
clean flat surfaces

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What is it about a clean flat surface that invites people to place things on it?

Is it that clean flat surfaces are unnatural and things piled on said surface are more in tune with physical reality?

Or could it be aesthetic? Perhaps things piled on flat surfaces are more pleasing to, or easier on, the eye?

I dunno. I do know that whenever I create a clean flat surface it doesn't take long before someone puts something(s) on it.

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see I ask the same question about a clean empty sink.

some people see a clean empty sink and think, "hey this looks nice! If I rinse my dish when I'm done with it and put it in the dishwasher, it will still look nice!"

other people see a clean empty sink and think, "hey look at all this room for me to pile disgusting shit!"

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AMEN!! I recently bought my first kitchen table and had full intentions of eating at it every night, you know the family thing. Within 3 hours my wife had the whole entire surface of the table had been covered with all kinds of crap!! that was 6 months ago, I havent eaten at my table since.

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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see I ask the same question about a clean empty sink.

some people see a clean empty sink and think, "hey this looks nice! If I rinse my dish when I'm done with it and put it in the dishwasher, it will still look nice!"

other people see a clean empty sink and think, "hey look at all this room for me to pile disgusting shit!"


I have a freakin' dishwasher, right there!!!! I never ever leave clean dishes in it. Why do you insist on putting dishes in the sink, filled with water, so I have to get all sloppy and gross trying to fill up my Brita.

Whoa....sorry dude....that shit just made me flash back to an ex.

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see I ask the same question about a clean empty sink.

some people see a clean empty sink and think, "hey this looks nice! If I rinse my dish when I'm done with it and put it in the dishwasher, it will still look nice!"

other people see a clean empty sink and think, "hey look at all this room for me to pile disgusting shit!"

Rinse? You rinse?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Didn't you take high school chemistry? The process is called osmosis. Basically osmosis says that if you have an area of less stuff, and an area of more stuff, the stuff tends to diffuse to the area of less stuff. Works for bacteria, plants, lofts and lab benches.

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A golf club can cure this problem RIGHT up

One of those grill lighters with no fluid works even better. You have to put up with some stink, but they'll learn real quick.

>:( cats! >:(
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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