a Doll!!!!

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Bring a short video with lots of MTV style editing (out of the blue comes to mind from what I heard), but keep the video very short, kinda like a teaser.

Keep changing how you present stuff: talking, video, pictures, show and tell. It should keep their interest up.

Finally, wear them pantz things... this way the real teachers wont be too pissed of for you taking over (well, the male teachers...:o:P)

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Definitely either let them pull out your main and touch it, or bring something you don't mind little handprints all over! The video will be cool, but getting to paw a real live parachute will be even cooler. Let us know how it goes!
It's the Year of the Dragon.

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I'm working on a master's in education right now (only 2 classes left! YAY!) and my current professor is fascinated by the way you can use skydiving in making what the students are already learning more real.

I've been to a couple of schools and talked about it, and what the teachers (and kids too!) seem to like is how you can take what they're doing in class and apply it to skydiving.

This is more high school, but my physics teacher friend has borrowed all my videos, and is having the kids calculate stuff like lift, windspeed, and air resistance under canopy. His class is having a blast... they're even building their own parachute models and are dropping eggs with canopies off the roof of the school to test their theories.

My prof is an AP math teacher, and she's got her students calculating the failure rates of parachutes and figuring out the odds of a double mal. The kids are way into this, mainly because its about death, and high schoolers are morbid that way.

Talk to their teacher a few days before... find out what they've been learning in math and science, and see if you can apply it to skydiving. Have they been studying weather? Tell them how different wind speeds affect your canopy. Are they doing geometry? You can talk about angles and flare heights and all that.

Find some way to connect skydiving to what they're doing in class already. The kids will like it because they'll feel like they have some kind of basic knowledge already (and kids LOVE being the experts!) and the teacher is gonna love you, because you're giving her a real-world application for what she's teaching.

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Hmmm..........I agree with AggieDave, bring your rig (reserve handles SECURE) and show some FF and swoop footage. They'll be in awe. B| Another thing is let them know just how safe it is, so they can go home and tell their parents they wanna go!! ;)

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
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We did a demo jump into a gradeschool presentation and the school went absolutely WILD! Be prepared for loads of questions, because those young minds will eat your presentation up, and you'll be the coolest parent EVER in their minds.

Oh, and for those minds that are still back in gradeschool, remind them that blankets, bedsheets and umbrellas won't land them anywhere but in a hospital. :P
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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hmm... is there any way you could land on their field? that'd definitely be cool!

I don't think I'd want to try a demo jump into that area, it is right in the middle of a whole bunch of neighborhoods. Better to just bring my stuff!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Any ideas on what I should do with my presentation to make me the coolest mom in the school?

Surely you already have that title.....:)
I like the "demo jump into the school" idea.....that would be a VERY visual lesson, and they'd remember it forever. I wish someone would have done that when I was a kid.

The biggest problem would be all the 12-13 year-old boys wanting to smack your ass. B|

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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This is more high school, but my physics teacher friend has borrowed all my videos, and is having the .

I go into a physics class at least once a year to talk about skydiving. It relates well to what they are studying. When I was teaching fourth grade I used to give each of my students an egg and a limited amount of other materials to protect their egg. The plan was to drop each of their eggs off the roof of the school building. Those whose egg survived won some school money. Most of them decided to build parachutes. A great activity.....Steve1

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I go into a physics class at least once a year to talk about skydiving. It relates well to what they are studying.

Was teaching a college pre-calc course and showed them a video of some guy doing an eight second delay during Bridge Day (open, splash) and told them to compute the height of the bridge. Naturally they assumed a perfect world (Kids!) and came up a little short, but everyone seemed to enjoy it.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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I did this a few times at some nursing homes, talking about skydiving. I brought my gear, etc, and it was packed. I showed them the de3ployment sequence from pulling the hackey to line stretch, then let some audience members help pack it. showed lots of videos, talked about emergency procedures, they loved it. :)

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I signed up for parent day at the Middle School, and the Vice Principal just called and told me they'd love to have me talk about skydiving to some classes all day. Cool, they're letting me shape young minds! >:( Any ideas on what I should do with my presentation to make me the coolest mom in the school?

Talk about how much beer we drink.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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And tequilla.......errrr....maybe not

I think the gear with zip-tied reserve handle would be a great idea. Props always rule. If kids can touch something, they get a feel for it. I don't know if I'd like to pack more than once or twice without jumping, but packing and unpacking sounds like a good way to show off the rig. That and some video.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Surely you already have that title.....

Ohhhh... will you stop your sucking up Don.......

Don's met me in person and has seen the light. I'm sure you'll come to that conclusion also after meeting me in Eloy. :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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And tequilla.......errrr....maybe not

I think the gear with zip-tied reserve handle would be a great idea. Props always rule. If kids can touch something, they get a feel for it. know .

Just don't forget to untie the reserve handle when you go to jump again. Maybe tie it with something big and colorful, so you won't miss it.....

I had a friend who burned in, back in the old days. He forgot that he placed a pack opening band over his reserve rip-cord handle. He was traveling, by car, and didn't want to snag the handle on his chest mounted reserve by accident. As luck would have it, on his first jump, he had a malfunction, cut away, and fought his reserve handle all the way into the ground. Such a serious mistake is easy to miss....Steve1

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