
Gun Control Laws Don't Work!

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Thank you for that commercial interruption. I needed to run into the kitchen and refresh my peach ice tea anyway.

And those are some cool T-shirts!

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Interestingly, action shooter Jerry Miculek recently fired five shots in .57 of a second...

...with a revolver.

Miculek then fired a 10-gun record attempt. In the 10-gun attempt, he fired 10 different, stock revolvers which were laid on a table in front of him. His total time for 60 rounds from 10 guns was 17.12 seconds, beating the old record (set by Ed McGivern in 1932) by nearly three seconds.

Maybe we should ban him.[:/]


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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You haven't really provided much to distinguish cars from guns...

You left out half of what I posted, and most of the restrictions on guns you mention are current, and you'd like to get rid of them.

If guns were regulated just like cars I doubt you'd really like it much.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm glad to hear that. OK, let's treat guns just like cars. We'll register our guns just like cars and license gun owners, just like driver's licenses.

But in return, you'll have to grant gun owners the following favors, just like cars:

No problem, just remember, you will have to carry insurance on the misuse of the firearm to carry it in public, just like a vehicle. :)

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It also shows a basic distrust in the judgement of your fellow citizens...

Actually it is quite opposite.

I trust that the majority of my fellow citizens do not want to harm and kill me. Hence, I don't carry a gun to protect myself.

You on the other hand don't trust the judgement of your fellow citizens and feel that you need a gun to protect yourself.

PS. one of the links in your proof does not exist.

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I trust that the majority of my fellow citizens do not want to harm and kill me. Hence, I don't carry a gun to protect myself.

You on the other hand don't trust the judgement of your fellow citizens and feel that you need a gun to protect yourself.

I don't think that's a fair statement. I think everyone recognizes that the majority of our (and your) citizens are fine, upstanding, people. It's the minority we need to worry about. Do you disagree?

"Like" - The modern day comma
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don't think that's a fair statement. I think everyone recognizes that the majority of our (and your) citizens are fine, upstanding, people. It's the minority we need to worry about. Do you disagree?

according to John I could not possibly agree since I do not trust the judgement of my fellow citizens. But I am sure that was a fair statement to make, wasn't it Jimbo?

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Criminals by definition break certain portions of the law, otherwise they wouldn't be criminals now would they?

Then how can you possibly believe that passing laws forbidding criminals from carrying guns, could actually be effective at preventing them from doing so?

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It also shows a basic distrust in the judgement of your fellow citizens...

Actually it is quite opposite. I trust that the majority of my fellow citizens do not want to harm and kill me. Hence, I don't carry a gun to protect myself.

Then why would you be afraid of them carrying a gun for self-defense against criminals, since you admit they aren't a threat to you? As long as you're not a criminal, you don't have anything to worry about.


You on the other hand don't trust the judgement of your fellow citizens and feel that you need a gun to protect yourself.

No, I trust the law-abiding citizens to act responsibly, even if they carry a gun for self-defense. It is only the criminals I don't trust.

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It also shows a basic distrust in the judgement of your fellow citizens...

Actually it is quite opposite. I trust that the majority of my fellow citizens do not want to harm and kill me. Hence, I don't carry a gun to protect myself.

Then why would you be afraid of them carrying a gun for self-defense against criminals, since you admit they aren't a threat to you? As long as you're not a criminal, you don't have anything to worry about.


You on the other hand don't trust the judgement of your fellow citizens and feel that you need a gun to protect yourself.

No, I trust the law-abiding citizens to act responsibly, even if they carry a gun for self-defense. It is only the criminals I don't trust.

All criminals were once law abiding citizens. How will you know which law abiding citizens are going to go bad?

How do you know which law abiding citizens will fail to properly secure their firearms so they can be easily stolen and enter the criminal world?

How do you know which law abiding citizens will snap in a moment of stress and shoot the guy who cut them off in traffic?

How do you know which law abiding citizens have children ingenious enough to find and play with their father's guns?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Look, guns don't kill people, bullets don't kill people (lead poisoning and interior damage don't kill people)

'people' kill people.

Let's legislate that you can't have 'people' without proper locks and permits and a 9 month waiting period. Fully under government control - we'll call it 'school'. Automatic versions of 'people' are not allowed as they don't follow the standard definitions of the DFL and can't be placed in any bucket to pander to.

'People' can only be loaded in special ranges, let's call them 'bars'.

Definitely uneducated or criminals can't have these 'people' as it takes too much training and they can't be trusted with 'people' unless strictly controlled by the government.

and so on and so forth

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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"We need bullet control.. Make it cost $5k per bullet "

Then if anyone got shot, you'd say, "Damn...he musta did something wrong. They spent fitty thousand dollars worth of bullets on him."

Fuck that, I like guns. If you got a gun, you don't need to work out...
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Then if anyone got shot, you'd say, "Damn...he musta did something wrong. They spent fitty thousand dollars worth of bullets on him."


And we'd know who did it because they would go back and collect their bullets :P

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We need bullet control.. Make it cost $5k per bullet

That would suck, but only because I would just have to use my Dillon XL 650 progressive reloader a little more often.:P

BTW, I think you might have meant "cartridge," because a "bullet" is the projectile component of the cartridge. Either way, I can start casting when I run out of the 6-7000 bullets I have sitting around to use in the above reloader.:)


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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PMing, as to avoid feeding the trolls.


Funny how you run to the P.M. button when jimbo brings up a very valid point .

He did have a valid point. I addressed it with him, hoping to carry on a pleasant conversation by PM. No slight at all to Jimbo. But I figured that he and I could carry on a more civil conversation without interference by some of the aforementioned trolls.



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