
Your new Dreamhouse: A 727!

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I've actually been thinking about this for a while. Not the who airplane as a house, but purchasing a fuselage and converting it. I read about a woman doing it, and it looked really cool. She had a hot tub in the cockpit. I think that if I did it, I'd try to make it look like the aftermath of a crash...

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That would be fun, but not a quarter-million dollars' worth of fun.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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You could put an "airplane crash" room in that mansion you work in! Complete with passenger-sized holes in the wall.

Don't think that I haven't already suggested that! Complete with aquariums along the windows for that "submerged plane" look. That was my concept for the home theater.

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Screw the trailer house I want a 727!

According to their website the airplane is guaranteed to no longer fly.

Damn... i missed the auction for the Missile Silo Home that actually looks pretty cool.. runway included.

a friend of mine's mom is a real estate agent upstate NY (where this silo home is, near Plattsburgh) they went for over a million when they were first on the market, they are cool, although no sunlight would kind of suck.

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No sunlight would definitely suck. But then it's probably the safest place to be during a nuclear war.

Then when you are the only one left with the cockroaches, that's when the real SUCKS begin.:D

My other ride is the relative wind.

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Wow. I was searching on ebay tonight and found this again - the old links seem to be broken.

Think this would fit the slots at the DZ?

you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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