
BUSH...A good president???

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Since it seems like there are so many Bush supporters with in the skydiving community could someone please tell what good he has done for our country. All I can see is bad stuff tlike taking away our civil liberties and rolling back laws that protect our environment. Is the economy booming? Are we safer now? It is an enigma to me why so many can stand behind our president while he continues to bring our brothers and sister to die in unjust combat based on corporate greed. Saddam and Ossama are both evil people that dont deserve to live, but there were other ways to do it. Thanks for listening to me

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It's Christmas. I won't be drawn into such on Christmas. If I forget to respond to this later, somebody PM me to remind me.

Merry Christmas to all,

Vinny the Anvil
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I have to say I agree. I think, however, the reason skydivers might lean a little toward the republican side however is because many have military background. But, if I was in the military, I'd want a CiC (that's commander in chief) that wouldn't put my life at risk so his buddies could get no-bid contracts in Iraq's soon to be booming oil industry. If threat was the reason for invasion why aren't we in North Korea? If "liberation" was our justification where were all these Hawks when Clinton liberated the people under Milosovich's tyrrany without losing an American soldier's life. Oh wait, that's right, they said we had no business being there. :P

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Merry Christmas from America's Veterans.

Just as long as you appreciate your right to speak out against your government without fear of being shot in a backroom of some remote outpost and thrown on a pile of bodies where noone will ever know what happened to you[:/]. And as long as you remember the men and women who ensure you keep that right no matter how wrong your opinion is :P.

And lastly, do you think that the men and women who go to fight for America are stupid? Do you think they would go, with pride and honor and a sense of duty, to support corporate greed? Is it just possible that there is far more going on than anybodies personal biases will let them see. We who serve have as much information as you do. In fact we probably have more information than you do since the media is predominately liberally biased and that is your only exposure to what is going on. Let's give the men and women who serve this country a little more credit and stop and think maybe there is more to this than corporate greed.

How about this . . .

Would you rather the war against terrorism was fought here, on the streets of America or in the backyard of those who perform the acts of terror. You have a safe Christmas this year because those who serve have moved the focus from here to there by going over their. They draw the fire away from you so that you can be with your family. THAT is why we are over there. THAT is why you have seen no attacks here since 9/11. THAT is why American soldiers from all FIVE branches are dying and missing first christmases, births of sons and daughters, last christmases with grandparents.

Enjoy your safe and quiet holiday America. It is being paid for.

But no it must be because GWB wants to help fatten the wallets of the big business fat cats with rebuild contracts. It could not possibly be to protect America because as we know Republicans only care about the almighty dollar.

Merry Christmas

I do apologize for the slight anger I feel here and I was just going to say Merry Christmas, but as a verteran it pisses me off that so many people think we are mindless automatons who only follow orders no matter how stupid they are. Only someone who never served would believe this is how the military really works.

Thought of just deleting this and then thought better of it . . .

Merry Christmas everybody. Happy New Year and may God knock your socks off with the blessings He bestows on you.

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Enjoy your safe and quiet holiday America. It is being paid for.

But no it must be because GWB wants to help fatten the wallets of the big business fat cats with rebuild contracts. It could not possibly be to protect America because as we know Republicans only care about the almighty dollar.

Merry Christmas

If it were truly about the terrorist threat, or the threat of weapons of mass distruction, we would have been in many places other than Iraq. Heck, there are many places I would support the invasion of, for instance, North Korea where we've got Kim Jung Il screaming "HEY, LOOK OVER HERE, WE GOT DA NOOKS!!!" or Indonesia where terrorism and support thereof is much more a problem than it ever was in Iraq (the only reason Ansar Al Islam thrived in Northern Iraq was our no fly zones, otherwise Saddam would have killed them (the terrorists) off years ago). But, when the people who are now telling us we have to stay in Iraq for who knows how many years are the same people who right up till September 11 were telling us that we needed to go breaking international treaties and spending billions of taxpayer dollars to develop a system to shoot down ICBMs in space, I find this whole Iraq thing a little fishy. A lot of good their pre-911 decisions did us against those 747s. Listen, I don't think that the people in the military are stupid. And I am very grateful that they do what they do and do it so well. But, their leaders definitely are capable of making mistakes and to question the decisions of our elected officials is in no way unpatriotic, in fact, particularly when it comes to matters of risking our own citizens lives, it is quite possibly one of the most patriotic things an American can do.

