
Beat it, kitten!

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Snicker giggle...I really have a problem. This cute lil' kitten keeps making it's way into my garage and into/on top of our cars, and into our back yard, and just won't GO AWAY!! It's got to belong to someone, because it has a flea collar and is well-fed...but the thing is over every day & my kids are allergic.

-and yeah, the first thing I thought of when I saw this kitten was this website, unfortunately! :S:P
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It's a cat. He'll go where he wants. If he gets in your garage, find out how and lock it down a bit better.

As for putting a note on the collar, what good is that going to do:P hahaha....
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We've had many cats in my family throughout the years and one of the cats that we owned ended up being a baby factory for 2 years because we couldn't afford to have her fixed.

One day we got a call from the neighbors saying that our cat had her kittens in their garage and she could hear them meowing at night and they kept her awake. So we go over there to get them out, but the garage is so horribly trashed that we couldn't find them in amongst all the stuff. Finally, we got the mother cat to go in there and we followed her to the kittens and got them out. They were not even little tiny kittens either! They must have been in there for like a month or 2 and we had no idea! After that we found the money to get the cat fixed and vowed to always have boy cats from then on.
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Here that . . . >click click< . . . that is the sound of inevitability.


Put a note on the flea collar for his owners.

best of both worlds: write notes on the bottom of a few mouse traps filled with catnip and leave them around your garage.

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So what exactly do you want us to do to help you?

...I honestly was looking for suggestions...I've never owned a cat, so I'm not sure how to 'shoo' it away. I kept yelling at it 'Go home kitty. Bye-bye, kitty. BEAT IT, CAT!!' and tried scaring it away. The thing just loves my house. [:/]

Any other suggestions for killing kittens? ( :D I know, I know...wrong crowd to ask that one! :D )
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Any other suggestions for killing kittens?

You are not seriously thinking of killing it, are you?

You've said it yourself. That's someone's pet. Someone loves that little guy.

Here's what you do.

Take a pix. Put it onto a flyer. Say "FOUND" and "living in my garage". Post the flyers around the area. Let them know where they can retreive the wee thing, and then help them figure out how to keep the little guy home where he belongs.

But don't kill him. There is absolutely no reason to do that.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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Jaye, I thought you were joking...but as I sit here, with my three adopted kitties (all three stray or feral), I thought I'd just make sure.

If he's always there, he really may be lost. Give the flyer thing a try.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Of course I was kidding. I was referencing other threads of a comic nature with that statement. I wouldn't kill the kitten.

That's Ivan's job....:D

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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ultra high sonic detterent.

Not sure where you can pick one up over there, but it will emit a very high frequency that is inaudible to humans, but that kittys wont like.

No harm done, just no more cats. I'm guessing as your youngans are allergic you dont have any other pets? Most other animals aren't too keen on the high pitch...
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Snicker giggle...I really have a problem. This cute lil' kitten keeps making it's way into my garage and into/on top of our cars, and into our back yard, and just won't GO AWAY!! It's got to belong to someone, because it has a flea collar and is well-fed...but the thing is over every day & my kids are allergic.

-and yeah, the first thing I thought of when I saw this kitten was this website, unfortunately! :S:P

Do what you should - Go get a good video - pop it in the VCR - and do away with the little fucker!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Any other suggestions for killing kittens?

You are not seriously thinking of killing it, are you?

You've said it yourself. That's someone's pet. Someone loves that little guy.

They must not love him too much if they let him wander around everyone elses property.

This is the problem with pet owners. THey think their pets have the right to trespass.

Here is what I would do.

Take a picture of the cat. Then catch it and take it to the Inhumane society. Then post notes all over town with the cats picture saying "If this is your cat it is at the Humane Society and will most likely be put to sleep if you do not claim it."

See if you ever see that cat again. Pet owners should have more respect for their neighbors. I had a cat that always slept on my car. He scratched the hell out of my paint. Then one night he decides to sleep in the engine compartment. My wife came out and started the car and heard a god awful noise. She opens the hood and there in the fan shroud is this cat shredded but alive. Needless to say he never scratched my paint again. Pet owners take more responsibility and things like this would not happen.

Oh and I shed no tears over the cat but my wife cried like a girl. . .go figure.

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Call you local government (city, county, whatever) and find out what the laws about cats are. Some have the equivalent of leash laws.

Do the note thing but put on it that next time the cat comes over it is going to the humane society.

"Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening."
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It's easy. Just get rid of the kids, keep the cat and no more problems with them being allergic to it.;)

Or just feed them Benadryl and keep all of them.

"If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive."
Josh Whipple 7/15/70-2/10/05

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