
Plans not set in stone for this weekend?

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OK, if your plans aren't set in stone for this weekend - everyone come visit us in Sebastian. Lisa wants to practice her new found canopy skills and it's been a few weeks since we've had more than a couple dz.commers kicking around here so we've decided to throw a little pre-holiday fun everyones way. Lift tickets (you know you pay for the ride not the jump) are going to be $15.00 from this Friday, December 12 - Monday, December 15th.

Anyone interested?

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My accuracy is getting better. I hereby challenge everyone to hit and chug on Saturday evening. Winner gets a $20 gift certificate at The Drop Shop.

Send me a ticket and you're on!:D

Edit to add: I'll even buy the beer!;)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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Wow, that would be awesome. Unfortunately, I am such a bum that I haven't bothered sending away for my license yet (I really need to get on that). Maybe next time. You kiddies all enjoy yourselves!
-Converting the world one whuffo at a time.

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you know thats almost tempting except i need every dime i can save for eloy. i stay here and i make money jumping instead of spending it. dont get me wrong i am having withdrawls from lack of the bytch but boogie time is just around the corner......maybe another time.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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Damn, sounds like fun. . .but I better finish AFF, work on getting my A license and change coasts first. . .

Shucks, ya all have fun, K!
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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I'll double Lisa's twenty spot if you can land that thing in the peas.


Hmmm......sounds like a challenge to me.... Let me get a FEW jumps on the thing before I try to land it, though..

I'll throw a $20 in there too........is that incentive enough, Mike ? :)

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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What else ya got?;)


Well shoot... you got me there ::grin:: But I figured I would make a trip to my home DZ this weekend so I can get eveything signed off. I just have a few more things that haven't been signed. Besides, not a member just yet ::wink::
-Converting the world one whuffo at a time.

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Now that's a silly question. Funny thing is, there is actually a perfectly good, medical explanation. My brother's fiancee is a nurse and she and I were talking about this. The term 'adrenaline junkie' is not too far off. Some people actually become addicted to the adrenaline rush. Just like any other drug, they will start to crave it. Some people will actually become irrational if they don't get it.
-Converting the world one whuffo at a time.

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Irrational is kind of a harsh word, I know everyone loves jumping and all, but to really be that addicted?
I mean come on! I haven't jumped for three days and I feel perfectly......
Shut the hell up dogs! I'm trying to type!!!!
"Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"

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The skyvan is still down for it's whatever they are doing to it right now. When it is ready for the trip south it will head this way. It will only be in Sebastian for a weekend a month.

We didn't fly it enough last year. So if we want it back and want to jump it more - we need to drag our butts and all of our friends butts out to the airport and actually skydive as much as we can. I'll see if I can get any kind of actual schedule for it BUT even if I do - you know how those things are. By the time I type it here, it will already have changed and will keep on changing right up until the last second.

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