PS, with AssCroft et al out there telling us we better watch what we say, I don't think we really can feel comfortable criticizing our government. Have we forgotten McCarthyism or the alien and sedition acts so quickly?

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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I have to say I agree. I think, however, the reason skydivers might lean a little toward the republican side however is because many have military background. But, if I was in the military, I'd want a CiC (that's commander in chief) that wouldn't put my life at risk so his buddies could get no-bid contracts in Iraq's soon to be booming oil industry

Its clear you were never in the military.

I want a strong military....


If threat was the reason for invasion why aren't we in North Korea?

No one from N Korea has attacked the US. N Korea is just trying to stay alive...They don't support terror networks.

Yes Bush is doing a good job.

The economy is showing great signs of recovery.

We have not had another attack on American soil.

An evil leader that supported terroists is gone.

All this an not one blowjob from an intern
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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If threat was the reason for invasion why aren't we in North Korea?

No one from N Korea has attacked the US. N Korea is just trying to stay alive...They don't support terror networks.

Well, no one from Iraq had attacked the US either.... for that matter, Bush Sr. and Donnie-boy Rumsfeld and Saddam were all buddies until Saddam got too big for his britches... But oh, it was ok that we were selling them wmd back then... I mean, it served our interest right??

I'm all for a strong military, hell, I think we should raise military salaries by at least a good 50%. But not while cutting taxes for the top one half of one percent of income earners though...

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Well, no one from Iraq had attacked the US either

You seemed to avoid the whole SUPPORTING terror networks part of my reply.

Saddam did, N'Korea does not.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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It's Christmas. I won't be drawn into such on Christmas. If I forget to respond to this later, somebody PM me to remind me.

Dude, why bother responding at all? Do you see anything in this thread that rises above a basic level of unoriginal, lamentatious, and regurgitated spittle?

To me, this thread appears to be profoundly un-inspired, aka another troll that offers a bland dish of sophomoric whining, but no interesting alternatives or solutions to anything.

. . =(_8^(1)

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Well, no one from Iraq had attacked the US either

You seemed to avoid the whole SUPPORTING terror networks part of my reply.

Saddam did, N'Korea does not.

Sorry for "avoiding" it, I kinda got tired of typing. What evidence has been offered that Saddam was "supporting" terror networks? While it may be possible, in general, Saddam's policies ( i.e. not instituting an Islamic theocracy) tend to piss off the radical Islamic fundamentalists almost as much as we do. I think they were particularly pissed at him for inviting us over there by invading Kuwait in '91. Even still, if the terrorist thing is your argument, I have already pointed out that there would have been better places to invade than Iraq.... Indonesia, Syria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia... the list goes on and on, 15 of 19 911 hijackers were from where? Saudi Arabia. How many of 19 September 11th hijackers from Iraq? 0. Hmm... Seems to me if we're under the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes, there might be some more worthy places to be pre-empting.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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The top 0.5% pretty much pay our salaries. Chances are they won't give themselve's pay cuts but most are smart enough to know that happy workers are good workers. The theory behind the tax cuts is to give them the opportunity to spread the wealth further. If big business fails then so does our economy so I for one am in support of said tax cuts. It may not seem fair but who said life was supposed to be fair?

Does our government look out for it's best interest? I should hope so. Otherwise I would think it wouldn't last very long.

I'm not in the military but many of my friends are or at least were at one time or another. The media can only tell us what they know and I'm willing to believe they don't have the whole picture. If the general public knew everything then so would our enemies and that would only serve to enganger the lives of my friends who are deployed. Sometimes we can't just sit around and wait for them to come over and break our stuff before we act.

The executive branch is one of 3 parts of our government yet so many act as if it's all powerful. I'm willing to believe that GWB is not alone in these decisions.

Unrest in the mid-east has been present for as long as I can remember. As long as we keep a military foothold there we have the opportunity to put a lot of it in check before it gets out of hand. If we pull out too soon we run the risk of it all happening again.

If you haven't already done so and happen to get the opportunity, go visit ground zero. It's very well cleaned up at this point but a few items of interest that were damaged in the attack are on display as reminders to what can happen if we become too complacent. Seeing this brought it all to a new level of reality to me. For all I know you may have lost loved ones in the attack. If that is the case then my heart goes out to you. Still, if this could happen then what next? There comes a time when we have to say, "Enough is enough. I'm not taking it any more" or better yet, "Ow!! Quit it!."

Saddam had already displayed his lack of value for human life. He was indeed getting too big foir his britches and I believe it was only a matter of time before he would have attacked us.

This is all just my opinion. There are no personal attacks intended in any of what I'm posting. It's just that with all that's being said I didn't feel comfortable keeping quiet. I'm glad we live in a country where we can voice our opinions in open forum without the threat of incarceration.

(ok - I'm done):)

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The top 0.5% pretty much pay our salaries.

Sorry, but I gotta call BS on this one.

I used to work for one of the largest companies with one of the most highly paid CEOs on the planet.

While this particular person may have -controlled- a lot of money, he didn't pay me a dime. The people that pay your salary are the people buying the products. I believe this is true in most business from the largest to the smallest.

If you doubt me, just see what happens when people stop buying for a few weeks.

Mr Big Shot CEO still usually has a job, but folks like me . . . well, they stop getting paid.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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From the responses I've seen so far I am inclined to agree with you my friend. Anger from gregory - quite warranted I believe - and moronic blather from elsewhere.

For the record, I don't think Bush is a great president but don't feel he's doing a bad job either. I think I'd rate him better than average right now. None of the buffoons running against him have the potential to be even average.

I'm still in the Christmas spirit and plan on staying that way for a while. Think I'll start my own thread after the holiday spirit has left me or come back to this one if it's still going.

Gregory - your anger is warranted.

That's it. I'm going to eat a nice chocolate covered pretzel and have a beer with my Dad.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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The top 0.5% pretty much pay our salaries.

Sorry, but I gotta call BS on this one.

I used to work for one of the largest companies with one of the most highly paid CEOs on the planet.

While this particular person may have -controlled- a lot of money, he didn't pay me a dime. The people that pay your salary are the people buying the products. I believe this is true in most business from the largest to the smallest.

Yes but those buying the products don't distribute the salaries (as you pointed out). That's what I was was trinying to say (apparently not very well).

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Well, fair or unfair, the tax cut was a stupid move. What did they tell us, "give us 5 billion dollars and we'll give you 1 million new jobs." Where are those new jobs. If you've been keeping up with other posts around here (see Cold Mountain boycott), you'll find that many are going to India. But the stock market's BOOMING they tell us. Great, so all those rich folk that could "ride out" the recession are now even richer and they can hire even more Indian's to tell them why there cell phone, laptop, PDA or whatever they bought from Japan isn't working.

But, as far as the war is concerned... I think the ease with which our boys swept through Iraq showed us just how much of a threat Saddam really was. I doubt we'd find it quite so easy in Syria or Saudi Arabia for that matter. Listen, Saddam is/was definitely a bad guy. Bad enough to risk American soldiers lives? That I don't think. Are there instances in which it is definitely worth the risk? Yes, and as I said before, I'd wholeheartedly support an invasion of Saudi Arabia or maybe just a toppling of there tyrranous royal party. But wait, they're our friends.... right

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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None of the buffoons running against him have the potential to be even average.

Of all of the people we might be able to vote for next November, who would you say is the most well educated?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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None of the buffoons running against him have the potential to be even average.

Of all of the people we might be able to vote for next November, who would you say is the most well educated?

Dean or Edwards... Definitely not my father's name got me a degree Bush.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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